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Provincial Hospital Contact Details

 Hospital Category No. of inpatient beds CEO Postal Address Physical Address Tel/Cell/Fax Number E-mail
Addington Hospital Regional 471 Dr M Ndlangisa P. O. Box 977 Durban 4000 16 Erskine Terrace South Beach, Durban Tel: (031) 327 2002
Fax:(031) 327 2453

Please use alternate numbers: 063-673-7190 / 072-546-2377 / 072-546-4276

Appelsbosch Hospital  District 140 Mr TL Gwele P/ Bag X215 Ozwathini 3242 From PMB, take Greytown road and then take Wartburg rd. Go past Wartburg, do not turn at Dalton, carry on until you reach the sugar mill, then turn right and pass Fawnleas, Glenside, Montebello and Appelsbosch Supermarket (on left). Then look for sign for Appelsbosch hospital Tel: (032)  294 0022
Cell: 066 484 4353
Fax: (032) 294 0126

Alt. no. 082 926 7634




Benedictine Hospital District 363 Dr ZM Khumalo
P/Bag X5007 Nongoma 3950 Main Road, Nongoma Tel: (035) 831 7000
Fax:(035) 831 0740
Bethesda Hospital District 200 Mr MI Mathe
P/Bag X602 Umbombo 3970 N2 North to Mkuze, left at T-junction, 3 km to Ubombo, turn right and go 18 km Tel:(035) 595 3100
Fax: (035) 595 1973


Catherine Booth Hospital  District 126 Mrs BR Msomi P/ Bag X105 Amathikulu 3801 N2 North from Gingindlovu to Amatikulu Sugar Mill, turn right and travel 12 km along gravel road through sugar cane and banana fields until you reach the hospital.  The route is well sign-posted. Tel: 035 474 8407
Fax: (035) 474 7694 / 086 248 0976
Ceza Hospital District 120   P/Bag X200 Ceza 3866 Go to Ulundi , from King Dinizulu Highway go about 20 km's North to Ceza hospital. Tel: (035) 832 5000
Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital
District 349 Mr RSM Ngcobo P/Bag X5503 Nquthu 3135 Lot 92, Hlubi Street,Nquthu Tel: (034) 271 6400
Fax: (034) 271 0234
Christ the King Hospital District 187 Vacant P/Bag X542 Ixopo 3276 Peter Hauff Drive, Ixopo Tel: (039) 834 7500
 Fax 086 539 2800
Church of Scotland Hospital  District 347 Mrs N Ndlovu (acting) P/Bag X502 Tugela Ferry 3010 On the Greytown road go through Greytown and look for a board saying Tugela Ferry. Turn left at that board and go on until you reach Tugela Ferry town. On the left and right you will see shops. Look for board on your right saying hospital. Tel: 0879451061
Fax: (033) 493 1124
Clairwood Hospital Specialised Chronic 200 Mr NBL Gwala P/Bag X04 MobeniI 4060 1 Higginson Highway, Mobeni Tel: (031) 451 5000
Fax: (031) 462 1993


Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital     Dr J Mthethwa   310 Bhejane Street KwaMashu 4360 Tel: 031 540 1400 / 031 530 1440  
Doris Goodwin Hospital
Specialised TB/MDR TB 50 Ms NE Ndlovu PO Box 32 Plessislaer 3216 Edendale road, next to Edendale hospital Tel: (033) 327 3500
Fax: (033) 398 1050
Dundee hospital District 204 Mrs TT Vilakazi P/Bag X2011 Dundee 3000 121 Mckenzie Street, Dundee 3000 Tel: (034) 212 1111
Fax: (034) 212 3245
E.G & Usher Memorial hospital
District 185 Mr J Ngobese P/Bag X506 Kokstad 4700 Corner of The Avenue & Elliot Streets, Kokstad Tel: (039) 797 8100
Fax: (039) 727 2564
Ekombe Hospital District 120 Dr BP Zungu P/Bag X203 Kranskop 3268 From Melmoth proceed to Nkandla, before your reach Nkandla watch and take the turn off to Eqhudeni and Vuleka. From there drive about 30 km until you take the turn off to Eqhudeni, then you’ll drive 5 km to Ekombe Hospital. Tel: (035) 834 8000
 Fax: (035) 834 8012
Ekuhlengeni Psychiatric Hospital
Specialised Psychiatric 965 Mr M Zondo PO Box 3 Umbogintwini 4120 Old South coast road, Umbogintwini Tel: (031) 905 4775/6/7/8/9

