Tongaat Community Health Centre began as a small Primary Health Clinic with a limited package of service and a mobile health clinic providing an outreach service. The Family Planning clinic was subsequently rendered from M.G. Reddy building on Main Street, Tongaat, including a Youth Health Clinic. The health clinic was operated from what is now used as the administration block. The increase in patient load and expansion of services led to the development of more service delivery infrastructure over the years. Some services like Mental and Community Health Services are offered at David Whitehead
The catchment area consists of approximately 112,677; made up from previously disadvantaged communities, predominantly poor with high unemployment. The area includes Wards 61, 62 and other neighboring wards including border communities in Ilembe up to Shakaskrall, Ballito and Ndwedwe. The current site of the community health centre is accessible in terms of transport routes services. It is favorable to a one stop e.g. health care, public utility services and shopping to the greater area including border communities of Ilembe. It is located next to the Tongaat Bus/Taxi Rank
Dr S Bhimsan : CEO and Medical manager
Mr P Mnguni: Nursing Service Manager
Mr JSB Thusi : HR Manager
Mr. T.I Ngcobo : Systems Manager
Ms J Phalad : Finance Manager
Telephone : +27 (0) 32 944 5054
Email :
Postal Address :P/Bag X06 Tongaat 4400
Physical Address : Sanele Nxumalo Lane Tongaat 4400
To achieve optimal health status for all communities in the catchment areas of Tongaat CHC
To provide a comprehensive, equitable and efficient PHC service which is effective and sustainable, by implementing the Batho Pele principles
Tel:(032) 944 5054 ext 253
Fax: (032) 945 1210
Email :
This page last edited on
27 January, 2025
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