Quotation Awards : July 2024


31 July 2024

Name Health Facility Description Award date
EDN 508.24-25 Harry Gwala (Edendale) Hospital urgent replacement  of heat pumps at h-ward 2024/07/31
LEM.068.24.25.pdf Ilembe District Office Socks with Bio-Guard (Black) 2024/07/31
ADD148.24.25.pdf Addington Hospital pds knotless sutures 2024/07/31
ADD168.24.25.pdf Addington Hospital virgin yellow bags 2024/07/31
dan.258.23.24.pdf Dannhauser CHC supply of plumbing material 2024/07/31
EGU 04-24-25-.pdf EG and Usher Memorial Hospital Photocopy paper 2024/07/31


Fort Napier Hospital Cement 2024/07/31
FNH106-2024-25.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Vest for males 2024/07/31
Gamalakhe CHC A4 Photocopy paper 2024/07/31
HLB005-24-25.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Major Service For Liliput Plant at Somkhele Clinic 2024/07/31
HLB012-24-25.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Major Service For Kitchen Equipment at Hlabisa Hospital 2024/07/31
Hlb039-24-25.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Minor and Major Service For Medical Gases (Plants and Points) 2024/07/31
HLB279-23-24.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Suprapubic Catheter 14fg 100% Silicone 2024/07/31
HLB038-24-25.pdf Hlabisa Hospital All Surface Cleaner 25L and Bleach 25L 2024/07/31
PHO0372425.pdf Pholela CHC Pink repeat prescription cards,warning labels,pre-printed stickers and daily clinic register 2024/07/31
PHO0682425.pdf Pholela CHC Infrared testing at Pholela CHC and clinics 2024/07/31
PHO0092425.pdf Pholela CHC Blow out/drain cleaner 1lt and weed killer 5lt 2024/07/31
PHO0602425.pdf Pholela CHC Service sewer plant at Pholela chc  and Underberg clinic 2024/07/31
PHO0582425.pdf Pholela CHC Service industrial laundry machine at Pholela chc  2024/07/31
PHO0952425.pdf Pholela CHC OHS Act charts (latest version) and biohazard stickers  2024/07/31
PHO0942425.pdf Pholela CHC Janitor trolley 2024/07/31
PHO0652425.pdf Pholela CHC Service fire extinguishers at Pholela chc and clinics 2024/07/31
PHO0932425.pdf Pholela CHC Service borehole at Pholela chc and clinics  2024/07/31
PHO0972425.pdf Pholela CHC Disposable dressing sterile pack 2024/07/31
SMM-197.2425.pdf St Mary’s Marianhill Hospital supply and install full height industrial turnstile with card reader 2024/07/31
SMM-151.2425.pdf St Mary’s Marianhill Hospital 1 year contract to service of air conditioning system 2024/07/31
SMM-204.2425.pdf St Mary’s Marianhill Hospital repair of oxygen and vaccum wall points 2024/07/31
SMM-192.2425.pdf St Mary’s Marianhill Hospital hand paper towel dispener 2024/07/31
UMG 94 24 25.pdf Umgungundlovu District Office Supply and Deliver High Risk Gloves  2024/07/31



30 July 2024

Name Health Facility Description Award date
dan.069.24.25.pdf Dannhauser CHC supply of Hb meters strips 2024/07/30
GJC334-24-25.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital Supply & deliver dental materials & consumables 2024/07/30
GJC386-24-25.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital Supply & deliver 12kw 3 phase sunsynk inverter & sunsynk lithium batteries 48v 2024/07/30
GJC387-24-25.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital Supply & offload diesel at Umzinto, Park rynie mobile & Mgangeni clinics 2024/07/30
GJC389-24-25.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital Supply & deliver dental consumables 2024/07/30
hlb-039-24-25.pdf Hlabisa Hospital minor and major service for medical gases 2024/07/30
hlb-279-23-24.pdf Hlabisa Hospital suprapubic catheter 14g 2024/07/30
hlb-005-24-25.pdf Hlabisa Hospital major service for liliput plant 2024/07/30
hlb-012-24-25.pdf Hlabisa Hospital minor and major service for kitchen equipment 2024/07/30
hlb-038-24-25.pdf Hlabisa Hospital all surface cleaner 25 l and bleach 2024/07/30
LSH287-24-25.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Provision of v cleaning state vehicles 2024/07/30
LSH286-24-25.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Prvision  of portering service in ladysmith Regional Hospital 2024/07/30
LSH135-24-25.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Dressing Adhesive Sterile Different sizes 2024/07/30
LSH133-24-25.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Self adhesive labels 2024/07/30
LSH114-24-25.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Bags Body white different sizes 2024/07/30
QNR302.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital Post delivery maternity sanitary towel  2024/07/30
UMG 97 24 25.pdf Umgungundlovu District Office Supply and Deliver Splints Kramer Wire Long and Short 2024/07/30
mch - 167-24.pdf McCord Hospital Rescue Tripod  2024/07/30
NEH-160-24-25.pdf Newcastle Hospital Hearing aid-bone conductor 2024/07/30
OTH-072-24-25.pdf Othobothini CHC Road to health booklets unisex (boys/girls) 2024/07/30


29 July 2024

Name Health Facility Description Award date
ESW862425.pdf Eshowe Hospital Photocopy A4 White bond paper (24 Months) 2024/07/29
ESW762425.pdf Eshowe Hospital Printers toner catridge and drum (24 months) 2024/07/29
ESW802425.pdf Eshowe Hospital Bubble humidifier bottles pre-filled (24 months) 2024/07/29
ESW842425.pdf Eshowe Hospital Swabs gauze non-sterile x-ray detectable(24 months) 2024/07/29
ESW832425.pdf Eshowe Hospital Refuse bags (24 months) 2024/07/29
PTN68.06.24-25.pdf eThekwini Metro district office high risk gloves- small; medium; large and x- large 2024/07/29
PHM07.04.24-25.pdf eThekwini Metro district office health and hygiene 2024/07/29
IMB70.pdf Imbalenhle CHC Office furniture 2024/07/29
IMB71.pdf Imbalenhle CHC Notice board and year planner 2024/07/29
MZH-301-24-25.pdf Manguzi Hospital blood gas syringes sensor 2024/07/29
pmm-177-24-25.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital Igel supraglottic airways 2024/07/29
pmm-203-24-24.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital Shield medical face protection on full face 2024/07/29
pmm212-24-25.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital Book adult female register 2024/07/29
THH25-2024-25.pdf Town Hill Hospital Supply and delivery of carpenter items 2024/07/29
THH30-2024-25.pdf Town Hill Hospital Clothing and shoes items as per specification  2024/07/29
Ump0444-24-25.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply and deliver diesel 2024/07/29
Ump0460-24-25.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply stoma bags 2024/07/29
clw-0044-24-25.pdf Clairwood Hospital adult female/male patient health records primary  2024/07/29
GJM-140  24.25.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital ward hostess - 3 months 2024/07/29
077KCD.pdf King Cetshwayo District Office A4 photocopy paper 2024/07/29
094KCD.pdf King Cetshwayo District Office Surgical items 2024/07/29
NMH181.pdf Niemeyer Memorial Hospital Supply and deliver cupboard handles, window handles & pegstays and spray paint 2024/07/29
pmm201-24-25.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital Test kits syphilis  2024/07/29