082 759 5199 (in the event of landline failure)
Emmaus Hospital District 156 Mrs MAN Mzizi P/Bag X16 Winterton 3340 Cathedral Peak Road,Winterton. Tel: (036) 488 1570
Fax: (036) 488 1330/ 488 1156
Eshowe Hospital District 400  Mr MT Dube (acting) P/Bag 504 Eshowe 3815 From N2 North take the Dokoweni off-ramp. Follow signs to Eshowe (30 km).  Take the second entrance to Eshowe, Kangela St. Hospital is 1,8 km from this entrance on the left hand side Tel: (035) 473 4500
Fax: (035) 474 4914
Estcourt Hospital District 286 Mr MP Bekenya P/Bag X7058 Estcourt 3310 Old Main Road, Estcourt. Tel: (036) 342 7000
Fax:(036) 342 7116
Fort Napier Hospital Specialised (Psychiatric) 378 Ms N Mokwena P O Box 370 Pietermaritzburg 3200 1 Devonshire Road, Napierville PMB Tel: (033) 260 4300
Fax:(033) 345 5730  
General Justice Gizenga Mpanza Regional Hospital (formerly Stanger Hospital) Regional 545 Mrs EM Shabane(acting) P/Bag X10609 Stanger 4450 Cnr of King Sharka & Patterson Street, Stanger Tel: (032) 437 6000
Fax:(032) 552 2767
G.J. Crookes Hospital District 360 Mrs MS Khathi P/Bag X5501 Scottsburgh 4180 Hospital Road, Scottburgh Tel: (039) 978 7000
Fax:(039) 978 1295
Greys Hospital Tertiary 510 Dr NMT Gumede (acting) P/Bag 9001 Pietermaritzburg 3200 Townbush Road, PMB Tel: (033) 897 3000
Greytown Hospital District 234 Ms PP Zungu P/Bag X5562 Greytown 3250 Bell Street extension, Enhlalakahle Location, Greytown 3250 Tel: (033) 413 9400
 Fax:(033) 413 2809
Harry Gwala Regional Hospital (formerly Edendale) Regional 897 Mrs NT Nxaba P/Bag X509 Plessislaer 3216 Main Road, Edendale. Tel: (033) 395 4911
Fax:(033) 395 4060
Hillcrest Hospital
Specialised (Chronic) 167 Mrs MM Mkhize P/Bag X1001 Hillcrest 3650 50 Hospital Road, Hillcrest Tel: (031) 761 5880
Fax:(031) 765 3712
Hlabisa Hospital Specialised 265 Mr S Mkhwanazi P/Bag X5001 Hlabisa 3937 60 Saunders Street Hlabisa 3937 Tel: (035) 838 8600
 Fax:(035) 838 1117
Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital
Central 846 Dr L Mtshali P/Bag X03 Mayville 4058 800 Bellair Road, Cato Manor, Durban. Tel: (031) 240 1000
Fax:(031) 240 1050
Itshelejuba Hospital  District 154 Mrs TM Vilakazi P/Bag X0047 Pongola 3170 N2 North, about 30 km past Pongola and +- 70km from Piet Ritief Tel: (034) 413 4000
 Fax: (034) 413 2545
King Dinuzulu Hospital Complex
Specialised (TB) 671 Dr Z Dlamini (acting) P. O. Box Dormerton Dormerton 4015 Corner of Dr R D Naidoo drive and Viola Road  Sydenham Durban Tel: (031) 242 6000
 Fax:(031) 209 9586
KwaMagwaza Hospital District
Level 1
147 Dr IF Mbokazi P/Bag X808 Melmoth 3835 KwaMagwaza Road, Melmoth Tel:(035) 450 8200
Fax:(035) 450 2050
KZN Children's Hospital Specialised N/A Ms Zandile Khumalo P/Bag X02 Point, Durban, 4069 10 Prince Street, Addington, Durban Switchboard: 031 812 1400
Patient booking: 031 812 2012
Fax: 031 812 1599
Ladysmith Hospital Regional 458 Dr K Dlamini P/Bag 9928 Ladysmith 3370 Malcolm Road, Ladysmith Tel: (036) 637 2111
Fax: (036) 637 6457
Madadeni Hospital Regional 732 Mrs. H.S.L Khanyi P/Bag X6642 Newcastle 2940 Section 6, Madadeni Tel: (034) 328 8000
 Fax:(034)328 8271
Mahatma Gandhi Hospital Regional 380 Mr. L S Maphumulo P/Bag X13 Mount Edgecombe 4068 100 Phoenix Highway, Phoenix Tel: (031) 502 1719 ext 2149
 Fax:(031) 502 1869
Manguzi Hospital District 255 Dr SB Vumase P/Bag X301 Kwa-Ngwanase 3973 N2 North, Jozini turn-off, past Pongola Dam + 30km to T-junction, right + 67km Tel: (035) 592 0150
Fax:(035) 592 0158
Mbongolwane Hospital District 162 Dr PC Mchunu P/Bag X126 Kwapett 3820 N2 to Ulundi/Melmoth turn-off, left at Eshowe/Nkandla turn-off + 30 km to Ntumeni, left to Pett Store, turn right, +15 km to school, turn right, + 3 km Tel: (035) 476 6103/104
Fax:(035) 476 6380
McCord Provincial Eye Hospital
Specialised 77 Dr D Naidoo (acting) PO Box 37587 Overport 4067 28 McCord Road, Berea 4001 Tel: 031 268 5700
Montebello Hospital District 111 Mrs ZC Mzobe P/Bag X506 Dalton 3236 P614 Noordsberg Road, Dalton Tel: (033) 506 0026 / 0099
Fax: (033) 506 0102
Mosvold Hospital District 168 Dr B Mung'omba P/Bag X2211 Ingwavuma 3968 N2 North, Jozini turn-off, past Pongola Dam + 30km to T-junction, left + 30km Tel: (035) 591 0122
Fax: (035) 591 0148
Mseleni Hospital District 152 Mrs TR Sibisi P.O. Sibhaya Sibhaya 3967 N2 North, Jozini turn-off, turn right to Ubombo before Dam, + 20 km to T-junction, left + 20 km to 2nd T-junction, left + 5 km to sign Tel: (035) 574 1004/5/6/7
Fax:(035) 574 1559
Murchison Hospital District 300 Mr RE Manykole P/ Bag X701 Port Shepstone 4240 N2 south to Port Shepstone THEN Mdube Bus Halt, Harding Road, Port Shepstone Tel: to 039 687 7313/4/5/6
Fax:(039) 687 7497
Newcastle Hospital  Regional 262   P/Bag X6653 Newcastle 2940 4 Hospital Street, Newcastle Tel: (034) 328 0000
Fax:(034) 312 4392
Ngwelezana Hospital Tertiary 516 Dr BS Madlala P/Bag X20021 Empangeni 3880 Left at 1st robot into Ngwelezana road on Entering Empangeni, look for signboard on left and turn into Thanduyise road and continue for 500m. Tel: (035) 901 7000
Niemeyer Memorial Hospital
District 33 Dr SB Nkosi P/Bag X1004 Utrecht 2980 Kantoor Street, Utrecht Tel: (034) 331 3011
Fax:(034) 331 4498
Nkandla Hospital District 212 Mr NM Mthembu P/Bag X102 Nkandla 3855 N2 north to Gingindlovu/Eshowe turn-off, past Eshowe and Melmoth to Babanango turn-off, turn left to Nkandla village. Tel: (035) 833 5000
Fax:(035) 833 0054
Nkonjeni Hospital District 207 Mrs MT Zulu P/Bag X509 Mahlabathini 3865 Go to Ulundi , from King Dinizulu Highway go +\- 5 km's north to Nkonjeni hospital : Near Vumabakushoyo LP. School and Lutheran Church Tel: (035) 873 0013
Fax:(035) 873 0031
Northdale Hospital
District 431 Ms N Xulu P/Bag X9006 Pietermaritzburg 3200 1389 Chota Motala Road, Northdale, PMB Tel: (033) 387 9000 / 033 387 9042
Fax:(033) 397 9768
Osindisweni Hospital
District 240 Mr N Shabane P/Bag X15 Verulam, 4340 Oakford Road, Verulam Tel: (032) 541 9200
Fax:(032) 541 0344
Port Shepstone Hospital
Regional 309 Mr Z Mbethe P/Bag X5706 Port Shepstone 4240 N2 south to Port Shepstone THEN Cnr of Connor & Bazley Street, Port Shepstone Tel: (039) 688 6000
Fax:(039) 682 6678
Prince Mshiyeni Hospital Regional 1 075 Mr G Khawula P/Bag X07 Mobeni 4060 On the Mangosutho Highway, Before Umlazi Lodge. Tel: (031) 907 8111
Fax:(031) 907 3334/ 906 1044


