To be treated in a safe environment whist a patient
To have their property / clothing kept in a secure place to
prevent theft
To be provided with appropriate information about hospital
policies and the Mental Health Care Act in a language of their choice
To not be discriminated against on the basis of race,
gender, age or type of illness
To be able to talk to members of multidisciplinary team
involved in their care and treatment
To have appropriate information and counselling provided
before any tests or assessments are performed
To be given appropriate information about: treatment, reason
for hospitalisation, expected length of stay, results of tests and
To have clinical and social information recorded and handled
in a confidential and private manner
To discuss any complaints or grievances with a named member
of staff who will initiate appropriate investigation and submit this
information to hospital management who will then act on this
To obtain written consent before any method of recording
(audio, video or photographic) is undertaking when interviewing patients
To have communication with family members (personal,
telephonic or written) where feasible
The right to refuse to participate in any research project
without compromising his/her access to services offered by the hospital.