26 July 2024

Name Health Facility Description Award date
LEM.073.24.25.pdf Ilembe District Office Wi-Fi Range Extenders 2024/07/26
UMH10.pdf Umgeni Hospital supply & delivery of staff uniform 2024/07/26
AMA082-24-25-1.pdf Amajuba District Office Removal Of Asset For Amajuba District Office 2024-07-26
EST 88.pdf Estcourt Hospital Soup plates saucers, dinner plates, side plates, table spoons 2024-07-26
EST 93.pdf Estcourt Hospital Brother drums and toners 2024-07-26
EST 153.pdf Estcourt Hospital Swabs gauze x-ray 100x350x16ply 2024-07-26
GRS165.pdf Greys Hospital Medical sheath holder band 35mm width 120mm length  2024-07-26
GRS316.pdf Greys Hospital Suprapubic catheter urethral cystoflow 15g  2024-07-26
GRS429.pdf Greys Hospital Sterile level 4 gown peel packed reinforcement non woven  2024-07-26


Greys Hospital Sterile gauze swabs 100x100x32ply x-ray detectable  2024-07-26
GRS593.pdf Greys Hospital Safety intravenous catheter 24g yellow 2024-07-26
GRS599.pdf Greys Hospital Instruments general surgery various castroviejo micro needle holder 2024-07-26
GRS624.pdf Greys Hospital Suprapubic catheter urethral cystoflow 16g set  2024-07-26
GRS779.pdf Greys Hospital Controlled radial expansion cre dilatation balloon 3 size in 1 device  2024-07-26
IAL-245-24-25.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital ePTFE, Non-absorbable, microporous, monofilament double armed suture- cutting, cv6: 1/2 taper point TH 18 mm x 91cm length- 12 months contrac 2024-07-26
IAL-489-24-25.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Antimicrobial ventricular catheter standard perforation with catheter winged connector - 30cm-8.5FR, inner diameter: 1.6mm, outer diameter: 2.8mm 2024-07-26
IAL-513-24-25.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Saw Blade various sizes 2024-07-26
IAL-501-24-25.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Antimicrobial ventricular catheter standard perforation with catheter winged connector - 30cm-8.5FR, inner diameter: 1.6mm, outer diameter: 2.8mm 2024-07-26
NDW100-24.25.pdf Ndwedwe CHC Desludging of septic tank 2024-07-26
NKA 014 24 25.pdf Nkandla Hospital supply and deliver photocopying paper A4 for a period of 10 months 2024-07-26
kdh215 24 25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex book manuscript 1 quire A4 2024/07/26
kdh312 24 25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex maintenance of gardens and grounds 2024/07/26
kdh330 24 25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex supply and deliver she bins sanitary 2024/07/26
kdh316 24 25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex cutting,treating and removing of trees 2024/07/26
sah 91.pdf St Andrews Hospital solar flood light 2024/07/26
sah 93.pdf St Andrews Hospital medical elbow action mixer tape 2024/07/26
sah 82.pdf St Andrews Hospital safety intravenous 2024/07/26
sah 92.pdf St Andrews Hospital maintanance tools 2024/07/26
UEM064.24.25.pdf Umkhanyakude District Office supply and delivery of entomology items 2024-07-26


25 July 2024

Name Health Facility Description Award date
LSH0090-24-25.pdf Choose your facility from the list: Particle Counter 2024/07/25
GTW44.24-25.pdf Greytown Hospital Major service and repair to office aircondition @m4 2024/07/25
mad180.pdf Madadeni Hospital Hearing aid consumables 2024/07/25
mad172.pdf Madadeni Hospital Ancho fast for endotracheal tube securement. 2024/07/25
mad190.pdf Madadeni Hospital Bubble humidifier bottle-500ml 2024/07/25
mad44.pdf Madadeni Hospital Drum DR 3406 (ORIGINAL) 2024/07/25
mad723.pdf Madadeni Hospital Bird removal/repellent (Kitchen & patient dining hall) 2024/07/25
MSH139-24-25H .pdf Mseleni Hospital Supply and install intercom lines at Mseleni Hospital  2024/07/25
UEM048-24-25.pdf Umkhanyakude District Office Supply and delivery of K Othrine Wg250 2024/07/25
UMK034-24-25.pdf Umkhanyakude District Office High risk gloves for FPS 2024-07-25
ump0017-24-25.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply plumbing material and buildings materials 2024-07-25
ump0018-24-25.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply electrical materials 2024-07-25
ump0146-24-25.pdf Umphumulo Hospital replacement of hospital airconditioning as per attached specification 2024-07-25
ump0383-24-25.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply A4 photocopy paper 2024-07-25
MZH-143-24-25.pdf Manguzi Hospital repair to fence at manguzi hospital 2024/07/25
MZH-238-24-25.pdf Manguzi Hospital supply and delivery of crutches elbow aluminium 2024/07/25



24 July 2024

Name Health Facility Description Award date
MBH 002-24-25.pdf Mbongolwane Hospital Photocopy Paper A4  2024/07/24
MBH 039- 24-25.pdf Mbongolwane Hospital Laundry chemicals 2024/07/24
EDN 561.24-25.pdf Harry Gwala (Edendale) Hospital Supply of Marley tile, Pave o lite 20kg, Floor worx 62 water based acrylic adhesive 05 litres, Parafiin 20 litre tin 2024-07-24
NKA 011 24 25.pdf Nkandla Hospital SUpply and deliver visual assisitive devices for a period of 10 months 2024-07-24
NKA 015 24 25.pdf Nkandla Hospital Supply and deliver SHE bins for all clinics under Nkandla Hospital 2024-07-24
NKA 017 24 25.pdf Nkandla Hospital Supply and deliver monkey bins for disposal of general waste 2024-07-24
NKA 020 24 25.pdf Nkandla Hospital Supply and deliver crockery and cutlery 2024-07-24
NKA 041 24 25.pdf Nkandla Hospital Supply and deliver sutures 2024-07-24
NKA 046 24 25.pdf Nkandla Hospital Supply and deliver vaginal speculum 2024-07-24
Sap 09-2024-2025 .pdf St Apollinaris Hospital Supply and deliver staff uniform 2024-07-24
KEV99-24.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital high flux dialyser size 17h and 19h 2024/07/24
KEV129-24-25.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital urgent plumbing repair in staff resident and x-ray 2024/07/24
KEV268-24-25.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital urgent repair broken toilet in a-ward 2024/07/24
KEV109-24-25.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital polymeric feed for inflammatory bowed disease 2024/07/24
KEV212-24-25.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital supply and deliver endotracheal tube neonatal with side port size 2.0mm, 2.5mm, 3.0mm, 3.0mm and 3.5 2024/07/24
UTH 13-2024-25.pdf Uthukela District Office Supply and deliver Post Mortem Blood Alcohol And Toxicology Sampling Kit 2024/07/24
psh 234-2425.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital plastic bags clear small, medium & large 2024-07-24
psh 225-2425.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital alcohol based hand rub with emollient 2024-07-24