Queen Nandi  Hospital
Regional 369 Mrs CNN Mkhwanazi P/Bag X20005 Empangeni 3880 29 Union Street, Empangeni. This is Empangeni Hospital Tel: (035) 907 7000
Fax: 035 772 1361
R. K. Khan Hospital
Regional 543 Dr B Bilenge (acting) P/Bag X004 Chatsworth 4030 R.K. Khan Circle, Westcliffe Tel: (031) 459 6000
Fax:(031) 401 1247
Richmond Hospital
Specialised (TB) 581 Dr BI Gebashe (acting) PO Box 133 Richmond 3780 Durban road, Richmond Tel: (033) 212 2170
Fax: (033) 212 3450
Rietvlei Hospital District 188 D N Dabata P/Bag X501 Stafford's Post Via Port Shepstone 4686 Rietvlei Location (Emhlangeni) Tel: (039) 260 5000
Fax: (039) 260 0006
St. Aidan's Hospital
Regional 143 Mr B Shezi (acting) Private Bag X01 Overport, 4067 33 Centenary Road, Durban Tel:  (031) 329 1417 brian.shezi2@kznhealth.gov.za
St. Andrews Hospital
District 210 Mrs MM Vane P/Bag X1010 Harding 4680 14 Moodie Street, Harding Tel: (039) 433 1959 / 1472
Fax:(039) 433 2419
St. Apollinaris Hospital
District 146 Mr TS Zuma (acting) P/Bag 506 Ixopo 3276 Centow Mission, Centocow Tel: (039)  833 9002

