isiZulu information
means 'porous bones'.
Why is this important?
The importance of Oseteoporosis lies in the fact that it may cause serious
problems for the women who have it. It is much more common in women,
especially in menopause. About one third of women over the age of 65 will
suffer a fracture of a vertebra in their old age. Another common site of
fractures in elderly women in the hip bone.
How does this condition come about?
The bones in our body are not solid and unchanging. Everyday there is a
process of breakdown and rebuilding going on; the bones are being constantly
remoulded. Usually the two processes are in a state of balance and the bones
maintain a certain thickness and strength, but as we get older an imbalance
develops and there is more breakdown
of bone than repair. The bones
therefore become thinner.
The body needs calcium for normal function of all the cells. The bones form
a sort of calcium bank for the body. If there is a shortage then calcium
will be drawn out of the bones and unless the lack is corrected, the bones
will remain deficient in calcium.
Risk factors
Genetic factors
A family history of osteoporosis or a fracture due to osteoporosis.
Body type
Small thin fair complexioned, white or Indian women. Age plays a role. As
women get older the level of hormones, especially estrogen drops. This
causes a decrease in the absorption of calcium and a tendency to
Medical and surgical problems
Certain drugs cause loss of bone mineral. These include cortisone,
anti-epileptic drugs and others. Hysterectomy before the menopause
especially if the ovaries are also removed increases the risk of
osteoporosis. Overactive thyroid or para-thyroid glands also do so.
This plays a very definite role. These all increase the likelihood or
aggravates osteoporosis; smoking and alcohol intake; drinking a lot of tea
or coffee; an insufficient intake of calcium and lack of weight bearing
How can osteoporosis be prevented?
Start young with maintaining bone health : If one lays down strong bones in
youth, these same bones will be able to better resist osteoporosis in the
middle and old age.
Exercise regularly - walk or jog for an hour three times a week. Avoid or
reduce alcohol, smoking, tea and coffee intake.
Diet and supplements
Increase your calcium intake. Milk, yoghurt and cheese are good sources of
calcium. Calcium can also been taken in the form of a supplement,
particularly for those women who cannot tolerate dairy products.
Osteoporosis poses a real threat to the well-being and lives of millions of
women. It is much easier to prevent it than to treat it. You can make the
care of your bones your concern. Lifestyle changes, plays as important a
role in your bone health as all the medicines that are or can be used.
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Copyright © KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health, 2001