23 July 2024

Name Health Facility Description Award date
phx37.24.25.pdf Phoenix CHC Cleaning of garden and grounds for a period of 12 months 2024/07/23
GAM019.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Waste handlers at gamalakhe chc 2024-07-23
gjc273-24-25.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital adult cot bed 2024-07-23
GJC341-24-25.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital Cleaning & maintenance of garden & grounds at GJ Crookes Hospital 2024-07-23
GJC361-24-25.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital Portering services at GJ Crookes Hospital 2024-07-23
hlb-022-24-25.pdf Hlabisa Hospital colostomy bag 64 mm  2024-07-23
hlb-037-24-25.pdf Hlabisa Hospital bifocal glasses and single vision 2024-07-23
hlb-040-24-25.pdf Hlabisa Hospital bag garbage clear 760 x 910 mm 2024-07-23
hlb-23-24-25.pdf Hlabisa Hospital sutures  2024-07-23
mch - 161-24.pdf McCord Hospital Pest Control - 3 Year Contract  2024-07-23
RKK59.24-25.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of lock pad small 2024-07-23
RKK174.24-25.pdf RK Khan Hospital Repairs to split type air conditioning @ Rk khan  2024-07-23
RKK905.24-25.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of antimicrobal incise drape 2024-07-23
Sun 022.24.25.pdf Sundumbili CHC female health record books 2024-07-23
Sun 133.24.25.pdf Sundumbili CHC child health record books 2024-07-23
Sun 151.25.25.pdf Sundumbili CHC remove supply and install roof sheeting 2024-07-23
Sun 193.24.25.pdf Sundumbili CHC male health record books 2024-07-23
UKH28-2024-2025.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Pants 2024-07-23
UKH 28 .pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital T-shirts 2024-07-23
UKH30-2024-2025 .pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Shoes 2024-07-23
UKH29-2024-2025 .pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Pants 2024-07-23
UKH27-2024-2025.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Jackets 2024-07-23
NKA 011 24 25.pdf Nkandla Hospital SUpply and deliver visual assisitive devices for a period of 10 months 2024-07-24
NKA 015 24 25.pdf Nkandla Hospital Supply and deliver SHE bins for all clinics under Nkandla Hospital 2024-07-24
NKA 017 24 25.pdf Nkandla Hospital Supply and deliver monkey bins for disposal of general waste 2024-07-24
NKA 020 24 25.pdf Nkandla Hospital Supply and deliver crockery and cutlery 2024-07-24
NKA 041 24 25.pdf Nkandla Hospital Supply and deliver sutures 2024-07-24
NKA 046 24 25.pdf Nkandla Hospital Supply and deliver vaginal speculum 2024-07-24
MGM82-24-25.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Finger splint- child(as per specification) 2024-07-23



22 July 2024

Name Health Facility Description Award date
psh138-2425.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital electrical material 2024/07/24
psh137-2425.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital carpentry material 2024/07/22
psh140-2425.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital painters material 2024/07/22
psh141-2425.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital plumbing material 2024/07/22
psh139-2425.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital fitters material 2024/07/22
AMA043-24-25.pdf Amajuba District Office Uniform For Mortuaries and  Amajuba District Office 2024-07-22
AMA055-24-25.pdf Amajuba District Office Uniform For Amajuba District Office 2024-07-22
cjm055,.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Supply & deliver: Carpentry grounds man item 2024-07-22
cjm073,.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Major service to kitchen equipment 2024-07-22
IAL-407-24-25.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital 70% to 85% alcohol with emollient for hand disinfection- 500ml bottle with plunger/ spray - 6 months contract 2024-07-22
IAL-516-24-25.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Guidewire Standard J - Tip - 150cm ( length) ; 0.038 (Diameter) ''J-Tip'' 97mm- 12 Months contract 2024-07-22
IAL-119-24-25.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Percutaneous access set 22G x 15cm-12 months contract 2024-07-22
IAL-339-24-25.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Intracoronary shunt-1.00mm, 1.25mm, 1.5mm, 1.75mm, 2.0mm & 2.5mm 2024-07-22
IAL-95-24-25.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Laparoscopic curved scissors with unipolar cautery 5mm-12 months contract 2024-07-22
IAL-527-24-25.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Perfusion Adapter - 1/4 inch 12 Months contract 2024-07-22


Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Montgomery t tube for airway stenting with plug and ring set - various sizes 2024-07-22
IAL-167-24-25.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Suture: 2/0 wax coated braided non absorbable - strand: 45cm needle: 26mm 3/8 circle cutting c-15 and Suture: 0 wax coated braided non absorbable strand: 75cm needle: 26mm ½  2024-07-22
IAL-494-24-25.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Infant oxygenator combo pack 2024-07-22
IAL-462-24-25.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital 2nd Generation gel-like laryngeal mask airway device with a non-inflatable cuff - single use - Various size - 12 months contract 2024-07-22
IAL-492-24-25.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Micro Catheter 2 Tip Straight - 6cm x 150cm 2024-07-22
IAL-474-24-25.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Activated safety lancet - 21guage - 12 months contract 2024-07-22
kdh 222-24-25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex sanitary pads 2024-07-22
MUR28 2425.pdf Murchison Hospital Supply and deliver Super rapid readout biological indicator 2024-07-22
MUR70 2425.pdf Murchison Hospital Supply and deliver Paper sterilization crepe 1000mm x 1400mm 2024-07-22
MUR49 2425.pdf Murchison Hospital Maintenance of garden and grounds 6 months contract 2024-07-22
MUR64 2425.pdf Murchison Hospital Supply and deliver Behind ear hearing aid more than 10 channels 2024-07-22
MUR71 2425-1.pdf Murchison Hospital Supply and deliver Edan F3 CTG recording paper z-fold 2024-07-22
PMM-214-24-25.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 9000 units, hand sanitizer disinfectant with emollient 50ml 2024-07-22
UKH 11.2024-2025.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Cutting of grass and removal of shrubs 2024-07-22
UTH05-24-25.pdf Uthukela District Office Supply and deliver Various Uniform Items 2024-07-22
UTH06-24-25.pdf Uthukela District Office Supply and deliver EMS Jump Bag 2024-07-22
UTH08-24-25.pdf Uthukela District Office Supply, Deliver and Installation - Replacement of  127mm Vertical Window Blinds 2024-07-22
UTH09-24-25.pdf Uthukela District Office Supply and deliver High risk examination gloves 2024-07-22
UTH12-24-25.pdf Uthukela District Office Supply and deliver Safety Boots 2024-07-22
KMG06-24-25.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Supply of dressing wound interactive hydrogel with modified sodium 2024-07-22