St. Francis Hospital
Specialised (psychiatric) 79 Mrs MT Zulu P/Bag X564 Mahlabathini 3865 Go to Ulundi , from King Dinizulu Highway go +\- 7 km's north east to St. Francis hospital :Near St Francis Mission Tel: (035) 873 0203/4/5
Fax:(035) 873 0380 / 0030
St Mary's Hospital District 200 Mrs P Mgobozi Private Bag X16,
1 Hospital Rd, Mariannhill, Pinetown, 3601 Tel: (031) 717 1000
Fax: (031) 700 3375
Siloah Lutheran Mission       Private Bag X9392 Vryheid Dlomodlomo road, Vryheid Tel: (034) 907 5226
Fax: (034) 907 5095
Thulasizwe Hospital
Specialised (TB/MDR TB) 60 Dr OE Ngam (acting) P/ Bag 209 Ceza 3866 Go to Ulundi , from King Dinizulu Highway go +\- 20 km's north to Ceza hospital : THEN +\- 5km's north to Thulasizwe Hospital ,near Thandaziphi Store lindaLinda.Sobekwa@kznhealth.gov.zaLinda.Sobekwa@kznhealth.gov.za Tel: (035) 832 6000
Fax:(035) 832 0061/62
Town Hill Hospital
Specialised (psychiatric) 280 Mr NR Hadebe P. O. Box 400 Pietermaritzburg 3200  Hysslop Road, PMB Tel: (033) 341 5500
Fax:(033) 345 5720
Umgeni Hospital
Specialised (psychiatric) 411  Mr J Situma (acting) P/Bag X23 Howick 3290 Main Road, Howick Tel: (033) 330 6146
Fax:(033) 330 5564
Umphumulo Hospital
District 141 Dr MJ Zulu P/Bag X9219 Maphumulo 4470 N2 North, Stanger turn-off, continue + 45 km to Maphumulu, look for hospital sign. Tel: (032) 481 4100
Fax:(032) 481 4159
Umzimkhulu Hospital
Specialised 320 Mr M Titi P/Bag x 514 Umzimkhulu 3297 Mbizweni Farm Umzimkhulu Tel: (039) 259 0310
Fax: (039 259 0149
Untunjambili Hospital
District 130 Mrs N Mbelu P/ Bag X216 Kranskop 3268 Along Kranskop way. From N2 take R74 off-ramp, go through Stanger on R74 pass Mapumulo, after 23km see Kranskop sign, turn right.  Pass through small Kranskop town after 10km sign Untunjambili Hospital. Turn right after 2km see hospital on your right. Tel: (033) 444 1808 / 1707



Victoria Mxenge Hospital (formerly King Edward VIII Hospital)  Regional / Tertiary 697 Mr BM Shezi (Acting) P/Bag Congella Congella 4013 Corner of Sydney and Francois Road, Congella Tel: (031) 360 3111
Fax:(031) 206 1457
Vryheid Hospital
District 338 Ms S Nkonyane P/Bag X9371 Vryheid 3100 Coswald Brown Street, Vryheid Tel: (034) 982 2111/2/3
Fax:(034) 980 9757


Wentworth Hospital   District 230 Ms T Khanyile P/Bag Jacobs Jacobs 4026 1 Boston Road, Jacobs 4026 Tel: (031) 460 5000
Fax:(031) 468 9654

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