Quotation Adverts : June 2022

Note : Manguzi Hospital,  Ilembe District Office and Emmaus district hospital currently have technical issues with their server.  Service providers are requested to place hardcopies of bid documents in the tender box, and not to  submit via email .
Note : Emails at Madadeni Hospital, Benedictine Hospital  are down.  Service providers are requested to place hardcopies of bid documents in the tender box located in the hospital, and not to submit via email
Note : eDumbe CHC is experiencing network problems, they further request for service providers to hand deliver their documents.

30 June 2022

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
DDE-00076-22-23.pdf Dundee Hospital Industrial double mopping wringer system 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
DDE-00121-22-23.pdf Dundee Hospital Repair and upholster low back armchairs 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
DDE-00123-22-23.pdf Dundee Hospital cash-in transit service for Dundee hospital 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
DDE-00124-22-23.pdf Dundee Hospital medical scrub suits and wrap around medical clothing 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
IAL-352-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Lu-177 PMSA 200mCi / 7.4 GBq 30/06/2022 05/07/2022
IAL-351-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Antibiotic impregnated ventricular peritoneal shunt standard global sizing reference 5/m/1 30/06/2022 05/07/2022
IAL-326-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital 28cm cannon repair set 30/06/2022 05/07/2022
IAL-281-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Fenestrated tracheostomy tubes various sized 4mm, 5mm 6mm 7mm 8mm 30/06/2022 05/07/2022
IAL-242-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital 2-OG Polyglactin 910 braided synthetic absorbable ties 30/06/2022 05/07/2022
IAL-169-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Cannula single stage various sizes 30/06/2022 05/07/2022
IAL-325-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Swab gauze green 30/06/2022 05/07/2022
IAL-321-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Pressure monitor line male-male 240cm 30/06/2022 05/07/2022
IAL-320-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Nanocrastaline silver dressing 20cm x 40cm 30/06/2022 05/07/2022
IAL-310-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital 4fr Diagnostic catheter multipurpose 65cm /  80cm 30/06/2022 05/07/2022
IAL-355-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Laryngeal wands precise LW 30/06/2022 05/07/2022
IAL-356-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Nitric Oxide (Pulminox) gas cylinder 15lt 30/06/2022 05/07/2022
IAL-171-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Bone marrow biopsy needle - various sizes 30/06/2022 05/07/2022
PSH 213-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital supply and install water tank, awning and repair roof Marburg clinic 30/06/2022 14/07/2022
THH06-2022-23.pdf Town Hill Hospital Repair/Replace fluorescent light fittings as per specification 30/06/2022 14/07/2022
076-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Installation of clear view fence 30/06/2022 13/07/2022
DAB.68.22.23.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Cleaning & Day to Day Domestic Maintenance of the Buildings at Clermont Clinic 30/06/2022 11/07/2022
DAB.69.22.23.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Cleaning & Day to Day Domestic Maintenance of the Buildings at Halley Stott Clinic 30/06/2022 11/07/2022
DAB.70.22.23.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Cleaning & Day to Day Domestic Maintenance of the Buildings at Molweni Clinic 30/06/2022 11/07/2022
DAB.71.22.23.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Cleaning & Day to Day Domestic Maintenance of the Buildings at KwaNgcolosi Clinic 30/06/2022 11/07/2022
DAB.72.22.23.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Cleaning & Day to Day Domestic Maintenance of the Buildings at Maphephetheni Clinic 30/06/2022 11/07/2022
DAB.73.22.23.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Cleaning & Day to Day Domestic Maintenance of the Buildings at KwaNdengezi Clinic 30/06/2022 11/07/2022
DAB.74.22.23.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Cleaning & Day to Day Domestic Maintenance of the Buildings at Zwelibomvu Clinic 30/06/2022 11/07/2022
mad297.pdf Choose your facility from the list: Supply & deliver Industrial floor mops 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
DDE-00122-22-23.pdf Dundee Hospital pumping out of septic tanks till empty and de-slugging there for clinics 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
DDE-00120-22-23.pdf Dundee Hospital supply and install burglar guards 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
DDE-00086-22-23.pdf Dundee Hospital annual service to mortuary and main kitchen cold rooms, freezer and fridge 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
EPH88-2022-23.pdf Ekuhlengeni Psychiatric Hospital Crocks 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
EPH89-2022-23.pdf Ekuhlengeni Psychiatric Hospital Sport bra 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
EPH90-2022-23.pdf Ekuhlengeni Psychiatric Hospital Female tights 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
EPH91-2022-23.pdf Ekuhlengeni Psychiatric Hospital Golf t-shirt 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
EPH92-2022-23.pdf Ekuhlengeni Psychiatric Hospital unisex bermudas 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
EPH93-2022-23.pdf Ekuhlengeni Psychiatric Hospital Navy blue blankets 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
EPH94-2022-23.pdf Ekuhlengeni Psychiatric Hospital Unisex long jeans  30/06/2022 08/07/2022
EPH95-2022-23.pdf Ekuhlengeni Psychiatric Hospital T-shirt 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad113.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to standby generator at Laundry and OPD 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad115.pdf Madadeni Hospital major service to medical gas banks 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad118.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to laundry roll ironer - April 2022  30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad128.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to kitchen convection ovens-May 2022  30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad131.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to Laundry sewing machine - April 2022  30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad144.pdf Madadeni Hospital major service-infra red testing on main power supply at clinics 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad284.pdf Madadeni Hospital Erection of shelter at OPD for patients waiting 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad285.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to kitchen extractor fan -  30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad287.pdf Madadeni Hospital ajor service to Theater Air-con unit - May 2022  30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad286.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to sprinkler valve system - April 2022 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad288.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to Theater sliding doors - May 2022  30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad289.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service- Cleaning of storm water drains in the Hospital 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad292.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to split Air-con units in the Hospital 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad295.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service - particle count in theatre 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad299.pdf Madadeni Hospital Supply & install oxygen points in short stay ward 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad300.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to fire fighting equipment in the clinics 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad116.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to vacuum pumps 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad119.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to Laundry steam presses - April 2022 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad126.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to kitchen canopy- May 2022 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad142.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to X-ray doors - April 2022 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad143.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to Hospital and township water supply 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad192.pdf Madadeni Hospital Replacement of cold room door in main kitchen  30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad281.pdf Madadeni Hospital Repairs & renovations to block 1 ablutions (Ward 1A and 1B) 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad282.pdf Madadeni Hospital Repairs & renovation to main kitchen 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad283.pdf Madadeni Hospital Replacement of electric boom gate at OPD entrance  30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad294.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to standby generators in clinics 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad291.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to split Air-con units in the clinic 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad290.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service- Cleaning of storm water drains in clinics 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad141.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to UPS units in the clinics 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
mad129.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to gutters and downpipes in the clinics 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
059-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Digital table top electronic scale 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
120-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Adult metal bedpan stainless steel 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
121-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Pedal bins stainless steel 20l 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
NMH 160-22-23.pdf Niemeyer Memorial Hospital supply and deliver plumbing materials 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
NMH 161-22-23.pdf Niemeyer Memorial Hospital supply and deliver photocopy paper a4 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
SMM.085.23.pdf St Mary�s Marianhill Hospital Maintenance of garden and grounds 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
UNTU 141 2022.23.pdf Untunjambili Hospital 5l zip hydroboiler wall mounted 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
UNTU 142 2022.23.pdf Untunjambili Hospital Stainless steel pedal bin 10l 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
UNTU 143 2022.23.pdf Untunjambili Hospital 36w 1200 x 600M recessed primastic fluorescent 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
UNTU 144 2022.23.pdf Untunjambili Hospital Fs-205 6 volt battery part no: row 6 f250 30/06/2022 08/07/2022
UNTU 154 2022.23.pdf Untunjambili Hospital A4 photocopying paper white bond  30/06/2022 08/07/2022
GJM-190-22-23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital Disposable SP02 sensors 30/06/2022 07/07/2022
GJM-193-22-23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital Sutures 30/06/2022 07/07/2022
GJM-194-22-23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital Dual Enzymatic Cleaner 30/06/2022 07/07/2022
GJM-195-22-23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital Suction Catheter Clear 30/06/2022 07/07/2022
DAB.113.22.23.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Supply/Deliver of 50PPM Diesel at KwaDabeka CHC 30/06/2022 07/07/2022
DAB.114.22.23.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Supply/Deliver of 50PPM Diesel (1200 Litres) at KwaNdengezi Clinic for 5 Fillings 30/06/2022 07/07/2022
DAB.115.22.23.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Mission H.B. Hemoglobin Test Strips 30/06/2022 07/07/2022
DAB.117.22.23.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Stat Strip Xpress 2 Test Strips for Glucose & Ketones 30/06/2022 07/07/2022
DAB.118.22.23.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Stat Strip Xpress 2 Test Strips for Lactate & HB/HCT 30/06/2022 07/07/2022
DAB.119.22.23.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Syringe Drive Infusion Pump 30/06/2022 07/07/2022
DAB.120.22.23.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Patient Health Records Primary Health Care - Adult Female & Male 30/06/2022 07/07/2022
MVH141.pdf Mosvold Hospital Service of Autoclave at Mosvold 30/06/2022 07/07/2022
MVH142.pdf Mosvold Hospital Major Service of Theatre Table at Mosvold 30/06/2022 07/07/2022
MVH143.pdf Mosvold Hospital Major Service of Theatre Light at Mosvold 30/06/2022 07/07/2022
MVH144.pdf Mosvold Hospital Minor Service Heat Pump at Mosvold Covid Ward 30/06/2022 07/07/2022
MVH145.pdf Mosvold Hospital Service Boiler Heat Pump at Mosvold 30/06/2022 07/07/2022
MVH146.pdf Mosvold Hospital Service Vacuum Pump at Mosvold 30/06/2022 07/07/2022
MVH147.pdf Mosvold Hospital Do Earth Monitoring at Mosvold clinics 30/06/2022 07/07/2022
MVH148.pdf Mosvold Hospital Do Earth Monitoring At Mosvold Hospital 30/06/2022 07/07/2022
MVH149.pdf Mosvold Hospital Service of  Fire Extinguisher at Mosvold Hospital 30/06/2022 07/07/2022
MVH150-1.pdf Mosvold Hospital Service of Fire Extinguisher at Mosvold clinic 30/06/2022 07/07/2022
cjm0070.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Supply and deliver: Female Parabellum black shoes genuine leather sizes : 04;05;06 and 07 30/06/2022 05/07/2022
EDU 091.22.23.pdf Edumbe CHC Supply and delivery of chw uniform 30/06/2022 05/07/2022
PHX.44.06.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Garden and grounds 6months  30/06/2022 05/07/2022
FPL.31.06.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office microtome blades s35 30/06/2022 05/07/2022
FPL.30.06.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office poly-l-lysine 30/06/2022 05/07/2022
CAT36.06.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Mask respiratory KN95 FF92 30/06/2022 05/07/2022
FPL. eThekwini Metro district office Ethanol rectified 30/06/2022 05/07/2022
FPL29.06.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Formal saline  30/06/2022 05/07/2022
FPL27.06.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Ethanol Absolute 99.8% 30/06/2022 05/07/2022
GAM064.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Supply and deliver diesel for Gam chc and clinics 30/06/2022 05/07/2022
INA 74.pdf Inanda CHC supply and deliver photocopying paper  30/06/2022 05/07/2022
PSH 205-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital Tube endotracheal vygon size:3.0 30/06/2022 05/07/2022
PSH 206-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital Paper ECG nihon khoden 30/06/2022 05/07/2022
PSH 209-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital Lancets blood green sterile adult 30/06/2022 05/07/2022
FNH 98-2022-23KFNH (2).pdf Fort Napier Hospital Male tracksuit Cancelled 30/06/2022 04/07/2022
psh 213-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital supply, install water tank and repair roof at marburg clinic 2022/06/30 2022/07/14
HOH 0234.pdf Head Office Quotations bed, icu, electric paediatric 2022/06/30 2022/07/06
hoh 0248.pdf Head Office Quotations heavy duty paper shredder 2022/06/30 2022/07/06
hoh 0288.pdf Head Office Quotations lift 2022/06/30 2022/07/06
hoh 0235.pdf Head Office Quotations headlamp for ent clinic & operating theatre 2022/06/30 2022/07/06
hoh 0177.pdf Head Office Quotations analyser impedence tympanometry 2022/06/30 2022/07/06