19 July 2024

Name Health Facility Description Award date
dpm931.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital management training course 2024/07/19
cjm049,.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Supply & deliver: A4 solid plastic, stapler desk, pin & sellotape 2024-07-19
cjm063,.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Supply & deliver: Syringe for blood, steri sheet & Gum elastic 2024-07-19
cjm051,.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Supply & deliver: Family card & head count 2024-07-19
cjm061,.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Major service to medical gas plants 2024-07-19
cjm068,.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Supply & deliver: Library books 2024-07-19
cjm071,.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Major service to Laundry equipment 2024-07-19
cjm074,.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Major service to Generator sets clinic 2024-07-19
cjm081,.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Supply & deliver: Road to health, File divider & Scissor 17cm 2024-07-19
Grs107.pdf Greys Hospital Supply personal protective equipment for maintenance staff 2024-07-19
Grs410.pdf Greys Hospital Humidification moisture exchange for a 15mm connector 2024-07-19
Grs612.pdf Greys Hospital Fitting and dispensing for keratoconus 2024-07-19
EDN 302.24-25.pdf Harry Gwala (Edendale) Hospital Printing consumables  2024-07-19
EDN 597.24-25.pdf Harry Gwala (Edendale) Hospital 1 piece opaque drainable pouch 10-76mm 2024-07-19
EDN 331.24-25.pdf Harry Gwala (Edendale) Hospital Mosaic HP 60, Super power digital hearing profound hearing loss  2024-07-19
EDN 844.24-25.pdf Harry Gwala (Edendale) Hospital Replacement of Carolifiers in various plant rooms at HGRH 2024-07-19
EDN 328.24-25...pdf Harry Gwala (Edendale) Hospital Photocopying paper A4 white bond 80gsm  2024-07-19
EDN 769.24-25.pdf Harry Gwala (Edendale) Hospital 1 piece clear paediatric drainable pouch 0-38mm 2024-07-19
EDN 691.24-25.pdf Harry Gwala (Edendale) Hospital Vicryl suture  2024-07-19
EDN 1491.24-25.pdf Harry Gwala (Edendale) Hospital Electrical consumables  2024-07-19
VRH-126-24-25.pdf Vryheid Hospital 8 months contract for maintenance of garden and grounds at vryheid hospital and external residences 2024-07-19
UEM 036.24.25.pdf Jozini Malaria Control catering service 2024-07-19
QNR 193.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital Carafe 2024-07-19
QNR 191.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital Combi Steamer Oven  2024-07-19
QNR 228.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital Alcohol based hand rub (70% alcohol) 2024-07-19
NKO 132.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Optical laboratory for making spectacles 2024-07-19
PSD.0028.24.25.pdf Provincial Pharmaceutical Supply Depot electric pedestrian walk behind pallet jack 2024-07-19
PSD.0022.24.25.pdf Provincial Pharmaceutical Supply Depot dust coats 2024-07-19
PSD.0019.24.25.pdf Provincial Pharmaceutical Supply Depot safety shoes unisex 2024-07-19
PSD.0017.24.25.pdf Provincial Pharmaceutical Supply Depot 4 ply paper (issue paper) 2024-07-19


18 July 2024

Name Health Facility Description Award date
LEM.069.24.25.pdf Ilembe District Office White T-shirts 2024/07/18
LEM.072.24.25.pdf Ilembe EMS Tactical Boots  2024/07/18
CAH-THU-93-24-25.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital supply and deliver mmc pack. 2024-07-18
GJM 82-24-25.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital CT syringe and connector lines 2024-07-18
GJM 38-24-25.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital Bladeless trocar 2024-07-18
kdh 279 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex stainless steel pedal bins 2024-07-18
kdh 229 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex freezer crates with lid 2024-07-18
kdh 281 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex hemi armsling 2024-07-18
kdh 193 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex teaching human spine anatomical chart 2024-07-18
kdh 222 .pdf


King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex sanitary pads 2024-07-18
kdh 241 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex single lumen catheter 2024-07-18
kdh 236 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex carpentry items 2024-07-18
kdh 247 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex toner lexmark 2024-07-18
kdh 245 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex single lumen umbilical catheter 2024-07-18
kdh 238 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex effervescent chlorine tablets 2024-07-18
kdh 230 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex portion scale electronic 2024-07-18
VRH-115-24-25.pdf Vryheid Hospital supply and deliver sensura/pc opaque c cut drainable 2024-07-18
VRH-109-24-25.pdf Vryheid Hospital supply and install new install new medical air for peads ward and station 2024-07-18
VRH-120-24-25.pdf Vryheid Hospital supply and deliver aquacel nag 20x30cm 2024-07-18
VRH-105B-24-25.pdf Vryheid Hospital repalcement of airconditioning 2024-07-18
VRH-100B-24-25.pdf Vryheid Hospital 12 months contract for disludging of clinics 2024-07-18
NEH-113-24-25.pdf Newcastle Hospital Premicath 28FG- 1FR Peripheral Inserted Catheter 2024-07-18
EKB 25.24-25.pdf Ekombe Hospital supply and deliver photocopy A4 paper 2024-07-18
KMG 08-24-25.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Supply and delivery of spectacles for 12 months 2024-07-18
KEV54-24.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital energy-dense high protein ready to use infant formula and powdered infant formula 2024-07-18
KEV76-24.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital clear polyethylene bags 280mm x 75 micron 2024-07-18
KEV78-24.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital supply and deliver bags paper steri no. 7 2024-07-18
KEV122-24.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital elemental, amino-acid based powdered infant formula containing gluten free, lactose free 2024-07-18
KEV162-24.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital catheter foley 3-way 100% silicone 18fg 50ml curved 2024-07-18
KEV163-24.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital paper steri crepe green 900mm x 1300mm 2024-07-18
KEV203-24.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital disposable sterile surgical gowns xxl 2024-07-18
KEV202-24.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital disposable sterile surgical gowns xl 2024-07-18


King Edward VIII Hospital spares required to repair diamond operating theatre tables 2024-07-18
Lem-076-24-25 .pdf Ilembe District Office Cleaning of buildings and offices at Groutville Clinic  2024/07/18
Lem-075-24-25 .pdf Ilembe District Office Supply and deliver diesel 50 ppm x 4200 litres 2024/07/18
Lem-069-24-25.pdf Ilembe District Office Supply  and deliver white t-shirts as  2024/07/18
KEV170-24.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital indwelling voices prothesis 2024/07/18


17 July 2024

Name Health Facility Description Award date
Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver wall mounted paper sanitizer,wall clock with batteries and water dispenser 2024-07-17
Ben60-2024-2025 .pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver PHC uniform( Navy skirt) 2024-07-17
GJM-209-24-25.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital 3 in one flush & feed giving sets 2024-07-17
GTW57.24-25.pdf Greytown Hospital liquid high foam washing soap and stain remover 25L 2024-07-17
kdh 252-24-25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex vac granufoam large 2024-07-17
kdh 267-24-25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex chenical indicator size 24 x 240/240 units per box 2024-07-17
kdh 269-24-25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex after sevice report mortury coldrooms 2024-07-17
kdh 206-24-25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex plastic pedals bins(red) 90 litre for busier wards 2024-07-17
kdh 276-24-25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex adult female patient health record primary health care 2024-07-17
kdh 264-24-25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex defibrillator machine paper to be compatible with mindry bene heart d3 model 2024-07-17
kdh 250-24-25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex canister 1000ml 2024-07-17
KDH 277-24-25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex adult male patient health record primary health care 2024-07-17
kdh 265-24-25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex sterilization reel roll 75mm x 200 metre per roll 2024-07-17
kdh 205-24-25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex plastic pedal bins(red) 25 litre for disposable of medical waste 2024-07-17
kdh 204-24-25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex endo gia ultra standard universal stapler 2024-07-17
kdh228 24-25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex ingrediant bins 2024-07-17
kdh248 24-25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex fish fryer 2024-07-17
kdh256 24-25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex staples 2024-07-17
kdh286 24-25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex adult filters 2024-07-17
kdh259 24-25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex defib pads 2024-07-17
kdh253 24-25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex envelope b4 2024-07-17
kdh287 24-25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex chemical indicator strips 2024-07-17
kdh257 24-25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex brother toner 2024-07-17
kdh249 24-25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex bucket and mop wringer 2024-07-17
kdh254 24-25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex envelope window 2024-07-17
NGW275.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital boiler suits 2024-07-17
NGW491.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital paper steri crepe green 1000mmx1400mm 2024-07-17
UMK024-24-25.pdf Umkhanyakude District Office MMC hygiene pack 2024-07-17
UMK007-24-25.pdf Umkhanyakude District Office Toner cartridges 2024-07-17
UMK023-24-25.pdf Umkhanyakude District Office Shoes 2024-07-17
UMK032-24-25.pdf Umkhanyakude District Office Floppy hats 2024-07-17
 BET0124.pdf Bethesda Hospital Supply and Deliver Carpentry tools 2024-07-17
BET0129.pdf Bethesda Hospital Supply and Deliver Electrical Material 2024-07-17
 BET0106.pdf Bethesda Hospital Supply and Deliver Laryngoscope Set Fibre Optic 2024-07-17
BET0128.pdf Bethesda Hospital Supply and Deliver Plumbing Material 2024-07-17
BET0098.pdf Bethesda Hospital Supply and Deliver Staff Uniform 2024-07-17
BET0131.pdf Bethesda Hospital Supply and Deliver Painting Mterials 2024-07-17
BET0009.pdf Bethesda Hospital Major Service and Minor Service to Air Conditioning for Hospital and Clinics 2024-07-17
ctk 43-2024-25.pdf


