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A human milk bank is a service that screens, collects, processes and distributes human breast milk. The recipients of the breast milk are vulnerable pre-term and sick babies and special cases where mothers are unable to supply sufficient milk for their babies. This milk has been donated by volunteer breastfeeding mothers who are not related to the recipient babies.
Mothers interested in donating their excess breast milk undergo a screening procedure. This includes a questionnaire and health screening. All donated breast milk is tested, pasteurised, and frozen and ready to be supplied to vulnerable babies in need.
All healthy breastfeeding women can donate breast milk
Other criteria include:
Pasteurised human milk is given to vulnerable babies. These include premature babies, low birth-weight babies and abandoned/orphaned babies.
Human milk is easily digested by a premature baby. It provides immune factors that protect the baby against infections, allergies & illnesses. Breast milk provides all the nutrients babies require to grow in the first 6 months of the life.
Human Milk Banks are a safe way of providing safe breast milk to babies who need it the most. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently asked countries to promote the safe use of donor milk through human milk banks for vulnerable babies.
Milk banks are at the following public health facilities:
Made by Mom is a campaign launched by the KwaZulu Initiative for Breastfeeding Support (KIBS) to promote breast-feeding in order to reduce the high incidence of infant and under-5 mortality rate. KIBS is also establishing Human Milk Banks in 11 districts in KwaZulu-Natal for mothers who are unable to breast-feed their babies. The Made By Mom Blog will provide ongoing, up-to-date information about the campaign.
This page last edited on
22 May, 2023
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