Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital Overview
The 500 - Bed Hospital has four levels
- Lower Ground - which encompasses support services such as kitchens, Laundry, Maintenance workshops and Pharmacy stores.
- Ground Floor - which has General patient areas such as Accident & Emergency, Radiology, Reception, Pharmacy dispensary and OPD.
- First Floor - which has Theatres, ICU, Delivery, Neonatal and Postnatal wards,
- Second Floor -which has Administration, Infectious Diseases, Medical, Gynaecology and Paediatrics Wards.
The Hospital is divided into 10 blocks, 4 blocks on the west of the building and 6 blocks on the East side of the building.
The blocks are separated by a thoroughfare referred to a Hospital Street. Which enables easy circulation within the hospital other elements in this building that makes it unique, is the
- Passive design principles - which includes orientation, natural light.
- Energy saving – in terms of lighting
- Easy circulation - with the spine (hospital street) reducing travel.
- Reduced carbon footprint - environmentally friendly construction.
- First mega project - contract handled and managed internally by the Department of Health infrastructure (work in progress)
- Rainwater Harvesting Storage Tank: 635 000 Litres – 455 000 Litres will be available for flushing toilets and 180 000 Litres will be available for irrigation.
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