Christ the King Hospital Repairs to automated doors at outpatient department 2024-07-17
ctk 17-2024-25.pdf


Christ the King Hospital Supply and delivery of laundry machine 2024-07-17
ctk 50-2024-25.pdf


Christ the King Hospital Service of electrical donkey boiler 2024-07-17
ctk 33-2024-25.pdf


Christ the King Hospital Repair to nurses call system 2024-07-17
ctk 34-2024-25.pdf


Christ the King Hospital Servicing of db's and issuing of certificate of compliance 2024-07-17
UMG 81 24 25.pdf Harry Gwala (Edendale) Hospital Maintenance of cleaning of gardens and grounds  2024-07-17
UEM 046.24.25.pdf Jozini Malaria Control supply and deiliver blood lancets and microscopic slides 2024-07-17
kdh190 24-25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex breathing circuit 2024-07-17
kdh220 24-25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex bottle humidifier 2024-07-17
KMG 05-24-25.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Supply and delivery of antibiofilm solution betaine and polihexanide 350mls 2024-07-17
KMG 56-24-25.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Suppy and deliver file box 2024-07-17
KMG 73-24-25-1.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Cleaning of buildings, offices and wards for 02 months 2024-07-17
MGM-83-23-24.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital I.V cannula size- 24G (yellow) (box of 24) (as per specification) 2024-07-17
psh 214-2425.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital phaco emulcification machine 2024-07-17
UMG 81 24 25.pdf Harry Gwala (Edendale) Hospital Maintenance of garden and grounds 2024-07-17
MZH-202-24-25.pdf Manguzi Hospital service to airconditioner at hospital 2024-07-17
MZH-202-24-25.pdf Manguzi Hospital service to airconditioner at hospital 2024-07-17
CAH_25_24_25.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital supply and deliver btother ink cartridges 2024/07/17
CAH_87_24_25.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital supply and deliver stationery items at ceza hospital 2024/07/17
CAH-THU-90-24-25.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital supply visual assistive devices-06 months contract. 2024-07-17


16 July 2024

Name Health Facility Description Award date
IAL-243-24-25.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Endo gia ultra universal standard stapler- 12mm,  Endo gia articulating reloads with tri-staple-45mm and 60mm medium/thick – 12 months contract 2024-07-16
IAL-487-24-25.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Multipurpose Guiding Catheter 6F x 105cm 2024-07-16
IAL-306-24-25.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Closed suction for clinical endotracheal suctioning via the E.T. tube or tracheostomy. Has a transparent sleeve to reduce cross contamination- 14FR x 54cm 2024-07-16
IAL-379-24-25.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Syringe, Luer slip - 5ML, Eccentric, 3 Part - 12 months contract 2024-07-16
IAL-196-24-25.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Pre fille 5ml syringe surgical adhesive- 5ml 2024-07-16
IAL-374-24-25.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Haemoconcentrator M.U.F (modified ultrafiltration) 2024-07-16
IAL-423-24-25.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Stump dressing sterile-450x400x6ply 2024-07-16
IAL-231-24-25.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Gown surgeon none-woven polypropylene body +- 54 g/m sleeves+-66/m long sleeves with cuffs. 12 months contract 2024-07-16
NMH125-24-25.pdf Niemeyer Memorial Hospital Supply and deliver adhesive label sheet (white, yellow, red) 2024-07-16
OTH-060-24-25.pdf Othobothini CHC Pharmacy label dispenser 2024-07-16
OTH-061-24-25.pdf Othobothini CHC Toner cartridge brother and printers drum 2024-07-16
UMK006-24-24.pdf Umkhanyakude District Office Photocopying paper 2024-07-16
ADD273-24-25.pdf Addington Hospital umbilical catheters 2024-07-16
AMA048-24-25 .pdf Amajuba District Office Medical & Surgical Supplies 2024-07-16
AMA063-24-25 .pdf Amajuba District Office Body Bags & Shrouds 2024-07-16


15 July 2024

Name Health Facility Description Award date
 MCH - 108-24.pdf McCord Hospital Supply of - Suture Silk 4/0 , 1/2 Circle Reverse Cutting 16mm , Double arm , 45cm 2024-07-15
MSH114-24-25.pdf Mseleni Hospital Uniform for hospital and clinics  2024-07-15
MSH93-24-25.pdf Mseleni Hospital Mva manual ipsa cannulas and vacuum aspirators syringes  2024-07-15
RFB740-20-20.pdf Newcastle Hospital Drums & Cartridges 2024-07-15


Newcastle Hospital Office Furniture- Stationery 2024-07-15
GJM-93B-24-25.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital Disposable Face masks 2024-07-15


12 July 2024

Name Health Facility Description Award date
ESW-15-25.pdf Eshowe Hospital cleaning of garden and grounds 2024-07-12
FNH28-2024-25.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Tracksuit for males  2024-07-12
GJC322-24-25.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital mission hb test strips 2024-07-12
GRS606.pdf Greys Hospital Annual and quarterly service to theatre HVAC system  2024-07-12
GRS2716.pdf Greys Hospital 15fr x19cm permanent catheters ante- grade  2024-07-12
hlb 307-2324.pdf Hlabisa Hospital male external catheter 2024-07-12
MUR96_24_25.pdf Murchison Hospital contract for supply and deliver visual assistive devices 2024-07-12
MUR97_24_25.pdf Murchison Hospital two pieces stomahesive flange and pouch 60 mm 2024-07-12
TON  44.pdf Tongaat CHC Supply and install cameras 2024-07-12
TON  45.pdf Tongaat CHC Three year service plan for CCTV cameras 2024-07-12
nko 118.24.25.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Navy golf shirt and hats embroided with department logo 2024-07-12
nko 119.24.25.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Black hooded raincoat with button and navy sold outdoor fleece jacket 2024-07-12
GJM-49  24.25.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital thermal transfer labels & ribbons 2024-07-12
MZH-057-24-25.pdf Manguzi Hospital punch 1-piece open and closed 2024-07-12
LEM.066.24.25.pdf Ilembe District Office TB Contact Line List Tool 2024-07-12
LEM.018.24.25.pdf Ilembe EMS High Risk Gloves (X-Large) 2024-07-12
LEM.019.24.25.pdf Ilembe EMS High Risk Gloves (Large) 2024-07-12
LEM.023.24.25.pdf Ilembe EMS High Risk Gloves (Medium) 2024-07-12


