Hundreds of attendants gathered at Amandawe Junior Primary School on the 6th of
September 2012, despite bad weather to celebrate the school being launched as a
Health Promoting School. Incorporated with the celebration was a commemoration
of National Reading week, where all South African citizens are encouraged to
read and share a book for a better tomorrow. A Health Promoting School (HPS) is a place where all members of the school community work, learn, live and play together to promote the health and well being of learners, staff, parents and the wider community. According to Mrs Mavis Munsami, a programme manager from Ugu Health District responsible for Health Promotion in schools; Amandawe JP, its stakeholders and the surrounding community should be very proud of this achievement because it is the 23rd school to be launched in Ugu District. Scottburgh Education Circuit Manager, Mr Bheki Mdluli was the Guest of Honour and in his speech he emphasized and instilled the importance of reading and learning in communities. He encouraged parents to get deeply involved in their children’s education and school activities. |
The school’s environment, the community, the leaner's, educators and other school
staff members’ health status are enhanced by the health and hygiene practices
that are shared under the HPS project. Mrs Ntombizanele Nyuswa, the principal of the school thanked all key stakeholders who partnered in making the launch a success. Attendants were kept smiling with educational entertainment from the scholars and the teachers which included topics such as HIV/Aids, Unsafe Sex, Teenage pregnancy, drugs and alcohol abuse, importance of education and elder respect, saying no to strangers and peer pressure and a lot more.
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