01 February 2022
THE KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health has noted the circulation of a video depicting a group of school children in a healthcare facility setting, and in visible distress.
The Department can confirm that yesterday one of its hospitals in Ilembe District treated 46 children from a local primary school, after they had complained of abdominal pains.
At this stage, the Department is unable to confirm the cause of this sudden illness, save to say that all the children had relatively mild symptoms and were treated and discharged on the same day.
They are now recovering at their respective homes.
Management of Ilembe District (Health) has, meanwhile, dispatched an Environmental Health Specialist to the school to investigate the matter.
Any allegations pertaining to the "death" of any individuals in this matter - as claimed in an audio clip accompanying the video - are false, objectionable, and are to be regarded as the work of agents provocateur with nefarious intentions of sowing fear and panic.
The Department wishes all affected a speedy and full recovery.
ENDS Issued by the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health
This page last edited on
02 February, 2022
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