11 July 2024

Name Health Facility Description Award date
VRH-203B-24-25-1.pdf Vryheid Hospital Printing material 2024/07/11
dpm868.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital closed gel headrings and flat gel 2024/07/11
emm01.04.2024.pdf Emmaus Hospital bin pedal stainless steel 20lt with stainless steel internal bucket 2024-07-11
GTW44.24-25.pdf Greytown Hospital Major service and repair to laundry  equipment 2024-07-11
GTW49.24-25.pdf Greytown Hospital Major service and repair to office airconditioning 2024-07-11
NEH-056-24-25.pdf Newcastle Hospital Paper White A4 2024-07-11
PHO0362425.pdf Pholela CHC Dispensing printer labels and dispensing printer ribbon 2024-07-11
GJM-47  24.25.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital disposable gowns - large and Xlarge  2024-07-11
NMHI135-24-25.pdf Niemeyer Memorial Hospital After service repair, replacement of batteries for UPS (12V 28A/hr) 2024-07-11
psh 215-2425.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital combi steam oven 20 trsy 1/1 & 20 pan roll trolley gn 1/1 2024-07-11
psh 224-2425.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital cd sleeve  2024-07-11
psh 223-2425.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital compact disk -r 700 mb 2024-07-11
psh 191-2425.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital jacketed pot oil 2024-07-11
UGU.033.2425.pdf Ugu District Office Forensic uniforms 2024-07-11
dpm108.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital medical certificate  2024-07-11
dpm 150.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital hand sanitizer  2024-07-11
dpm 927.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital cleaning methods course  2024-07-11
DPM 135.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital hand soap 2024-07-11
MSH103-24-25H (2).pdf Mseleni Hospital Ablution accessories for hospital and clinics  2024-07-11
MSH103-24-25H (3).pdf Mseleni Hospital Ablution accessories for hospital and clinics 2024-07-11


10 July 2024

Name Health Facility Description Award date
mad145.pdf Madadeni Hospital Pedal Bins Stainless Steel 2024-07-10
mad144.pdf Madadeni Hospital Towel dispensers 2024-07-10
mad43.pdf Madadeni Hospital Photocopy papers A4 2024-07-10
mad84.pdf Madadeni Hospital Circular  stapler-29mm and31mm, single 2024-07-10
mad219.pdf Madadeni Hospital Maintenance of Gardens and grounds at Madadeni   Hospital 2024-07-10
mad105.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major and minor service to Hospital and Township water supply plant 2024-07-10
mad147.pdf Madadeni Hospital stationery 2024-07-10
mad137.pdf Madadeni Hospital She bins 2024-07-10
mad95.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to infra -red testing power 2024-07-10
NEH-138-24-25.pdf Newcastle Hospital Surgical Items 2024-07-10
NEH-091-24-25.pdf Newcastle Hospital Volume Infusion Set 2024-07-10
NEH-121-24-25.pdf Newcastle Hospital Supply Plumbing Material 2024-07-10
NEH-131-24-25.pdf Newcastle Hospital Hearing Aids, Hearing Aids Batteries & Curettes 2024-07-10
PHO0042425.pdf Pholela CHC Mortice locker set (3 lever heavy duty) 2024-07-10
PHO0572425.pdf Pholela CHC Service mortuary cold room  2024-07-10
PHO0692425.pdf Pholela CHC Service standby generator  2024-07-10
PHO0662425.pdf Pholela CHC Service airconditioners 2024-07-10
PHO0702425.pdf Pholela CHC Service heat pumps 2024-07-10
PHO0592425.pdf Pholela CHC Service medical oxygen plant,replace faulty change over,service vacuum plant 2024-07-10
UKH 04. 2024 - 2025.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Photocophier paper white 2024-07-10
LSH0091-24-25.pdf Choose your facility from the list: suture chromic catgut 2024-07-10
LSH148-24-25.pdf Ladysmith Hospital ellavi uterine balloon tempanade 2024-07-10
LSH0041-24-25.pdf Ladysmith Hospital supply and deliver needles and stainless steel kidney dish 2024-07-10
LSH218-24-25.pdf Ladysmith Hospital surgical items 2024-07-10
LSH184-24-25.pdf Ladysmith Hospital non traumatic port for tubal ligation laparoscopically 2024-07-10
nko 116 24.25.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Prabellum shoes for femals and males 2024-07-10


09 July 2024

Name Health Facility Description Award date
GAM004.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Patient records 2024-07-09
MCH-123-24.pdf McCord Hospital Supply of - 2.4 Opthalmic knives 2024-07-09
ndh113 24 25.pdf Northdale Hospital provision of porter services for 3 months at northdale hospital. 2024-07-09
OTH-033-24-25.pdf Othobothini CHC Supply and deliver: pills/tablet pocket 2024-07-09
OTH-082-24-25.pdf Othobothini CHC Desludging of septic tanks 2024-07-09
OTH-047-24-25.pdf Othobothini CHC Supply and deliver pharmacy labels 2024-07-09
OTH076-24-25.pdf Othobothini CHC Supply& Deliver : Clear garbage bags 910mmx 760mmx50microns 2024-07-09
OTH063-24-25.pdf Othobothini CHC Supply &Deliver: Stationary 2024-07-09
OTH064-24-25.pdf Othobothini CHC Supply & Deliver: Clear Garbage bags 560mmx610mmx610mmx40microns 2024-07-09
OTH059-24-25.pdf Othobothini CHC Supply & Deliver: Pharmacy Lab Coat 2024-07-09
OTH072-24-25.pdf Othobothini CHC Supply & Deliver: Tube Duedenal Ryles PVC 2024-07-09
OTH061-24-25.pdf Othobothini CHC Supply and Deliver: Toner Cartridge Brother TN-3437&Printer Drums 2024-07-09
VRH-84-24-25.pdf Vryheid Hospital supply and deliver uniform 2024-07-09
VRH-110-24-25.pdf Vryheid Hospital supply and deliver home based care kit 2024-07-09
EDN 468.24-25.pdf Harry Gwala (Edendale) Hospital Umbilical catheters  2024-07-09
EDN 115.24-25.pdf Harry Gwala (Edendale) Hospital Smooth bore breathing circuit with extra limb and breathing bag  2024-07-09
UMH09.24-25.pdf Umgeni Hospital supply & delivery of adult cot beds 2024-07-09
UMH08.24-25.pdf Umgeni Hospital supply & delivery of bulk electrical items 2024-07-09
UMH11.24-25.pdf Umgeni Hospital post service repair to all faulty kitchen equipment 2024-07-09
UMH16.24-25.pdf Umgeni Hospital supply & delivery of bulk plumbing items 2024-07-09
QNR 213.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital Cutlery  2024-07-09
QNR 240.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital Catheter Closed Suction 2024-07-09
QNR 244.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital 06 Months cotract for cleaning and grounds at QNRH  2024-07-09


