There is a new booking system at Mseleni Hospital where you can make your
appointment to be seen by a doctor at your preferred time of the day.
Who can book?
Patients who are referred from
clinics and/ or asked to come back by the Out-Patient department. If a patient
has not been seen by the clinic, they will have to start at Gateway Clinic.
How does the booking system works?
You can physically visit Mseleni
Hospital Out-Patient Department
Administration and make your booking with assistance of the clerk for your
preferred day and time. Alternatively you can phone on 035 574 1004 extension
160 and make your booking.
Booked patient should arrive 15 minutes before the appointment time to collect
their records, results and do their check ups. They will then be seen by the
next doctor available. It is hoped they will be seen within 1 hour of
Patients who book but arrive late will have to join queue of non-booked patients and wait their turn.
Patients wishing to book to see a specific doctor will continue to make
arrangements as before by
contacting doctor or clerk and be
required to pay the hospital at the private hospital patient’s rate.
Un-booked patients will be seen by doctors as usual through
normal queues.
Booked times are available from 9am to 3pm on Mondays to
Names of the booked patients will be written on blackboard so that everyone can
see no one is being unfairly fast tracked; however emergency patients will
continue to be treated as a priority.
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Copyright © KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health, 2001