29 June 2022

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
NGW567.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital stainless steel pedal bins 29/06/2022 06/07/2022
NGW580.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital disposable multiple clip applier  29/06/2022 06/07/2022
NGW425.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital auto feed(fill) humidication chamber  29/06/2022 06/07/2022
NGW409.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital rigid lenses  29/06/2022 06/07/2022
NGW534.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital supply and install dryer machine 29/06/2022 06/07/2022
NGW472.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital paper steri crepe 29/06/2022 06/07/2022
NGW576.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital surgical suture mocryl  29/06/2022 06/07/2022
NGW494.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital conducting of hazardous biological agents surveys 29/06/2022 06/07/2022
NGW280.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital replacement of air conditioners for clinics 29/06/2022 06/07/2022
NGW328.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital mapitel ag silicon dressing 29/06/2022 06/07/2022
NGW446.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital supply and deliver hospital bed caster wheels 29/06/2022 06/07/2022
NGW474.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital conducting of hazardous biological agents 29/06/2022 06/07/2022
NGW577.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital regulator dial-a-flow 29/06/2022 06/07/2022
NGW455.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital vicryl 4/0-violet braided polyglycolic acid 29/06/2022 06/07/2022
NGW484.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital supply and deliver marine plytech 8 slated 29/06/2022 06/07/2022
NGW442.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital 305 stainless steel tea trolleys 29/06/2022 06/07/2022
NGW114.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital three row circular stappler 29/06/2022 06/07/2022
NGW255.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital bard 3d max mesh 29/06/2022 06/07/2022
NGW501.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital supply microphone shower with hose 29/06/2022 06/07/2022
NGW422.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital major service to kitchen equipment 29/06/2022 06/07/2022
NGW85.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital re-usable recyclex gowns water repellent 29/06/2022 06/07/2022
NGW549.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital replacement of 60 000 btu air- conditioner 29/06/2022 06/07/2022
NGW292.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital airways igel supraglotic 29/06/2022 06/07/2022
EGU25.22.23.pdf EG and Usher Memorial Hospital Staff Uniform 29/06/2022 05/07/2022
HOH0343-23.pdf Head Office Quotations Supply, deliver of Leather stucco sole bends 29/06/2022 05/07/2022
HOH0348-23.pdf Head Office Quotations Supply, deliver  of box hide leather 29/06/2022 05/07/2022
HOH0320-23.pdf Head Office Quotations Remove of toilet pans  at scm office 29/06/2022 05/07/2022
HOH0322-23.pdf Head Office Quotations Remove of existing tilling and re tilling in Red square at Natalia 29/06/2022 05/07/2022
HOH0321-23.pdf Head Office Quotations Replacement of tilet pans, toilet flush valves, urinal at Natalia 29/06/2022 05/07/2022
275.22.23ADH.pdf Addington Hospital spinal needles pencil point 26G 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
DPM 225.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital naso jejunal feeding tubes  29/06/2022 04/07/2022
DPM 266.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital disposable pulse lavage  29/06/2022 04/07/2022
DPM 82 Dr Pixley Ka Seme Memorial Hospital Pest Control 29/06/2022 05/07/2022
KEV22-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital fridge dryer x4 service Cancelled 29/06/2022 18/07/2022
KEV23-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital main kitchen extractor canopy service 29/06/2022 18/07/2022
KEV61-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital circulating pump service 29/06/2022 18/07/2022
KEV62-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital electric steam hot water plant service Cancelled 29/06/2022 18/07/2022
KEV65-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital fan ventilation service Cancelled 29/06/2022 18/07/2022
KDH 17 22 23.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex mortice full lock set 29/06/2022 11/07/2022
MON-7W-2022-23.pdf Montebello Hospital Replacement of warn out air conditioners 12000BTU 29/06/2022 08/07/2022
MSH07-22-23-H.pdf Mseleni Hospital Gauze Swab 100x100mm non-sterile Cancelled 29/06/2022 08/07/2022
MSH125-22-23-H.pdf Mseleni Hospital Cleaning Material  29/06/2022 08/07/2022
MSH122-22-23-H.pdf Mseleni Hospital Surgical Items   29/06/2022 08/07/2022
MSH112-22-23-H.pdf Mseleni Hospital x-ray film 35x43mm  Cancelled 29/06/2022 08/07/2022
MSH111-22-23-H.pdf Mseleni Hospital Hydroconductive wound dressing 20cmx20cm Cancelled 29/06/2022 08/07/2022
MSH114-22-23-H.pdf Mseleni Hospital surgical Items  Cancelled 29/06/2022 08/07/2022
MSH02-22-23-H.pdf Mseleni Hospital Major service to all ups clinics  29/06/2022 08/07/2022
MSH98-22-23-H.pdf Mseleni Hospital Supply and install Pharmacy air-conditioning  29/06/2022 08/07/2022
MSH109-22-23-H.pdf Mseleni Hospital service to kitchen equipment at Mseleni hospital  29/06/2022 08/07/2022
GJM-188-22-23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital Swabs Gauze X-ray Detectable 29/06/2022 07/07/2022
GJM-189-22-23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital Dishwashing Liquid 29/06/2022 07/07/2022
GJM-191  22.23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital visual assistive devices  29/06/2022 07/07/2022
42.06.22-23 GTW.pdf Greytown Hospital Handy Andy cleaner ammonia 5Lt and Pine disinfectant cleaner 5Lt 29/06/2022 07/07/2022
43.06.22-23 GTW.pdf Greytown Hospital Lounge Suites 29/06/2022 07/07/2022
44.06.22-23 GTW.pdf Greytown Hospital Out of bucky erect stand 29/06/2022 07/07/2022
MON-23-2022-23.pdf Montebello Hospital Provision of cleaning of garden and grounds 29/06/2022 07/07/2022
NKO 104.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Annual service of sewer line HP cleaning at Nkonjeni Hospital 29/06/2022 07/07/2022
NKO 105.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Contract to disludging of septic tank for a period of 08 months 29/06/2022 07/07/2022
NKO 106.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings for a period of 6 months within the facility at Gate-Way Clinic 29/06/2022 07/07/2022
NKO 107.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings for a period of 6 months within the facility at Nomdiya Clinic 29/06/2022 07/07/2022
NKO 108.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings for a period of 6 months within the facility at Ulundi A Clinic 29/06/2022 07/07/2022
NKO 109.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings for a period of 6 months within the facility at Umdumezulu Clinic 29/06/2022 07/07/2022
NKO 110.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of Buildings for a period of 6 months within the facility at Mabedlane clinic 29/06/2022 07/07/2022
NKO 111.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings for a period of 6 months within the facility at Makhosini Clinic 29/06/2022 07/07/2022
NKO 112.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings for a period of 6 months within the facility at Mpungamhlophe Clinic 29/06/2022 07/07/2022
NKO 113.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings for a period of 6 months within the facility at Nhlopheni Clinic 29/06/2022 07/07/2022
NKO 114.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings for a period of 6 months within the facility at Wela Clinic 29/06/2022 07/07/2022
NKO 115.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings for a period of 6 months within the facility at Lomo Clinic 29/06/2022 07/07/2022
NKO 116.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings for a period of 6 months wiyhin the facility at Okhukho Clinic 29/06/2022 07/07/2022
NKO 117.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings for a period of 6 months within the facility at Ncemaneni Clinic 29/06/2022 07/07/2022
MUR 91_22_23.pdf Murchison Hospital Intraocular lens implant for posterior chamber, Trypan blue ophthalmic solution, PVA eye spears  29/06/2022 06/07/2022
MUR 92_22_23.pdf Murchison Hospital Heat insulated food trolley 29/06/2022 06/07/2022
MUR 93_22_23.pdf Murchison Hospital Laundry staff uniform 29/06/2022 06/07/2022
MUR 94_22_23.pdf Murchison Hospital Patient gowns white 29/06/2022 06/07/2022
BEN87 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital Surgical sundries  Cancelled 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
BEN68 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital velband bandages and pads eye 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
BEN62 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital Blood gas syringes 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
BEN67 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital Colostomy bags 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
BEN85 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital Service of borehole pump and cleaning of water storage  Cancelled 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
BEN52 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital supply diesel 50pp at clinics 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
BEN59 2-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital thermometer digital and infrared 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
BEN55 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital 24 000 BTU air conditioner Cancelled 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
BEN61 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital surgical sundries Cancelled 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
BEN86 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital prontoson Gel 50G Cancelled 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
BEN60 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital spo2 sensor for infants 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
COS096-22-23.pdf Church of Scotland Hospital Sterile airways sizes 2 and 000 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
COS098-22-23.pdf Church of Scotland Hospital Book elective patient transfer requisition 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
Ekb47.22.23.pdf Ekombe Hospital service to kitchen equipment 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
Ekb48.22.23.pdf Ekombe Hospital collection of waste  29/06/2022 04/07/2022
Ekb49.22.23.pdf Ekombe Hospital do infra red 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
Ekb50.22.23.pdf Ekombe Hospital cleaning of Ekombe grounds  29/06/2022 04/07/2022
EKB51.22.23.pdf Ekombe Hospital supply and deliver hardware 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
EKB53.22.23.pdf Ekombe Hospital supply and deliver furniture 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
FNH 97-2022-23KFNH.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Soap toilet bath 50g 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
FNH 98-2022-23KFNH.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Tracksuit male  29/06/2022 04/07/2022
KEV134.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Figure 8 board system. 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
KEV176.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Skin closure strips 6mm x 100mm 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
KEV178.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Nelaton urethral catheters, different sizes. 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
KEV179.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Ryles duodenal tubes, different sizes. 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
KEV193.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital 100% silicone 2and 3-way foley catheters, different sizes. 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
KEV213.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Filters for yumell portable suction unit. 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
KEV256.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Finger pinch exerciser. 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
KEV279.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Gauze absorbent ribbon, different sizes. 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
KEV330.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Low-profile gastrostomy feeding tube with ext. set 20fr. 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
NKO 97.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply box file black A4 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
NKO 98.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply brown cover health services A4 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
NKO 99.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply needles dental disposable 27g 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
NKO 100.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Major service of air conditioners at Nkonjeni Hospital 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
NKO 101.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Major service of air conditioners at clinics under Nkonjeni Hospital 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
NKO 102.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Annual service of infrared inspection at Nkonjeni hospital 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
NKO 103.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Annual service of infrared inspection at clinics under Nkonjeni hospital 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
NKO 118.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply card carrier outpatient blue and white appointment card 29/06/2022 04/07/2022
UMK 012-22-23.pdf Umkhanyakude District Office condom dispenser  29/06/2022 04/07/2022
VRH-86-22-23(B).pdf Vryheid Hospital 9 months contract to supply deliver and off load 50pp diesel in the three generators

 situated at Siyakhathal Clinic, Vumani, Fuduka clinic Cancelled

29/06/2022 04/07/2022
sah 79.pdf St Andrews Hospital cleaning equipment Cancelled 29/06/2022 02/07/2022
Gam054.2223.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Hb test strips  29/06/2022 01/07/2022
Gam055.2223.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Kn95 mask 29/06/2022 01/07/2022
Gam056.2223.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Flange 2 piece 57mm 29/06/2022 01/07/2022
Gam057.2223.pdf Gamalakhe CHC sutures 29/06/2022 01/07/2022
Gam058.2223.pdf Gamalakhe CHC dressings 29/06/2022 01/07/2022
Gam060.2223.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Brown bag size 10 29/06/2022 01/07/2022
311.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Pmma intraocular lens - posterior chamber - 19.00 to 23.50 29/06/2022 01/07/2022
MSH101-22-23-H.pdf Mseleni Hospital Supply and deliver Diesel for standby Generator at Mseleni  6000L 29/06/2022 01/07/2022



