Sundumbili CHC opened it doors operating as a clinic in June 1970. It started with two nurses who were providing health services for 24 hours. Sundumbili was operating as a clinic but rendering services to the community. It was not providing a free service by that time as patients used to pay in order to receive a service. Nurses collected money and it was handed to the magistrate officer at Inkanyezi Tribal Authority. The Inkanyezi Tribal Authority owned Sundumbili by the 1970’s as it was assisting in handling finances for the institution. The Inkanyezi Tribal Authority owned the clinic until the government took over in the early 1980’s.
The clinic was providing minor ailment treatment; maternity, well baby clinic services and nurses were trained to render family planning services. The Durban Health Centre- Head Office owned Sundumbili CHC and it was assisting by providing medicine to the clinic and it also handled remuneration for staff.
Doctors from SAPPI visited the clinic for one hour on Wednesdays and Thursdays to monitor patients. Services were rendered by few dedicated nurses who were dealing with many patients at the same time rendering 24-hour service. The extension of the clinic was motivated for over 20 years ago and it was officially opened as a Poly Clinic on 26 March 1994. It came into administration as a CHC on 21 March 2005. The CHC buildings improved and the number of nurses increased.
Sundumbili CHC was owned by missionaries and it started with 10- 000 patients per month but it currently has a head count of 27 000 patients monthly. The CHC has 5 PHC’s attached to it which are Macambini, Ohwebede, Dokodweni, Ndulinde and Isithebe Clinics. Isithebe clinic operates for 24 hours and other clinics operate 8 hours on a daily basis. Sundumbili CHC also supports Mandeni and Tugela municipality clinics as well as Amatikulu training centre. It has two mobile clinics and school health services.
We are proud to announce that the staff of Sundumbili CHC managed to work under pressure during the dark days where there were no ambulances, telephones and that means that Sundumbili staff was and still are committed and dedicated in providing quality health care service delivery to the people.
Sundumbili CHC has really developed as the following extensions have been added; park homes, containers and storage. Admin block, support services, VCT, ARV site as well as social worker sections has been extended. The headcount at the ARV department has increased to 2200 registered patients per month and the extension of medical services which was aimed to step down patients has impacted positively on health care. The appointment of the Senior Dentist has enhanced the quality specialised care in the dental section.
Sundumbili CHC has a full functioning management structure which has been operating productively since 2005. All departments within the CHC operate effectively and the staff is really committed in serving the needs of the community continuously. This CHC has a Manager, Human Resources Manager, Nursing Services Manager, Medical Manager, Pharmacy Manager and Finance & Systems Manager posts.
This page last edited on
17 January, 2019
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