08 July 2024

Name Health Facility Description Award date
GJM-11  24.25.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital onsite medical waste handlers - 3 months contract 2024-07-08
GJM-25 24.25.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital porter services - 2 months contract 2024-07-08
WEH 29-24-25.pdf Wentworth Hospital Paper Sterilization Crepe size 900x900 and 1000x1400 2024-07-08
SAH 73-24-25.pdf St Aidan’s Hospital Patient health record  2024-07-08
SAH 07-24-25.pdf St Andrews Hospital Bags paper steri 2024-07-08
SAH 72-24-25.pdf St Andrews Hospital Maternity case record 2024-07-08


05 July 2024

Name Health Facility Description Award date
Ben22.pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver plumbing material 2024-07-05
Ben48 .pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver schedule 5&6 register and TP link 5 port 2024-07-05
cjm054-24-25.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Annual service of fire equipment 2024-07-05
EDU050-24-25.pdf Edumbe CHC chw`s uniform 2024-07-05
ekb 25.2024.2025.pdf Ekombe Hospital stationery 2024-07-05
grs77.pdf Greys Hospital Hypodermic injection needle 21g ib green  2024-07-05
grs225.pdf Greys Hospital Semi-covered nitinol proximal string realese stent 2024-07-05
grs134.pdf Greys Hospital Tape sealing autoclave sterilization 2024-07-05
grs315.pdf Greys Hospital Tape masking autoclavable cream high self adhesive 24mm x 50m lg 2024-07-05
grs111.pdf Greys Hospital Supply and install donkey boilers for hot water storage tanks 2024-07-05
hgd16202425.pdf Harry Gwala District Office supply and delivery of adult female patient records,adult male health recordsand children health patient records 2024-07-05
kdh 192 24 25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Life size anatomical phlebotomy venipucture practice arm 2024-07-05
KMG 57-24-25.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital supply and deliver photocopying paper 2024-07-05
NGW45.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital industrial cling wrap 30mmx1400m 2024-07-05
NGW1575.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital reusable recyclex water repellants gown  2024-07-05
NGW351.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital knee continuous passive motion machine 2024-07-05
NGW349.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital mortuary cart corpse vehicle 2024-07-05
NGW226.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital fibrous hydrocolloid dressing with ionce silver  2024-07-05
NGW323.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital 2 lumen haemodialysis catheter kit 2024-07-05
VRH-55-24-25.pdf Vryheid Hospital supply and deliver uniform 2024-07-05
VRH-27-24-25.pdf Vryheid Hospital supply and deliver plumbing material 2024-07-05
EST 30.pdf Estcourt Hospital Pest control for Hospital & 2 clinics 2024-07-05
EST 31.pdf Estcourt Hospital Pest control for 8 clinics 2024-07-05
EST 35.pdf Estcourt Hospital Supply photocopy paper white A3 & A4 2024-07-05
EST 96.pdf Estcourt Hospital Supply plumbing & carpentry material 2024-07-05
kev76-24.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Clear Polyethylene bags 280mm X 75 micron 2024-07-05
kev81-24.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Fan Ventilation Service 2024-07-05
kev86-24.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Restore hot water plants at A-Ward 2024-07-05
kev94-24.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Sterile Disposable opic 5mm Trocar and Cannula with Extra Sleeve size 5mm X 100mm and 10mm X 100mm 2024-07-05
kev97-24.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital C-section Fenestrated sheet with mayo cover- drape size 210cm X 300cm 2024-07-05
ESB 27.25 QA.pdf East Boom CHC Cannular IV - 24G 2024-07-05


04 July 2024

Name Health Facility Description Award date
BEN407.pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver Board room table and 20 chairs 2024-07-04
Ben28.pdf Benedictine Pest control service for Benedictine Hospital and Mthwadlana clinic 2024-07-04
Ben26.pdf Benedictine Hospital Pest control service for clinics (12 months contract) 2024-07-04
Ben47.pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver 1000pc self adhesive labels rolls 2024-07-04
Ben46.pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver stationery 2024-07-04
Ben34.pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver bone conductor hearing aid soft band  2024-07-04
Ben19.pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver hearing aid for severe to profound hearing batteries and dry aid 2024-07-04
Ben464.pdf Benedictine Hospital Service for medical,oxygen,vacuum points and plants 2024-07-04
NKO 85.24.25.pdf Choose your facility from the list: Aluminum quardruped walking stick and udult wooden walking stick 2024-07-04
kdh 192.24.25 .pdf Choose your facility from the list: Life size anatomical phlebotomy venipucture practise arm 2024-07-04
kdh 225-24-25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex books mauscript 4 quire a4 384 pages 2024-07-04
kdh 278 23425.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex gp infusion set / 80 units per box 2024-07-04
kdh140 24-25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex calibrant fuid pack 1*cp100 for eden mechine 2024-07-04
kdh207 24-25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex servicing of auiology equipment 2024-07-04
kdh135 24-25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex servicing of lp gas as per unit 2024-07-04
kdh138 24-25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex test cartridges 100*bg10 100 per box 2024-07-04
kdh209 24-25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex neo natal phototherapy eye protection masks/eye shilds with light 2024-07-04
kdh149 24-25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex servicing of air compressor and refrigerstion plant 2024-07-04
kdh023 24-25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex servicing of dl1 hospital hvac chillers x 3 2024-07-04
kdh171 24-25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex neonatal plastic wraps - clear plastic 2024-07-04
kdh 154 24-25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex tilting psn - 80lt gas 2024-07-04
kdh 235 24-25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex repar telephone line 6162 2024-07-04
kdh 187 24-25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex diathermy pad - non split 2024-07-04
kdh 233 24-25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex repair to sheerer axis 2024-07-04
kdh 170 24 25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex repair to sheerer axis 2024-07-04
kdh200 24 25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Repair/replace to gutters/downpipes/fascia boards/barge boards 2024-07-04
kdh182 24 25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Cardiotocograph printing paper 2024-07-04
kdh179 24 25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Road to health booklet 2024-07-04
kdh781 23 24.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Air freshner Aerosol 180ml 2024-07-04
kdh221 24 25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Premium highly concentrated liquid detergent 2024-07-04
kdh213 24 25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex patient appointment cards 2024-07-04
kdh180 24 25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Tampons vaginal 2024-07-04
kdh199 24 25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex supply and deliver electrical material 2024-07-04
kdh212 24 25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex forms request for consultation  2024-07-04
kdh201 24 25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex supply and deliver electrical tools 2024-07-04
kdh202 24 25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex supply and deliver electrical material 2024-07-04
kdh181 24 25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Kiwi omnicup 2024-07-04
kdh214 24 25.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Counter books A4 2 quire  2024-07-04
kdh 210.24.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Hot packs 2024-07-04
kdh 174.24.25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Cusco speculum medium 2024-07-04
kdh 175.24.25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Cusco speculum silver 2024-07-04
kdh 177.24.25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex LLets/leep collm vaginal speculum blue duckbill 2024-07-04
kdh 195.24.25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Hot packs 2024-07-04
kdh 194.24.25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Advanced full function nursing 2024-07-04
kdh 211.24.25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Book daily diet sheet 2024-07-04
kdh 176.24.25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Core test syphilis test 2024-07-04
kdh 845.24.25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Dressing hydrogel 2024-07-04
kdh 191.24.25 .pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex The digestive sytem anatomical cjart 2024-07-04
NKO 68.24.25.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital one piece drainable system with flange 2024-07-04
NKO 71.24.25.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital purchase of geysers and accessories 2024-07-04
NKO 86.24.25.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital zebra gc420t white labels and ribbon 2024-07-04
NKO 88.24.25.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Annual service of fire fighting at clinics and Nkonjeni Hospital 2024-07-04
OTH033-24-25.pdf Othobothini CHC Supply and deliver Photocopying paper A4 2024-07-04
pmm-145-24-25.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 10800 units, pouch 1 piece open transparent cut to fit 10-76mm 2024-07-04
pmm-149-24-25.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 1200 units, flanges 2 piece stomahesive 100mm 2024-07-04
pmm-147-24-25.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 10800 units, pouch 1 piece open opaque cut to fit 10-76mm 2024-07-04
pmm-155-24-25.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 1200 units, pouch 2 piece drainable 100mm 2024-07-04
pmm-148-24-25.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 10800 units, pouch 1 piece closed cut to fit 10-66mm 2024-07-04
Umk008-24-25.pdf Umkhanyakude District Office High risk gloves 2024-07-04
kev25-24.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Supply of total parenteral nutrition (adult bags) 2024-07-04
App63-24-25.pdf Appelsbosch Hospital Provision of Cleaning Gardens and Grounds at Appelsbosch Hospital 2024-07-04
App12-24-25.pdf Appelsbosch Hospital Supply and Deliver Premium Soap 25lt 2024-07-04
App52-24-25.pdf Appelsbosch Hospital Supply and Deliver Photocopy Paper A4 80g 2024-07-04
App34-24-25.pdf Appelsbosch Hospital Service to Generator at Cramond Clinic 2024-07-04
MZH-134-24-25.pdf Manguzi Hospital paper photocopying white bond a4 2024-07-04
MZH-108-24-25.pdf Manguzi Hospital bags paper steam 2024-07-04
MVH154-1.pdf Mosvold Hospital After service repair of fire system 2024-07-04
MVH123.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply of fridge tags 2024-07-04
MVH201.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply of ophthalmic hand cauteries 2024-07-04
MVH202.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply of posterior chamber intra ocular 2024-07-04
MVH198.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply of maternity sanitary towel 2024-07-04
MVH152-1.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply and install electric  diesel pump 2024-07-04
MvH150-1.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply of electrical materials 2024-07-04