28 June 2022

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
FNH 87-2022-23KFNH.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Servicing of kitchen freezer 28/06/2022 12/07/2022
FNH 88-2022-23KFNH.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Servicing of kitchen cooking equipment 28/06/2022 12/07/2022
FNH 89-2022-23KFNH.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Install deep galvanised frame grids 28/06/2022 12/07/2022
MBH  78  2022.pdf Mbongolwane Hospital service of UPS 28/06/2022 08/07/2022
MBH  106  2022.pdf Mbongolwane Hospital service of fire extinguishers 28/06/2022 08/07/2022
MBH 73   2022.pdf Mbongolwane Hospital connection of PUI dept to standby generator 28/06/2022 08/07/2022
MBH 91   2022.pdf Mbongolwane Hospital annual service of food macerator 28/06/2022 08/07/2022
MBH 82   2022.pdf Mbongolwane Hospital annual service of sewerage 28/06/2022 08/07/2022
MBH 76   2022.pdf Mbongolwane Hospital installation of ceiling boards 28/06/2022 08/07/2022
MBH 77   2022.pdf Mbongolwane Hospital paving of pathways  28/06/2022 08/07/2022
GRS 1186-06-22.pdf Greys Hospital Catheter Mount Complete with 15mm Angled Female Connection, Double Swivel and a 22mm Straight Female Connection 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 775-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Plastic Matters Cover Single Bed Size: 1950mm x 310mm DL plus PVC Pillow Slips Plastic 75 x 55cm White (Re-usable) 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 102-04-22.pdf Greys Hospital Enzyme Alginogel  28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 776-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Metal Type Handle for Gear Press Mop (100-Blue) (100-White) (100-Red) (100-Yellow) 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
HOH.0287.pdf Head Office Quotations Supply and Deliver of Bins 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
HOH.0392.23.pdf Head Office Quotations Supply and deliver of Cardiac Output Unit 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
FNH 36-2022-23KFNH.pdf Fort Napier Hospital 2 Seater couches 28/06/2022 04/07/2022
kev354.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Plates Diathermy 28/06/2022 30/06/2022
GJM 184.22.23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital Lease of reusable biopsy gun 28/06/2022 08/07/2022
GJM-179-22-23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital Printed Material 28/06/2022 07/07/2022
GJM-182-22-23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital Collection & Disposal of Laser Films 28/06/2022 07/07/2022
GJM-183-22-23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital Finesse Filter Pack II 28/06/2022 07/07/2022
GJM-185-22-23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital Y Adaptor CT 9000 28/06/2022 07/07/2022
189.NKA.2223.pdf Nkandla Hospital Garden and Ground cleaning services contract 28/06/2022 06/07/2022
cjm0067.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Supply and deliver: Powder blue T-shirt marked department of health size (S),(M) AND (L) 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
cjm0068.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Supply and deliver: Mens Parabellum shoes Brown leather size 06, 07, 08 and 09 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 844-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Body Bags White Adult Small 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 693-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital De Bakey Needle Holder. Must be Surgical Stainless Steel, Must be 165mm and 210mm. 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 682-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital 55cm, 5fr Dual Lumen Peripheral Inserted Central Catheter with Tip Location Sensor. 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 812-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Drug Labels for Syringes. Colours as Described in SANS 26825:2009 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 644-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Supply, Install and Commission a Pump Station with 2 Pumps and Heat Exchangers &

 Circulation Pump at Kitchen Calorifier

28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 335-04-22.pdf Greys Hospital Three Year Contract to Maintain and Service the Fire Detection and Alarm Monitoring Systems at Grey's Hospital. 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 687-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Single Needle Connectors with Colour Coded Plastic Clamps on Each Port. 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 688-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital 15cm, 12fr Temporary Double Lumen Haemodialysis Catheter 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 848-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Bag Sterilization Paper No. 4, No.7,  No.11 and No.12 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 840-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Electrolyte Gel EG  40-Cleaner Ionically Conductive Gel. 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 809-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Semi-Covered Oesophageal Nitinol Stent. Proximal String Release 16fr Introducer System. 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 810-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Endoscopic Biliary Fully Covered Metal Stent. Diameter: 10mm, Stent length 40mm 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 811-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Endoscopic Biliary Retrieval Balloon with Distal Injection Port. Balloon Size: 3 in One. 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 692-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Iris Eye Scissors. Must have 2 Sharp Points - Must be 90mm length. 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 690-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Iris Eye Straight Dressing Forceps, Must be 100mm in length. 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 808-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Sterilisation Wrap 1 Step 900 x 1300 - Dual Colour Sterilization Wrap. 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 643-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Particle Count Validation of Operating Theatres, Casualty Theatre, Maternity Theatre and

 Bio Hazard Bench & Laminar flow at Pharmacy

28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 689-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Metzenbaum Straight and Curved Scissors 145mm length, Made of Surgical Stainless Steel 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 683-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Linbins Size: 8  Colour Black and Size: 5 Colour Red 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 804-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Brother Printer Toner TN-3290, TN3530, TN-3350, TN3437 and TN-2150 (Original Only) 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 803-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Surgical Skin Marking Pen Gentian Violet with Dye with 6 Inch Ruler +- 14cm length Sterile 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 807-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Malecot Nephrostomy Catheter Set 24fr with Flexible Stylets. & Drainage Bag Connecting


28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 696-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Wrappers Theatre Instrument Tray 120 x 120cm Large and Sheet Bed (Large Bed) Cotton

 (White) - 180 x 275cm

28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 817-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Bipolar Maryland 5mm - 37cm Maryland Jaw Laparoscopic Sealer/Divider One Step Sealing

 37cm Shaft length

28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 694-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Re-Usable Wound Clip (Staple) Removers. Must be made of Surgical Stainless Steel and be

 Autoclavable at 134 Degrees Celsius

28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 805-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Lexmark Printer Premium Laser Toner E-260 (Original Only) 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 760-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Double Lumen PICC Line 24g, 2fr, 30cm 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 858-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Masking Tape Cream 48mm Wide x 40m 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 761-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Mystic Mushroom Vacuum Pumps and Soft Bell Cups 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 759-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Antimicrobial Wipes for Cleaning and Disinfecting Surfaces and Equipment 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 640-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Supply Day-Night Switch, 25Amp, DNS 25 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 641-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Supply Road Marking Paint: Colour White and Yellow 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 646-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Supply Batteries for Hysters, 6 Volts - 51 AH 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 806-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Brother Printer Drum Unit DR-3215 and DR-2125 (Original Only) 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 645-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Supply Sulphuric Acid - 100 x Bottles in 1 Litre Containers 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GRS 583-05-22.pdf Greys Hospital Bag Urine Drainage Plastic 2Lt Capacity 2000ml S4 (Must be Double Ended Valve) 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
Nse 114.2022.2022.pdf Nseleni CHC 5L floor polish  28/06/2022 05/07/2022
Nse 142.2022.2023.pdf Nseleni CHC Aluminium notice board  28/06/2022 05/07/2022
STC-146-22-23.pdf St Chads CHC MMC food parcels 28/06/2022 05/07/2022
GJC204-22-23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital adjustable delivery beds (electric) with 2 or 3 section mattress 28/06/2022 04/07/2022
KDH 134 22 23.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex food server double door 28/06/2022 04/07/2022
KDH 148.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Spinal Needle Set - 26g 28/06/2022 04/07/2022
KDH 153.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Steri Mat 28/06/2022 04/07/2022
KDH 130.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Syringe pump extension set - 200cm 28/06/2022 04/07/2022
LSH 092 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Annual Service of Septic Tanks in 4 Clinics 28/06/2022 04/07/2022
LSH 097 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Annual Service of Water Tanks (JOJO & Steel) in 4 Clinics 28/06/2022 04/07/2022
LSH 086 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Supply and Install Perspex Glass in 8 Clinics 28/06/2022 04/07/2022
LSH 099 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Annual Service of All Laundry Machinery 28/06/2022 04/07/2022
115-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital supply blades for wood working machine  28/06/2022 01/07/2022
123-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital bags polythene clear 280mmx510mm 28/06/2022 01/07/2022
142-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital black safety shoes  Cancelled 28/06/2022 01/07/2022
143-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital boots men black with safety toe cap Cancelled 28/06/2022 01/07/2022
144-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital black socks Cancelled 28/06/2022 01/07/2022
145-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital cardigans ladies  Cancelled 28/06/2022 01/07/2022
146-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital jacket patrol detachable liner  Cancelled 28/06/2022 01/07/2022
147-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital jersey various sizes  Cancelled 28/06/2022 01/07/2022
148-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital long sleeves/short sleeves blue shirt  Cancelled 28/06/2022 01/07/2022
149-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital formal trousers Cancelled 28/06/2022 01/07/2022
GAM059.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Supply and install high density cabinet 28/06/2022 01/07/2022
301.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Conference recording kit 28/06/2022 01/07/2022
118-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Labels adhesive white 70x37mm 28/06/2022 01/07/2022
119-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Labels adhesive red 70x37mm 28/06/2022 01/07/2022
Ndh 208.pdf Northdale Hospital Building material  28/06/2022 01/07/2022
Ndh 207 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital Road marking paint  28/06/2022 01/07/2022
Ndh 206 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital paints  28/06/2022 01/07/2022
Ndh 185 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital intra osis needles 15 g x 30 mm 28/06/2022 01/07/2022
Ndh 170 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital uniforms  28/06/2022 01/07/2022
Ndh 173 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital uniforms  28/06/2022 01/07/2022
Ndh 174 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital uniforms  28/06/2022 01/07/2022
Ndh 166 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital uniforms  28/06/2022 01/07/2022
Ndh 175 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital uniforms  28/06/2022 01/07/2022
Ndh 149 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital patient pillows and covers  28/06/2022 01/07/2022
Ndh 180 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital bags urine drainage adult 2 lt  28/06/2022 01/07/2022
Ndh  204 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital   toilet bath soap  28/06/2022 01/07/2022
Ndh  167 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital safety boots  28/06/2022 01/07/2022
Ndh 205 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital Paper stericrepe 900 mm x 1300mm 28/06/2022 01/07/2022
Ndh 187 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital  ctg transducer belts  28/06/2022 01/07/2022
Ndh 148 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital Potato peeler 780 x 1450 mm , 12 kg  Cancelled 28/06/2022 01/07/2022
Ndh 161 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital vegetable peel cl60  pudher Cancelled 28/06/2022 01/07/2022
Ndh   146 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital Potato peel 780 x 1450 mm Cancelled 28/06/2022 01/07/2022
OTH-048-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC Diesel 50ppm 28/06/2022 01/07/2022
UMG28-22-23.pdf Umgungundlovu District Office Eye shield protection 28/06/2022 01/07/2022
UMG25-22-23.pdf Umgungundlovu District Office Post mortem blood alcohol kits 28/06/2022 01/07/2022
UMG89-22-23.pdf Umgungundlovu District Office W.H.O. approved cooler boxes 28/06/2022 01/07/2022



