Ceza Hospital was established in 1916 as a Swedish mission hospital, with two rondavels. The number of patients increased so six rondavels were built for patients, a building with Out patients Department and home with twelve beds for maternity patients was established. The first Doctor arrived and stayed in a round hut which belonged to the Parsonage. The second Doctor was placed at Ceza by the Missionaries from 1939 to 1943. In the fourties two more huts and a house containing two rooms each for five patients were added. There was a shortage of trained staff. The nurses’ training school started in January 1941, one of the patients hut was renovated and turned into a lecture room. The actual building of the new Ceza Hospital was supposed to begin in 1948, but funds were frozen from Sweden due to World War II. A proper brick building including several wards and other facilities were erected in the late fifties. These were well equipped. The official opening of the complete new Ceza Hospital was done in 1952. A Doctors’ house was built in 1953 and a new Paediatric ward was built in early sixties. New developments: Bethamoya Dining Hall and the main kitchen were built in the seventies. Three Doctors houses’ to add on top of the four houses were built in the late nineties, the Physiotherapy Department was erected in 2000. A second floor was added at Anna Berntsson (AB) home for Professional Nurses and two flats for Matrons and Tutors in 2001. New male quarters, Central Stores, Transport Office, Maintenance Department, Security Guards’ house, Tuck shop, Boiler house and the Mortuary were built in 2001. A new parking area, the hospital entrance and the road inside the hospital was paved. Renovation of all houses, the wards and the departments is in process. The hospital has opened new many services. Two Park homes have been added on top of two classrooms due to the doubled intake of students. There are six Residential clinics, five R.D.P. clinics and one old clinic. The hospital is looking forward to have a new hospital structure as approved in the multi -year plan.
This page last edited on
19 May, 2023
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