03 July 2024

Health Facility Description Award date
egu19-24-25.pdf EG and Usher Memorial Hospital Hardware material  2024-07-03
HGD02202425.pdf Harry Gwala District Office Supply and delivery of photocopying paper 2024-07-03
MZH-168-24-25_24.pdf Manguzi Hospital laundry liquid soap 25l 2024-07-03
NDW67-24.25.pdf Ndwedwe CHC Desludging of septic tank 2024-07-03
UMZ 43-2024-25.pdf Umzinyathi District Office Laundry Chemicals 2024-07-03
ADD37.24.25.pdf Addington Hospital monitoring sets 2024-07-03
GJM-79-24-25.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital Cellulose Eye sponge 2024-07-03
ctk 37-2024-25.pdf Christ the King Hospital Supply and delivery of brother toner cartridge and drums 2024-07-03
hgd18-2024-25.pdf Harry Gwala District Office MMC Surgical Packs 2024-07-03
hgd21-2024-25.pdf Harry Gwala District Office Mans shoes and ladies 2024-07-03
hgd10-2024-25.pdf Harry Gwala District Office Safety boots 2024-07-03
PTN24.05.24-25.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Diesel 4000L 2024-07-03
PTN59.06.24-25.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Blood alcohol kits  2024-07-03


02 July 2024

Name Health Facility Description Award date


Fort Napier Hospital Plumbing items 2024-07-02
FNH32-2024-25.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Hand wash soap liquid 500ml round bottle 2024-07-02
FNH40-2024-25.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Plaster sand 30m = 60tons for blocks  2024-07-02
FNH61-2024-25.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Photocopying paper white a4 2024-07-02
grs123.pdf Greys Hospital Cleaning and maintenance of garden and grounds services for the period of 5 months  2024-07-02
ndh110-24-25.pdf Northdale Hospital appointments cards 2024-07-02
SUN030.24.24.pdf Sundumbili CHC self adhesive labels yellow and white  2024-07-02
SUN118.24.25.pdf Sundumbili CHC photocopying paper 2024-07-02
SUN163.24.25.pdf Sundumbili CHC catering service for patients 2024-07-02
SUN164.24.2.pdf Sundumbili CHC hiring of containers  2024-07-02
SUN165.24.25.pdf Sundumbili CHC cleaning of gardens and grounds 2024-07-02
SUN166.24.25.pdf Sundumbili CHC cleaning of gardens and grounds 2024-07-02
HLE009-24-25.pdf Hlengisizwe CHC Supply and deliver hand tools 2024-07-02
040.KCD.24.25.pdf King Cetshwayo District Office Body bags - Eshowe mortuary 2024-07-02
077.KCD.24.25.pdf King Cetshwayo District Office A4 Photocopy paper 2024-07-02
064.KCD.24.25.pdf King Cetshwayo District Office Body Bags -Richards bay mortuary 2024-07-02
MZH-168-24-25.pdf Manguzi Hospital laundry liquid soap 25litre 2024-07-02
NSE17.24-25.pdf Nseleni CHC a4 photocopying paper 2024-07-02
NSE82.24.25.pdf Nseleni CHC cleaning and desludging 2024-07-02
HGD10-2024-25.pdf Harry Gwala District Office Supply and delivery of Safety Boots 2024-07-02


01 July 2024

Name Health Facility Description Award date
GJM-138  24.25.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital re-route sewer line in hast department 2024-07-01
MSH64-24-25H.pdf Mseleni Hospital stationery items  2024-07-01
STM 13_24-25.pdf St Margaret’s Hospital Service of airconditioners 2024-07-01
ZUL-09.24.25.pdf Zululand District Office Supply and deliver high risk gloves for EMS and Forensics 2024-07-01
AMA035A-24-25 .pdf Amajuba District Office Printing of Documents- Item A 2024-07-01
AMA035-24-25.pdf Amajuba District Office Document Printing - Item B 2024-07-01
AMA035C-24-25.pdf Amajuba District Office Printing of Documents - Item C 2024-07-01
AMA059-24-25.pdf Amajuba District Office Domestic Fridge 170L To Store TB Specimen For Amajuba District Facilities - Item A  2024-07-01
CBH55-24-25.pdf Catherine Booth Hospital Porter service- 12 months contract 2024-07-01
umh 13-24-25.pdf Umgeni Hospital cleaning of garden & grounds 2024-07-01
UMG 26 24 25.pdf Umgungundlovu District Office Combat boots 2024-07-01
UMG 23 24 25.pdf Umgungundlovu District Office High risk gloves 2024-07-01
AMA036-24-25.pdf Amajuba District Office VMMC Kits For Dorsal Slit Procedure 2024-07-01


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This page last edited on 04 December, 2024

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