27 June 2022

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
KEV03-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital collection/ removal of paper and cardboard boxes 27/06/2022 11/07/2022
KEV161-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital patient treatment  cubicle curtains 27/06/2022 11/07/2022
KEV326-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital portable water testing service 27/06/2022 11/07/2022
KEV327-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital power factor service 27/06/2022 11/07/2022
KEV328-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital medical gas service Cancelled 27/06/2022 11/07/2022
GJM 180.22.23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital Sutures 27/06/2022 08/07/2022
UKH.0028.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Replacement of vinyl sheeting at Mthonjeni ward 27/06/2022 08/07/2022
UKH.0030.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Painting and installing of cupboards at Mthonjeni ward 27/06/2022 08/07/2022
UKH.0029.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Tiling and repair ablutions facilities at Mthonjeni ward 27/06/2022 08/07/2022
UKH.0027.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Replacement of doors at pre - discharge ward 27/06/2022 08/07/2022
UKH.0021.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Original brother  drum and toner 27/06/2022 08/07/2022
imb68-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC servicing of bore holes Cancelled 27/06/2022 04/07/2022
imb99-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC state parking 27/06/2022 04/07/2022
imb101-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC repair sewer pipes Cancelled 27/06/2022 04/07/2022
imb103-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC servicing of water reservoir tanks 27/06/2022 04/07/2022
imb104-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC install fibercement and remove damage cdc shelter  Cancelled 27/06/2022 04/07/2022
imb106-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC repair veranda a ceiling and remove carports 27/06/2022 04/07/2022
imb108-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC hprs adult, child and male health record Cancelled 27/06/2022 04/07/2022
imb110-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC sun hats and uniform Cancelled 27/06/2022 04/07/2022
imb112-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC pink gowns and cotton night dress 27/06/2022 04/07/2022
imb113-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC office furniture 27/06/2022 04/07/2022
KDH 134 OF 22-23.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex food trolley double 27/06/2022 04/07/2022
Kdh 152 22 23.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex annual particle count validation 27/06/2022 04/07/2022
KEV325-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital urgent repair to mortuary cold room 27/06/2022 04/07/2022
dan374.21.22.pdf Dannhauser CHC supply and delivery of photocopy paper  27/06/2022 01/07/2022
EGU 24.22.23.pdf EG and Usher Memorial Hospital Cleaning material 27/06/2022 01/07/2022
259.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital One piece drainable transparent 10-76 27/06/2022 01/07/2022
260.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital One piece drainable system opaque 10-76 27/06/2022 01/07/2022
268.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Fistula and wound management system 156-228mm 27/06/2022 01/07/2022
269.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Hydrocolloid base plate - 60mm 27/06/2022 01/07/2022
270.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Urostomy bag body fit technology 1pc bag 0-35mm 27/06/2022 01/07/2022
277.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Laundry detergent - 25lt 27/06/2022 01/07/2022
MSH97-22-23-H.pdf Mseleni Hospital Desludging of Septic Tank at Mseleni Hospital and all Clinics 27/06/2022 01/07/2022
VRH-86-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital 9 months contract to supply deliver and offload 50pp diesel in the three generators situated

 at Siyakhathala, Vumani, Kwafuduka clinic

27/06/2022 01/07/2022
cbh0063.pdf Catherine Booth Hospital supply and deliver mortice 3 lever & cylinder mortice type locksets with handles 27/06/2022 30/06/2022
MZH-252-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital bleach 25 litre 27/06/2022 30/06/2022
MZH-225-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital pine gel 5 litre 27/06/2022 30/06/2022
MZH-251-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital soap toilet antibacterial 5 litre 27/06/2022 30/06/2022
MZH-250-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital floor stripper 5 litre 27/06/2022 30/06/2022
MZH-241-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital bowls, mugs and plates with Kznhealth logo 27/06/2022 30/06/2022
MZH-226-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital insulated base and dome cover 27/06/2022 30/06/2022
MZH-224-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital liver arch file a4 pvc 27/06/2022 30/06/2022
MVH140.pdf Mosvold Hospital Dislodge of Septic Tank and Pit Toilet 27/06/2022 30/06/2022
dgw087.pdf Doris Goodwin Hospital supply and install open view hd decoder 27/06/2022 29/06/2022
TON   38.pdf Tongaat CHC Female, male and child Patient folders / booklets 27/06/2022 29/06/2022


24 June 2022

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
HOH.0373.pdf Head Office Quotations Installation of walk in cold room Ixopo medico legal mortuary 24/06/2022 30/06/2022
THH 45.2022-23.pdf Town Hill Hospital Supply/Deliver Clothing Items as per specifications attached 24/06/2022 07/07/2022
Hlb 026.pdf Hlabisa Hospital major service for refrigeration 24/06/2022 05/07/2022
Hlb 036.pdf Hlabisa Hospital auto dosing premium lid  24/06/2022 05/07/2022
Hlb 029.pdf Hlabisa Hospital major service for medical gases  24/06/2022 05/07/2022
Hlb 035.pdf Hlabisa Hospital a4 photocopy paper  24/06/2022 05/07/2022
Hlb 028.pdf Hlabisa Hospital service transformer 24/06/2022 05/07/2022
Hlb 031 22 23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Disposable apron 24/06/2022 05/07/2022
EDU 080.22.23.pdf Edumbe CHC supply and install drywall partitioning and drop tents 2022/06/24 2022/07/04
EDU 086.22.23.pdf Edumbe CHC construction of driveway at Luneburg clinic 2022/06/24 2022/07/04
KDH 147 22 23.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex supply and install ups theatre 2022/06/24 2022/07/04
ctk48-2022-2023.pdf Christ the King Hospital sterilisation chemical indicators 2022/06/24 2022/07/01
ctk64-2022-2023.pdf Christ the King Hospital phc folders, female, male, and paediatric 2022/06/24 2022/07/01
ctk61-2022-2023.pdf Christ the King Hospital spongostan absorbable hermorstat 2022/06/24 2022/07/01
ctk47-2022-2023.pdf Christ the King Hospital service of fire extinguishers 2022/06/24 2022/07/01
GJM 143.22.23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital Inline suction catheters 2022/06/24 2022/07/01
GJM 178.22.23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital Steri Gas Bottles 2022/06/24 2022/07/01
MUR 79_22_23.pdf Murchison Hospital Specialized theatre swabs x-ray detactable 100mm x 350mm x 16ply 2022/06/24 2022/07/01
213.22.23ADH.pdf Addington Hospital various sutures 2022/06/24 2022/06/30
216.22.23ADH.pdf Addington Hospital autoclave indicator tape  2022/06/24 2022/06/30
217.22.23ADH.pdf Addington Hospital av fistula needle 16G 2022/06/24 2022/06/30
218.22.23ADH.pdf Addington Hospital thermoplastic masks - sliding type 2022/06/24 2022/06/30
219.22.23ADH.pdf Addington Hospital thermoplastic masks - with clips 2022/06/24 2022/06/30
220.22.23ADH.pdf Addington Hospital patient hose to admisiter iv contrast  2022/06/24 2022/06/30
221.22.23ADH.pdf Addington Hospital trocar [pleural drain] for neonates 2022/06/24 2022/06/30
EST 205.pdf Estcourt Hospital Supply electrical materials  2022/06/24 2022/06/30
gjc17-22-23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital laundry liquid soap 25 ltre 2022/06/24 2022/06/30
GJC175 - 22 -23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital Back packs : carrier bags 2022/06/24 2022/06/30
GJC192 - 22 - 23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital Adult female & child patient heaqlth record (phc) 2022/06/24 2022/06/30
QNH185 22-23.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital Polycarbonate Crockery and Cutlery 2022/06/24 2022/06/30
QNH282 22-23.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital Door Entrance Mats 2022/06/24 2022/06/30
QNH283 22-23.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital Endocath retriever Bag and Endoloop Ligature 2022/06/24 2022/06/30
Ekb17.22.23.pdf Ekombe Hospital supply and deliver furniture  2022/06/24 2022/06/29
Ekb39.22.23.pdf Ekombe Hospital supply and deliver surgical gown 2022/06/24 2022/06/29
Ekb40.22.23.pdf Ekombe Hospital supply and deliver sutures 2022/06/24 2022/06/29
Ekb42.22.23.pdf Ekombe Hospital service to hot water plants 2022/06/24 2022/06/29
Ekb43.22.23.pdf Ekombe Hospital service to hot water plant  2022/06/24 2022/06/29
Ekb44.22.23.pdf Ekombe Hospital service to air conditioners 2022/06/24 2022/06/29
Ekb45.22.23.pdf Ekombe Hospital supply and deliver laundry and kitchen uniform 2022/06/24 2022/06/29
NEH-128-22-23.pdf Newcastle Hospital Provision of food service staff for a period of 12 months to work 7 days per week  2022/06/24 2022/06/29
OTH-040-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC Pharmacy labels Cancelled 2022/06/24 2022/06/29
OTH-034-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC ECG electrode disposable for paediatrics 2022/06/24 2022/06/29
OTH-O44-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC Fridge alarm 2022/06/24 2022/06/29
OTH-036-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC Books daily diet sheet 2022/06/24 2022/06/29
OTH-037-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC printer drum unit & toner  2022/06/24 2022/06/29
OTH-041-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC Bags brown paper 2022/06/24 2022/06/29
PSH193-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital ultrasound scaler 2022/06/24 2022/06/29
PSH195-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital hypoallergenic, extensively hydrolysed 2022/06/24 2022/06/29
PSH194-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital tpn giving sets 2022/06/24 2022/06/29
PSH191-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital thermometer - ear type 2022/06/24 2022/06/29
PSH190-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital nutritionally complete powdered infant formula 2022/06/24 2022/06/29
PSH189-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital standard fibre free sip feed- adult 2022/06/24 2022/06/29
PSH188-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital whey based hydrolysed sip feed 2022/06/24 2022/06/29
umh 45.22.pdf Umgeni Hospital Tracksuits Cancelled 2022/06/24 2022/06/28
umh 46.22.pdf Umgeni Hospital T Shirts & golf shirts Cancelled 2022/06/24 2022/06/28


