Ten common breastfeeding questions mothers ask

Colostrum cleans the meconium from the stomach. You will not need any medicines for further cleaning as breastmilk is clean, and actually lines the stomach, protecting it from bacteria

The colostrum is all the baby needs. You just need to feed the baby often so that the milk will come in - you make lots of milk that way. Ask the midwife to give you your baby within the first half hour after birth so you can put the baby to the breast. The baby will learn quickly how to suckle and this will help you to make more milk.

No, you can make more milk by feeding the baby more often. Allow the baby time to drink until satisfied on one breast to make sure the baby gets hindmilk, before offering the second breast, which the baby may or may not want. The more the baby suckles, the more milk is made

Maybe the baby is growing quickly, and so needs more milk. Byfeeding often, you can make enough milk for his/her needs The milk will not run out! Allow extra time for the baby to suckle - don't pull the baby off the breast. If a baby has more than 6 wet nappies every day, is being fed often (at least 8-12times every day), and the baby is gaining at least 500g every month, then you are making enough milk.

Comfort your baby by putting him/her to the breast more often. Babies need to be close to their mothers. Mothers and babies sharing the same room will ncourage this. If your baby is hungry, thirsty or upset, suckling at the breast will satisfy him/her. It is unlikely that you will overfeed your baby when giving breastmilk only.

No!adding other drinks means that the baby is more likely to get diseases like diarrhoea and pneumonia. Also, if the baby has other drinks, he/she won't suckle as often and you won't make enough milk

No, the first milk (foremilk) has lots of water and quenches the baby's thirst. Just make sure you feed your baby often in hot weather

After 6 months, continue breastfeeding as before, but add other foods as well. The baby is only ready to start learning about eating after 6 months

It is important to discuss feeding choices with your HIV counsellor. If you choose to breastfeed, be sure to breastfeed exclusively for the first 6 months. Research has shown that the baby has very little chance of getting HIV from breastmilk if the mother exclusively breastfeeds. During the months that you are pregnant, and breastfeeding, be sure to use a condom during sexual intercourse to prevent any new infection. If you have any problems such a painful nipples or breasts, be sure to go the clinic early for help.

  • Babies under 6 months need breastmilk only, and mothers can make all the milk their baby needs. Good positioning is important for this
  • The more a baby suckles at the breast, the more milk is made
  • The healthiest babies are exclusively breastfed babies

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This page last edited on 28 June, 2024

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