23 June 2022

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
MAL.0059.23.pdf Mfundo Arnold Lushaba CHC Maintenance and cleaning of gardens and grounds 23/06/2022 08/07/2022
MAL.0058.23.pdf Mfundo Arnold Lushaba CHC supply, deliver and install multiple doors 23/06/2022 07/07/2022
MAL.0057.23.pdf Mfundo Arnold Lushaba CHC supply, deliver and install borehole 23/06/2022 07/07/2022
LNN 04-2022-23.pdf Umzinyathi District Office Protective Clothing 2022/06/23 2022/06/29
LNN 07-2022-23.pdf Umzinyathi District Office Uniforms for Regional Laundry (Dundee) 2022/06/23 2022/06/29
RKK150.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply Of Mindray Beneheart R12      Re advertised 23/06/2022 30/06/2022
RKK185.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply Of Tpn Solution Itn 5501A,8807A and 8807XA Or Equivalent  23/06/2022 30/06/2022
RKK258.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of Fuser Unit 23/06/2022 30/06/2022
RKK259.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of Baby Blanket With Full Kzn Logo 23/06/2022 30/06/2022
RKK260.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply Of Draw Sheets With Full Kzn Logo 23/06/2022 30/06/2022
RKK261.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply Of Bed Sheets   Re advertised 23/06/2022 30/06/2022
RKK184.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of Tpn Solution Itn Baby 101,102,103 and 114 or Equivalent  Re advertused 23/06/2022 30/06/2022
109-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Blood gas syringes 3ml 23/06/2022 08/07/2022
110-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Major service to hfo plant and clean up 23/06/2022 08/07/2022
111-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Annual service to airhandling unit 23/06/2022 08/07/2022
112-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Service to air compressor quarterly 23/06/2022 08/07/2022
113-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Annual service to switch gears and transformers 23/06/2022 08/07/2022
114-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Annual service to vacuum pumps 23/06/2022 08/07/2022
115-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Annual service to boilers 23/06/2022 08/07/2022
dan.046.22.22.pdf Dannhauser CHC supply and replace bore hole control box and transformer at Ladybank clinic 23/06/2022 07/07/2022
dan.069.22.23.pdf Dannhauser CHC  supply and installation of roller doors 23/06/2022 07/07/2022
dan.047.22.23.pdf Dannhauser CHC renovations at Naas farm clinic 23/06/2022 07/07/2022
VRH-182-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital Disludging of septic tanks for clinics 23/06/2022 06/07/2022
SMM.084.23.pdf St Mary's Marianhill Hospital Supply of crutches and walking sticks 23/06/2022 01/07/2022
ESW-13-23.pdf Eshowe Hospital hb meter strips 23/06/2022 30/06/2022
Ema023.22.23.pdf Amajuba District Office Annual service of the fire fight equipment 23/06/2022 29/06/2022
LSH 054 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Fit Card Locking on Trellis Door, Thumb Biometric System 23/06/2022 29/06/2022
LSH 093 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Annual Service of Hydroboils in Hospital 23/06/2022 29/06/2022
LSH 091 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Annual Service of Public Announcement in Hospital 23/06/2022 29/06/2022
LSH088 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Supply & Install Clearview Fencing & Sliding Gate 23/06/2022 29/06/2022
LSH 053 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Renovations Cancelled 23/06/2022 29/06/2022
PSH116-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital Blanket body warming for bair hugger upper body adult 522 23/06/2022 29/06/2022
PSH201-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital Books off-duty nurses 23/06/2022 29/06/2022
PSH115-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital Blankets body warming for bair hugger surgical access 570 23/06/2022 29/06/2022
PSH 202-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital Paper typewriter white - A4 23/06/2022 29/06/2022
APP34.22-23.pdf Appelsbosch Hospital cleaning of grounds and garden 23/06/2022 28/06/2022
PMM-177-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 275 Boxes, suture monocryl 70cm=3/0=W3202 23/06/2022 28/06/2022
PMM-175-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 836 Boxes, suture synth 13140Th=V359G=301-32; 20 boxes, suture synth 70cm=3/0P4025N=V9360G 23/06/2022 28/06/2022
PMM-173-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 40 Boxes, suture synth braided coated 67-70cm-2/0=Vs176=v453G; 252 Boxes, suture synth

 67-70cm=2/0=Vs21-3260SQ=V524G; 28Boxes, suture synth 140cm=2/0=V617

23/06/2022 28/06/2022
PMM-172-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 330 Boxes, suture synth 90cm=1/0=3136Rc=V474G; 140 Boxes, suture synth90cm gauge1 Vs128=W9997; 23/06/2022 28/06/2022
PMM-170-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 77 Boxes, suture nylon 150cm gauge0-N916-Sp3/79; 360 boxes, suture nylon

 45cm=3/0=Ny6324Rc=663G; 340 boxes, suture nylon 2/0=W795=6290CC-820-73

23/06/2022 28/06/2022
PMM-171-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 1098 Boxes, suture snyth 90cm gauge 1 Vs130=V486G 23/06/2022 28/06/2022
PMM-174-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 413 Boxes, suture chromic catgut 75cm=1/0=2150Th=W762 334-73 23/06/2022 28/06/2022
PMM-176-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 50 boxes, suture synth monofilament 30cm=10/0=1710G 23/06/2022 28/06/2022
PMM-178-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 2770 Units, needle spinal sterile 26G 23/06/2022 28/06/2022


22 June 2022

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
NGW432.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital ahmed valves  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
NGW433.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital keraplasty scissors  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
NGW434.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital eyelid surgery set  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
NGW439.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital enucleation set  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
NGW437.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital evisceration set  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
NGW430.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital electronic cash registers 22/06/2022 29/06/2022
NGW450.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital 12 months contract for full pest and rodens  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
NGW479.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital surgical instrument down  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
NGW421.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital major service top laundry machines  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
NGW459.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital dish washing liquid  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
NGW353.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital supply and install heavy duty industrial  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
NGW394.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital labels for syrup  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
NGW441.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital strabismus set 22/06/2022 29/06/2022
NGW438.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital cataract set  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
NGW409.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital endotracheal tube attachment device 22/06/2022 29/06/2022
NGW360.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital ecg paper  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
NGW400.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital wr syphiliss test kits  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
NGW539.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital bags paper steam steri size 7 22/06/2022 29/06/2022
NGW538.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital bags body white  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
NGW500.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital disposable tumbles  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
NGW447.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital supply and install temprature controller unit  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
NGW443.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital colour coded utensils  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
NGW396.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital three layer compression dressing  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
NGW392.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital supply and deliver 150 litres gesyer  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
125-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital supply and install sub bd at hdu  22/06/2022 08/07/2022
186-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital supply and install gates  22/06/2022 08/07/2022
114-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital repair to ceiling at 15th floor  22/06/2022 08/07/2022
170-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital service do infra red  22/06/2022 08/07/2022
169-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital service theatre lights  22/06/2022 08/07/2022
168-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital service ups  22/06/2022 08/07/2022
141-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital service 13 transformers and 25 switch gears  22/06/2022 08/07/2022
VRH-184-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital Mask N95 respiratory 22/06/2022 29/06/2022
HOH0250-22.pdf Head Office Quotations Supply, deliver of double door domestic refrigerators 22/06/2022 28/06/2022
LSH 202 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Repairs to damaged Precast wall in Acaciavale Clinic 22/06/2022 28/06/2022
LSH 095 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Annual Service of All Tow Trucks in Hospital 22/06/2022 28/06/2022
LSH 096 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Annual Service of Roller Doors in Hospital 22/06/2022 28/06/2022
LSH 094 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Annual Service of All High Pressure Jetting in Hospital 22/06/2022 28/06/2022
WWH 130.22-23.pdf Wentworth Hospital supply of staff uniform 22/06/2022 27/06/2022
WWH 131.22-23.pdf Wentworth Hospital supply of hydrogel with sodium carboxymethyl cellulose 25g 22/06/2022 27/06/2022
WWH 132.22-23.pdf Wentworth Hospital supply of body bags plastic size large 22/06/2022 27/06/2022
FNH00-2022-23KFNH.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Local supplier's database  22/06/2022 29/07/2022
105-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Annual service to all air conditioners 22/06/2022 08/07/2022
106-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Repair and replacement of air conditioners 22/06/2022 08/07/2022
107-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Annual service to cold rooms and freezers 22/06/2022 08/07/2022
108-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Service to ultra cold freezer in pharmacy 22/06/2022 08/07/2022
SMM.081.23.pdf St Mary's Marianhill Hospital Service of extractor fans 22/06/2022 01/07/2022
SMM.083.23.pdf St Mary's Marianhill Hospital Service of chiller plants and handling units 22/06/2022 01/07/2022
GJM-141-22-23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital N95 Mask Respiratory 22/06/2022 30/06/2022
GJM-142-22-23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital Cling wrap 22/06/2022 30/06/2022
GJM-167-22-23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital Steri View Paper 22/06/2022 30/06/2022
GJM-168-22-23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital K-Wires 22/06/2022 30/06/2022
GJM-169-22-23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital Pessary Rings 22/06/2022 30/06/2022
GJM-170-22-23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital Ophthalmic Knife 22/06/2022 30/06/2022
PHX 61 2022 23).pdf Phoenix CHC replace fire panel/repair any identified faults 22/06/2022 30/06/2022
PHX 63 2022 23.pdf Phoenix CHC replacement of elbow taps and showers 22/06/2022 30/06/2022
FNH 77-2022-23KFNH.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Supply all labour to install chrome 22/06/2022 29/06/2022
PAC0052.22.23.pdf PMB and Assessment and Therapy Centre Cleaning services for gardens and grounds 22/06/2022 29/06/2022
SAP26-2022-2023.pdf St Apollinaris Hospital Service of calorifires  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
SAP-27-2022-2023.pdf St Apollinaris Hospital Service of main hole covers sewer line and storm drain  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
SAP-28-2022-2023.pdf St Apollinaris Hospital Service of theatre  auto machine doors  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
SAP-29-2022-2023.pdf St Apollinaris Hospital Service of medical bank and outlet points  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
SAP30-2022-2023.pdf St Apollinaris Hospital Service of theatre tables  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
SAP31-2022-2023.pdf St Apollinaris Hospital Service of steam pipe line  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
SAP32-2022-2023.pdf St Apollinaris Hospital Service of laundry machines  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
SAP33-2022-2023.pdf St Apollinaris Hospital Service of hospital refrigeration  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
SAP34-2022-2023.pdf St Apollinaris Hospital Repair self -generating oxygen machine  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
SAP25-2022-2023.pdf St Apollinaris Hospital Supply and deliver stationery  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
SAP40-2022-2024.pdf St Apollinaris Hospital Supply and deliver cleaning items  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
SAP24-2022-2023.pdf St Apollinaris Hospital Supply and deliver uniform  22/06/2022 29/06/2022
APP34.22-23.pdf Appelsbosch Hospital Cleaning of grounds and garden 22/06/2022 28/06/2022
cbh0059.pdf Catherine Booth Hospital supply and deliver silicon cups for vacuum 5.6 22/06/2022 28/06/2022
cbh0060.pdf Catherine Booth Hospital supply and deliver kiwi vacuum cups x50 22/06/2022 28/06/2022
18.06.22-23 GTW.pdf Greytown Hospital X-Ray laser film  20 X 25cm / 8 X 10 inch for FUJI DI-HL Cancelled 22/06/2022 28/06/2022
IMB68-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC service of bore holes Cancelled 22/06/2022 28/06/2022
IMB96-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC service of air conditioners Cancelled 22/06/2022 28/06/2022
IMB93-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC remove old and supply install new air conditioners Cancelled 22/06/2022 28/06/2022
IAL-339-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Cannula arotic arch 6.7mm or 20Fr (re-advertisement) 22/06/2022 27/06/2022
IAL-252-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Hydrogel 25g 22/06/2022 27/06/2022
IAL-256-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital ICP transducer -  strain gauge length 100cm, 3F (re-advertisement) 22/06/2022 27/06/2022
IAL-338-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Disposable slit knife, angled bevel up 2.7mm cutting edge 45 degree 22/06/2022 27/06/2022
089.KCD.22.23.pdf King Cetshwayo District Office glucogel sachets 25g, krammer wire long splints and krammer wire short splints  22/06/2022 27/06/2022
KEV99-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital sutures different size  22/06/2022 27/06/2022
KMG 85-22-23.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Cleaning of building and Offices Ndundulu Clinic 22/06/2022 27/06/2022
KEV299.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Total parenteral nutrition. 22/06/2022 24/06/2022
LSH 248 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Supply and Deliver Fitting Materials 22/06/2022 24/06/2022
LSH 247 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Supply and Deliver Plumbing Materials 22/06/2022 24/06/2022
LSH 246 - 22  - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Supply and Deliver Electrical Materials 22/06/2022 24/06/2022
LSH 245 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Supply and Deliver Carpentry Materials 22/06/2022 24/06/2022
LSH 242 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Supply and Deliver Painting Materials Cancelled 22/06/2022 24/06/2022
255.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Basic set for suprapubic bladder drainage with catheter - CH15 22/06/2022 24/06/2022
256.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Safety blood lancet - adult, 21G 22/06/2022 24/06/2022
mch - 103-22.pdf McCord Hospital Cleaning of Gardens and Grounds  22/06/2022 24/06/2022
TON  34.pdf Tongaat CHC Eye Care Services 22/06/2022 24/06/2022
TON  35.pdf Tongaat CHC Surgical instruments 22/06/2022 24/06/2022


21 June 2022

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
CAH-THU-60-22-23.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital Electrical material x6 items. 21/06/2022 28/06/2022
CAH-THU-61-22-23.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital Carpentry x8 items. 21/06/2022 28/06/2022
CAH-THU-62-22-23.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital Plumbing material x20 items. 21/06/2022 28/06/2022
EDN 383.22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Suture ethilon/nylon  21/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 1275.21-22.pdf Edendale Hospital Fibre glass cast tape 2 inch 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 333.22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Floor stipper 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 430.22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Staff uniforn navy ,raincoat & brown coats 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 390.22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Curily urine meter 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 814.21-22.pdf Edendale Hospital Continuous peripheral nerve block catheter 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 1667.21-22.pdf Edendale Hospital Suture silk black braided silicone  21/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 1260.21-22.pdf Edendale Hospital PSD 11 2/0 & 3/0 tapercut sterile  21/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 386.22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Sterisheet paper 1000mm x 1400mm 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 393.22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Walking stick aluminium ; height adjustable 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 433.22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Closed nightdress for women & Patient gowns 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 1414.21-22.pdf Edendale Hospital Giggle saw blades  21/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 205.22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital 3% bismuth tribomopemate in petroleum 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 1432.21-22.pdf Edendale Hospital Tubes endotracheal tube size 2 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
CAH-THU-57-22-23.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital Printing paper A4 (5 ream per box) 500 sheets in a ream. 21/06/2022 28/06/2022
CAH-THU-58-22-23.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital Cleaning material (six months contract) see attached specification 21/06/2022 28/06/2022
GRS 698.pdf Greys Hospital Collect & Bank State Monies Daily in Revenue  21/06/2022 28/06/2022
GRS 685.pdf Greys Hospital Bone Marrow Aspiration Needle Model 18G X 30MM 21/06/2022 28/06/2022
INA 65.pdf Inanda CHC cleaning of garden and grounds at Qadi clinic  Cancelled 21/06/2022 28/06/2022
EDN 384.22.23.pdf Edendale Hospital Sterisheet paper 600mm x 600mm  21/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 1278.21.22.pdf Edendale Hospital Fibreglass cast tape 4inch 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 444.22.23.pdf Edendale Hospital Spinal needle set pencil point 90mm 25G 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 1774.20.21.pdf Edendale Hospital Steinman & Denham pins 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 388.22.23.pdf Edendale Hospital Suture violet braided  21/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 1276.21.22.pdf Edendale Hospital Fibreglass cast tape 3inch 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 392.22.23.pdf Edendale Hospital Disposable syringe 3ml 3 part luer slip 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 385.22.23.pdf Edendale Hospital Sterisheet paper 900mm x 900mm  21/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 387.22.23.pdf Edendale Hospital Mask visor full face 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 448.22.23.pdf Edendale Hospital Surgical skin graft mesher 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
LSH272.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Primapore  Dressing 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
LSH497.pdf Ladysmith Hospital velnexte dressing kit 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
100-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Urgent repairs and replacement of theatre lights 21/06/2022 01/07/2022
101-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Annual service to ups in theatre 21/06/2022 01/07/2022
102-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Servicing of all fire extinguishers 21/06/2022 01/07/2022
MVH107.pdf Mosvold Hospital Pest Control Services for Mosvold Hospital 21/06/2022 30/06/2022
MVH108.pdf Mosvold Hospital Pest Control Services for Mosvold Clinics 21/06/2022 30/06/2022
NKO 65.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Replacement of Damage Geyser in resident House No 30,29,28 21/06/2022 30/06/2022
NKO 66.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Replacement of damage Main gate at Nkonjeni Hospital 21/06/2022 30/06/2022
EPH79-2022-23.pdf Ekuhlengeni Psychiatric Hospital Bath Soap 50g 21/06/2022 28/06/2022
EPH80-2022-23.pdf Ekuhlengeni Psychiatric Hospital Oil Jacketed Pots 21/06/2022 28/06/2022
18.06.22-23 GTW.pdf Greytown Hospital X-Ray film 20 x 25 inch or 18 x 24 cm for FUJI DI-HL 21/06/2022 28/06/2022
HOH 0335.pdf Head Office Quotations human milk pasteurizing machine for scale use 21/06/2022 28/06/2022
HOH 0334.pdf Head Office Quotations upright household refrigeration for use in human milk bank 21/06/2022 28/06/2022
HOH 0333.pdf Head Office Quotations upright househild freezer for use in human milk bank 21/06/2022 28/06/2022
HOH 0332.pdf Head Office Quotations supply, deliver and install 680L diesel tank  21/06/2022 28/06/2022
HOH 0324.pdf Head Office Quotations supply & delivery of hand rub and surface disinfectant & hand, body surface sanitizers 21/06/2022 28/06/2022
111.22.KDC.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Photocopy Paper A4 (5 Reams Per Box, White in colour, 80H/m2, 210 X 297mm, 500 Sheets) Cancelled 21/06/2022 28/06/2022
112.22.KDC.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Toner 3350 (Black in Colour, Laser Ink Cartridge) 21/06/2022 28/06/2022
KDH 134.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex food trolleys double- compartment high capacity cart hold Cancelled 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
KDH 131.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Femoral Arterial Catheterisation Set 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
KDH 109.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Sevoflurane Filler 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
KDH 68.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Re-Usable Filter for Instrument container 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
KDH 69.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Matchsticks - Lypholized 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
KDH 86.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex GP Volumetric pump 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
KDH 72.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Kiwi Omnicup Vacuum Extractor 21/06/2022 27/06/2022
23-2223 LCM (2).pdf Regional Laundry Cato Manor Alkali 200 Litre  21/06/2022 27/06/2022
24-2223 LCM.pdf Regional Laundry Cato Manor Peroxide Bleach 200 Litre  21/06/2022 27/06/2022
22-2223 LCM.pdf Regional Laundry Cato Manor Industrial Liquid Soap 200 Litre  21/06/2022 27/06/2022
08-2223 LCM.pdf Regional Laundry Cato Manor Supply ,deliver & install air unit 24000 BTU  21/06/2022 27/06/2022
250.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Closed suction catheter for endotracheal tube - 14FR 21/06/2022 24/06/2022
mon 14w.pdf Montebello Hospital Supply 10 000LT diesel 21/06/2022 24/06/2022
umh44.22.pdf Umgeni Hospital plumbing items 21/06/2022 24/06/2022
POM-0026-22-23.pdf Pomeroy CHC test and issue electrical compliance certificate 21/06/2022 24/06/2022


20 June 2022

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
DPM73.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital cord traction roll nylon 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
DPM420.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital general purpose sling 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
DPM221.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital books kit book 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
DPM205-22-23.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital ultrasound probe covers 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
DPM220.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital prism bar set 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
DPM143-22-23.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital register peadiatric admission 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
DPM332-22-23.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital tissue forceps 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
DPM149-22-23.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital endotracheal tube holder and fastener 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
DPM144.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital spigot plastic medium 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
DPM430.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital oral rae south facing murphy 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
DPM184.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital opthalmic imaging lenses & lense flippers 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
DPM183.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital low vision visual acuity distance logmar 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
DPM185.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital farnsworth d 15 colour vision tester 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
DPM150.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital hi-pro 2 hearing aid programmer 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
DPM180.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital forceps 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
DPM192.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital surgical instruments 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
DPM193.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital toner cartridges for printer 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
DPM163.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital stainless steel bowl large 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
DPM220-22-23.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital adult and paeds bed cradle 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 256-22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Bowie dick  test pack 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 105-22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Premicath 28 gauge 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 261-22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Prostate biopsy needles 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 262-22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Intraluminal circular stapler 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 264-22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Linear cutter with loadable staples 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 271-22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Biological indicator steam 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 260-22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Gigli saw wire 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 298-22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Urine catheter bags 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 307-22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Gowns surgical sterile 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 308-22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Gowns sterile surgical x-l 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 259-22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Disposable surgical eye drape 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 242-22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Disposable cusco 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 1867-21-22.pdf Edendale Hospital Sterisheet paper  20/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 97-22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Umbilical catheter 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
EDN 1030-21-22.pdf Edendale Hospital Vessel loops 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
DPM 82.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital pest control  20/06/2022 23/06/2022
DPM 427.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital papers A4  20/06/2022 23/06/2022
DPM12.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital multi plugs  20/06/2022 23/06/2022
DPM85.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital insulated food server  20/06/2022 23/06/2022
DPM148.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital padlocks  20/06/2022 23/06/2022
DPM153.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital snapper frames  20/06/2022 23/06/2022
UMP0045-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital cleaning of buildings at Isithundu clinic for the period of 12 month see attached specification 20/06/2022 08/07/2022
KEV22-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital fridge dryer x4 service Cancelled 20/06/2022 04/07/2022
KEV23-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital main kitchen extractor canopy service Cancelled 20/06/2022 04/07/2022
KEV61-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital circulation pump service Cancelled 20/06/2022 04/07/2022
KEV62-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital electric steam water plant service Cancelled 20/06/2022 04/07/2022
KEV65-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital fan ventilation service Cancelled 20/06/2022 04/07/2022
SMM.078.23.pdf St Mary's Marianhill Hospital Supply of hardware material 20/06/2022 01/07/2022
UKH.0026.23.pdf Umzimkhulu Hospital Access and repair 5 clorifier  20/06/2022 30/06/2022
HOH-0240-23.pdf Head Office Quotations gardens and grounds 20/06/2022 28/06/2022
HOH-0312-23.pdf Head Office Quotations gardens and grounds 20/06/2022 28/06/2022
PMM-166-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital annual service equipment of fire equipment  20/06/2022 28/06/2022
KDH 123 22 23.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex supply and install flooring 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
KEV139-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital mechanical material 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
KEV140-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital air conditioning material 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
KEV141-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital electrical material 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
KEV103.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Yeates tissue drain 10x25x9mm. 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
KEV290-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital curtain screens  20/06/2022 27/06/2022
KEV291-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital curtain for recovery room 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
KEV287-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital two year contract supply and service sanitec bins Cancelled 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
KEV286-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital maintenance of garden and ground for 6 months 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
KEV58-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital thermal imaging to electrical panel and distribution box 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
soap.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Soap handwash antibacterial with dispenser 500ml  20/06/2022 27/06/2022
kev294.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Chest freezer 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
RKK230.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply Of Paraffin Gauze Dressing  - 10cm x 10cm    - 10cm x 40cm 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
RKK231.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Replacement Of Lightning and Electrical Upgrades 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
RKK232.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Refurbishment of Flooring in Pharmacy 20/06/2022 27/06/2022
IMB76-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC diesel (litres) Cancelled 20/06/2022 24/06/2022
246.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Stump bandage - 7m x 12cm and 10cm 20/06/2022 24/06/2022
247.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Luer slip hypodermic syringe - 5ml 20/06/2022 24/06/2022
248.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Luer slip hypodermic syringe - 10ml 20/06/2022 24/06/2022
PSH40-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital Form consent for operation and procedure - English 20/06/2022 24/06/2022
PSH42-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital Card clinic/pharmacy stock control 20/06/2022 24/06/2022
WWH 129-22-23.pdf Wentworth Hospital Disposal of X-Ray Films for the period of 24 Months 20/06/2022 24/06/2022
FNH 76-2022-23KFNH.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Heavy furnance oil 20/06/2022 23/06/2022
HOH.0313.23.pdf Head Office Quotations Supply and deliver of plumbing material high quality 20/06/2022 23/06/2022
HOH.0315.23.pdf Head Office Quotations Supply and deliver of Electrical material high quality 20/06/2022 23/06/2022
HOH.0317.23.pdf Head Office Quotations Supply and deliver of carpentry material high quality 20/06/2022 23/06/2022
HOH.0318.23.pdf Head Office Quotations Supply and deliver of Electrical Light fittings high quality 20/06/2022 23/06/2022
HOH.319.23.pdf Head Office Quotations Supply and delver of tools for workshop 20/06/2022 23/06/2022
082.KCD.2223.pdf King Cetshwayo District Office MMC Hygiene Packs x 450 packs 20/06/2022 23/06/2022
088.KCD.2223.pdf King Cetshwayo District Office MMC Stationery 20/06/2022 23/06/2022
NKO 67.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply Fabric Softner 25 L 20/06/2022 23/06/2022
NKO 68.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply Fridge Tag 3smss alert Temperature Monitor 20/06/2022 23/06/2022


17 June 2022

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
126.22.23ADH.pdf Addington Hospital interactive hydrogel 26g 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
127.22.23ADH.pdf Addington Hospital high risk gloves small 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
128.22.23ADH.pdf Addington Hospital gloves high risk medium 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
129.22.23ADH.pdf Addington Hospital gloves high risk large 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
190.22.23ADH.pdf Addington Hospital prolene sutures 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
191.22.23ADH.pdf Addington Hospital polydioxanone sutures 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
192.22.23ADH.pdf Addington Hospital monocryl sutures 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
193.22.23ADH.pdf Addington Hospital stainless steel wire suture 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
194.22.23ADH.pdf Addington Hospital enteral feeding sets 3 in 1 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
Ekb.31.22.23.pdf Ekombe Hospital Replace damaged ablution at paeds ward x2 2022/06/17 2022/06/27
Ekb.33.22.23.pdf Ekombe Hospital Airconditioners for OPD and offices 2022/06/17 2022/06/27
Ekb.32.22.23.pdf Ekombe Hospital Replace damaged windows at female general ward 2022/06/17 2022/06/27
nko59-22-23.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital supply bags gabbage clear 910mmx760mmx40micron 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
nko 61-22-23.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital supply stainless steel pedal bins 20l 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
nko 63-22-23.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital supply top retrival a4 solid plastic container 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
nko 64-22-23.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital supply washing powder soap 25kg,supply white stain remover 25kg 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
PSH 169-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital Wound &fistula managers with skin protection backing  2022/06/17 2022/06/22
RMH04.2223.pdf Richmond Hospital Cleaning of gardens and grounds 2022/06/17 2022/06/24
RMH03.2223.pdf Richmond Hospital Portering service 2022/06/17 2022/06/24
THH 33.2022-23.pdf Town Hill Hospital Repairs to Camera 2022/06/17 2022/06/30
THH 34.2022-23.pdf Town Hill Hospital To Repair the Boom Gate 2022/06/17 2022/06/30
THH 35.2022-23.pdf Town Hill Hospital Maintenance at Various Wards at Townhill Hospital 2022/06/17 2022/06/30
THH 38.2022-23.pdf Town Hill Hospital Supply, Manufacture & Install S/S Shelving 2022/06/17 2022/06/30
THH 39.2022-23.pdf Town Hill Hospital Replace Door locks with Magnetic Locks & Electronic keys 2022/06/17 2022/06/30
THH 36.2022-23.pdf Town Hill Hospital To Replace the Tiling in Various Wards in Townhill Hospital 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
THH 40.2022-23.pdf Town Hill Hospital Supply/Deliver Diesel for Generators 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
UMH39.22.pdf Umgeni Hospital Cleaning of gardens & grounds 2022/06/17 2022/06/24
IMB39-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC dental items Cancelled 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
IMB65-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC suturing material 3 tubes 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
IMB85-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC el - 1084 electro timer t2m multi 220v 12 pin 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
IMB89-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC x-ray equipment  2022/06/17 2022/06/23
IMB91-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC furniture 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
IMB92-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC photocopy paper a4 (10 months contract see details on the qoute) 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
QNH274 22-23.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital provision of cleaning and maintenece of garden and grounds at queen aandi hospital 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
QNH242 22-23.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital paper steri-crepe 900mmx900mm 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
QNH133 22-23.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital major and minor service on theatre isolog 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
QNH131 22-23.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital major service on switch gear, mv switch gear and power correction factor 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
QNH128 22-23.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital major service on infra red detection distribution board 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
QNH130 22-23.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital quarterly service on grease traps 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
QNH246 22-23.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital syringe hypodermic luer-slip and luer lock 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
QNH181 22-23.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital pedal bins stainless steel 20L 2022/06/17 2022/06/23
sah122.pdf St Andrews Hospital paper photocopy white bond 80Gms A4 2022/06/17 2022/06/22
sah 496.pdf St Andrews Hospital stainless steel pedal bins 2022/06/17 2022/06/22
GRS 684.pdf Greys Hospital Transport Department Uniform 17/06/2022 28/06/2022
GRS 468.pdf Greys Hospital Male General Orderlies Khaki Shirts & Khaki Cargo Pants  17/06/2022 28/06/2022
GRS 470.pdf Greys Hospital Female General Orderlies T-Shirts (Short Sleeve)  17/06/2022 28/06/2022
GRS 474.pdf Greys Hospital Long Sleeve Fleece Jackets  17/06/2022 28/06/2022
GRS 475.pdf Greys Hospital Male Long sleeve shirts & Female Housekeeper Uniform  17/06/2022 28/06/2022
GRS 469.pdf Greys Hospital Male & Female General Orderlies Shoes  17/06/2022 28/06/2022
GRS 477.pdf Greys Hospital Male & Female House Keeper Shoes & Trousers  17/06/2022 28/06/2022
Nse112.2022.2023.pdf Nseleni CHC Cleaning of buildings  17/06/2022 24/06/2022
Nse111.2022.2023.pdf Nseleni CHC Cleaning of buildings 17/06/2022 24/06/2022
Nse71.2022.2023.pdf Nseleni CHC emtct tracking tool book 17/06/2022 24/06/2022
Nse52.2022.2023.pdf Nseleni CHC x ray envelopes 17/06/2022 24/06/2022
IMB92-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC photocopy paper a4 (10 months contract see details on the qoute) 17/06/2022 23/06/2022
IMB91-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC furniture 17/06/2022 23/06/2022


16 June 2022

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
MAS 35-22-23.pdf KwaMashu CHC supply and deliver conveen urisheaths 2022/06/16 2022/06/21
MAS 36-22-23.pdf KwaMashu CHC supply and deliver 1 piece drainable pouch 2022/06/16 2022/06/21


15 June 2022

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
ESW-12-23.pdf Eshowe Hospital dresswound non woven 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ESW-11-23.pdf Eshowe Hospital forms case sheet 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ESW-10-23.pdf Eshowe Hospital needle spinal sterile 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ESW-09-23.pdf Eshowe Hospital cards family planning 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ESW-08-23.pdf Eshowe Hospital mask n95 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
HGD04202223.pdf Harry Gwala District Office Low sulphar diesel for standby generator at Ixopo FPS and Christ the King Hospital Cancelled 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
HGD05202223.pdf Harry Gwala District Office Low sulphar diesel for standby genarator at Kokstad FPS Cancelled 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
HGD03202223.pdf Harry Gwala District Office Cleaning Material  2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ITS 004.22.23.pdf Itshelejuba Hospital supply and delivery of cleaning detergents 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ITS 010.22.23.pdf Itshelejuba Hospital supply and delivery of paints 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ITS 013.22.23.pdf Itshelejuba Hospital minor service to kitchen equipment   2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ITS 050.22.23.pdf Itshelejuba Hospital catering for male medical circumsation clients (mmc) 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ITS 071.22.23.pdf Itshelejuba Hospital supply and delivery of dertegent laundry liquid soap 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ITS 074.22.23.pdf Itshelejuba Hospital supply and delivery of surgical items 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ITS 070.22.23.pdf Itshelejuba Hospital supply and delivery of vaginal speculum 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ITS 075.22.23.pdf Itshelejuba Hospital supply and delivery of light fittings with accessories 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ITS 077.22.23.pdf Itshelejuba Hospital supply and delivery of device 30 day electronic temperature logger 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ITS 072.22.23.pdf Itshelejuba Hospital supply and delivery of garbage bags Cancelled 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ITS 073.22.23.pdf Itshelejuba Hospital supply and delivery of cutlery and crockery 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
LSH 464 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Supply and Deliver Water for the Period of 12 Months 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
mad111.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to air compressor & pneumatic controls  2022/06/15 2022/06/22
mad112.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to Laundry compresses 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
mad113.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to standby generator at Laundry and OPD 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
mad114.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to Laundry ventilation fan & filters 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
mad115.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to medical gas banks (Nitrous/Oxygen) 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
mad116.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to vacuum pumps 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
mad117.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to laundry tumble dryers  2022/06/15 2022/06/22
mad118.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to laundry roll ironer  2022/06/15 2022/06/22
mad119.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to Laundry steam presses 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
mad124.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to medical air compressors 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
mad125.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to domestic water in clinics 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
mad126.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to kitchen canopy 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
mad127.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to kitchen steam pots 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
mad128.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to kitchen convection ovens 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
mad130.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to dental air compressors 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
mad131.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to Laundry sewing machine  2022/06/15 2022/06/22
mad120.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service to laundry washing machines 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
mad144.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major service - infra red testing on main power supply at clinic 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
ZNQ-MZH-217-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital repair of gravel internal road 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ZNQ-MZH-205-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital infusion set and set volume infusion  2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ZNQ-MZH-216-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital signages 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ZNQ-MZH-214-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital service to jojo tanks and tower tanks  2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ZNQ-MZH-210-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital supply and install fire extinguishers  2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ZNQ-MZH-211-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital emegerncy alarm station  2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ZNQ-MZH-212-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital supply and install fire sprinklers and hose reels  2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ZNQ-MZH-208-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital jikijela rutf 250g 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ZNQ-MZH-207-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital aseptor bags  size 4 and 12 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ZNQ-MZH-206-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital traction kits adult and child  2022/06/15 2022/06/23
ZNQ-MZH-175-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital service to shimadzu x-ray unit 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
PHO0452223.pdf Pholela CHC Book male, female and child health record 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
PHO0462223.pdf Pholela CHC Dishwashing liquid 5lt,floor stripper 5lt,floor polish liquid 5 lt and detergent ammonium

 free 5lt

2022/06/15 2022/06/22
SUN224.22.23.pdf Sundumbili CHC plumbing material 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
SUN245.22.23.pdf Sundumbili CHC cleaning 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
SUN246.22.23.pdf Sundumbili CHC cleaning  2022/06/15 2022/06/22
ZNQ-VRH-165-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital service and minor repairs to borehole pumps for Vryheid hospital 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
ZNQ-VRH-166-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital service and minor repairs to borehole pumps in the clinics 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
ZNQ-VRH-160-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital infrared testing Vryheid hospital 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
ZNQ-VRH-161-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital infrared testing for distribution boards for all clinics 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
ZNQ-VRH-164-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital service and minor repairs of all air conditioning chiller plant rooms 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
WWH 113-22-23.pdf Wentworth Hospital Cleaning of Garden and Grounds for the period of 3 months 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
111-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital service all fire equipment at Addington hospital 2022/06/15 2022/06/24
197-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital repair to fire alarm system in isolation ward  2022/06/15 2022/06/24
BET00125-22-23.pdf Bethesda Hospital Supply and deliver building material 2022/06/15 2022/06/21
Ekb.30.22.23.pdf Ekombe Hospital Protective clothing 2022/06/15 2022/06/21
LSH 473 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Supply and Erect A Shelter at E3 Courtyard in Hospital Cancelled 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
LSH 100 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Assess and repair cameras in N/Home & ward E3, reset password at Matrons Office, assess &

 repair monitor screens in KZN security control room

2022/06/15 2022/06/22
LSH 098 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Annual Service of Theatre, Ward 09 & Casualty Doors in Hospital 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
LSH 097 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Replace Old Wooden Doors at Dental & ICU Passage Toilet Doors 2022/06/15 2022/06/22
mad173.pdf Madadeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings & offices at Mndozo clinic  2022/06/15 2022/06/24
mad180.pdf Madadeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings & offices at Osizweni clinic 1  2022/06/15 2022/06/24
mad179.pdf Madadeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings & offices at Osizweni clinic 2  2022/06/15 2022/06/24
mad178.pdf Madadeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings & offices at Osizweni clinic 1  2022/06/15 2022/06/24
mad172.pdf Madadeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings & offices at Rosary clinic  2022/06/15 2022/06/24
mad174.pdf Madadeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings & offices at Newcastle clinic  2022/06/15 2022/06/24
mad177.pdf Madadeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings & offices at Madadeni clinic 1  2022/06/15 2022/06/24
mad176.pdf Madadeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings & offices at Madadeni clinic 5  2022/06/15 2022/06/24
mad175.pdf Madadeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings & offices at Madadeni clinic 5  2022/06/15 2022/06/24
mad171.pdf Madadeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings: PSYCH wards & offices  2022/06/15 2022/06/24
mad245.pdf Madadeni Hospital Maintenance & cleaning of gardens & grounds at Madadeni Hospital   2022/06/15 2022/06/24
MUR75 2223.pdf Murchison Hospital Annual service of air conditioning units at Murchison hospital 2022/06/15 2022/06/24
PSH 170-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital Syringe sterile single use with needle for insulin50 u 0.5ml 2022/06/15 2022/06/21
CAH-THU-54-22-23.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital Six months contract for garden and ground at Ceza hospital 2022/06/15 2022/06/28
CAH-THU-55-22-23.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital Six months contract for garden and ground at Thulasizwe hospital. 2022/06/15 2022/06/28
ctk67-2022-2023.pdf Christ the King Hospital premium ld soap and oxi act 25 litres 2022/06/15 2022/06/24
ctk68-2022-2023.pdf Christ the King Hospital cleaning of gardens and grounds  2022/06/15 2022/06/24
ctk69-2022-2023.pdf Christ the King Hospital pest control services 2022/06/15 2022/06/24
HOH-0141-23.pdf Head Office Quotations dameged blinds 2022/06/15 2022/06/21
psh 197-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital garden service for primary healthcare  2022/06/15 2022/06/22
psh 187-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital sanitizition and deep cleaning service for primary healtyh care  2022/06/15 2022/06/22
STC126 and 124.pdf St Chads CHC borehole pump replacement and wall mounted heaters 2022/06/15 2022/06/24
stc.125.22.23.pdf St Chads CHC installation of panic button 2022/06/15 2022/06/24
stc.130.22.23.pdf St Chads CHC installation of fan heaters 2022/06/15 2022/06/24
stc131.22.23.pdf St Chads CHC installation of ceiling fans 2022/06/15 2022/06/24
EST 185.pdf Estcourt Hospital 01 year contract - set of spectacles 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
EST 189.pdf Estcourt Hospital sandbag traction ,gastrostomy tubes ,ctg belts 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
EST 190.pdf Estcourt Hospital instuments cleaning wire brushcatheter mounts adults , paeds  2022/06/15 2022/06/23
EST 193.pdf Estcourt Hospital uniforms various sizes  2022/06/15 2022/06/23
EST 192.pdf Estcourt Hospital percuneaous trocheostonmy sets individually wrapped 2022/06/15 2022/06/23
EST 194.pdf Estcourt Hospital comprehensive tick register version 1.0 of 2022,head count reg 15/06/2022 23/06/2022


14 June 2022

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
GRS 334-04-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Supply, Install and Commission 11 000L above Ground Self-Bunded Diesel Tank 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
GRS 627-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital S 130  Operating Microlaryngeal System 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
GRS 619-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Book Daily Attendance Register - 40 Leaves Printed both sides in Black Ink 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
GRS 618-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Register of Psychotropic Medicines 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
GRS 617-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Pads Consent for Operation / Procedure 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
GRS 614-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital White Tape 6.35mm x 10m Fabric Type 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
GRS 613-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Biopsy Needles Coaxial Temmo Semiatomatic 16g x 150mm with Introducer 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
GRS 610-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Tube Tracheostomy (Shiley) ipc  8.0 Sterile 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
GRS 608-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Catheter Suction Control - 5fg and 5fg  (Sterile) 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
GRS 606-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Suture Absorb Vicryl 1/0  75cm , 36-37mm Needle and Suture Vicryl 3/0  3/8 Circle  70cm, 24mm Needle 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
GRS 605-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Suture Nylon 3/0, 2/0, 0   3/8 Circle 90mm Needle - 100cm length 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
GRS 604-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Suture Absorb Vicryl 0  1/2 Circle 37mm Needle and Suture Vicryl 2/0  1/2 Circle 26mm Taper Point 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
GRS 598-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Syringe Disposable Sterile 3 Part  50ml (60) Cc Catheter Tip 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
GRS 597-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Traction Kit, Skin  Adult, Extention Plaster  Foam  PA 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
GRS 588-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Collar and Cuff  Size: 5cm x 4 Meters 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
GRS 528-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Bacteria Binding Film Dressing 5 x 7.2cm / 2 x 3 In 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
GRS 484-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Request for Consultation (250 Pages/ PAD) 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
GRS 462-04-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Disinfectant Mortuary Cleaner (Pine) (5Lt) 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
GRS 447-04-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital PDS  Loop 1 Polydioxanone Violet length 240cm Loop with 65mm Needle, TP  1/2 Circle Sterile 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
GRS 446-04-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Vicryl 1,  40mm Needle Round Body  90cm length Sterile 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
GRS 413-04-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Pressure Bags - 1000ml with Durable SABS Approved 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
GRS 399-04-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital 5f JL  3.5, 5f JL 4, 5f JL 5 and 5f  JR 4 Radial Catheter 100cm 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
GRS 387-04-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Punch Biopsy Size: 2mm, 3mm, 6mm and 8mm 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
GRS 380-04-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Paediatric Tracheostomy Tube Cuffless 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
KDH 117  OF 22-23.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex supply she bins 2022/06/14 2022/06/27
kev185.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Monofilament polyproperline mesh 30x30cm. 2022/06/14 2022/06/20
MSH94-22-23-H.pdf Mseleni Hospital Supply and install Signage at Mseleni Hospital   2022/06/14 2022/06/24
ZNQ 16-06-2022-2023.pdf Rietvlei Hospital servicing of medical gas instulation,and reticulation including medical air 2022/06/14 2022/06/22
ZNQ RVH 10-06-2022-2023.pdf Rietvlei Hospital diesel supply and testing at various clinics 2022/06/14 2022/06/22
ZNQ RVH 18-06-2022-2023.pdf Rietvlei Hospital uniform for general orderly 2022/06/14 2022/06/22
STF21.2022.23.pdf St Francis Hospital servicing of kitchen equipments 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
STF22.2022.23.pdf St Francis Hospital supply diesel 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
STF23.2022.23.pdf St Francis Hospital cleaning of garden and grounds 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
znq-clw-0071-22-23.pdf Clairwood Hospital cleaning of garden and grounds 6 months contract 2022/06/14 2022/06/24
znq-clw-0072-22-23.pdf Clairwood Hospital bi-annual service of split unit wall mounted air-conditioners  Cancelled 2022/06/14 2022/06/24
dan. 065.22.23.pdf Dannhauser CHC supply of cleaning material 2022/06/14 2022/06/24
FNH 56-2022-23KFNH.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Insulated beverage container 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
FNH 67-2022-23KFNH.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Commodes shower chairs 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
FNH 72-2022-23KFNH.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Quarry dust 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
HOH 0058.pdf Head Office Quotations supply and delivery of polyester webbing 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
KEV292.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Wound dressing silver meshed, non-woven 10cm x 120cm. 2022/06/14 2022/06/20
LSH 428 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Repair and Paint Passage in Driefontein Clinic 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
LSH 427 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Connection of Power in Tholusizo and Limithill Clinic 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
LSH 426 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Supply and Install seven new Airconditioners in Hospital 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
LSH 425 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Retile Public Toilets at Main Gate Entrance in Hospital 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
98.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Toner brother TN 2280 - black (original) 2022/06/14 2022/06/17
200.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Pair of scissors - 17cm 2022/06/14 2022/06/17
201.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital 3 - Quire exercise book - A4 2022/06/14 2022/06/17
202.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Ring files 2022/06/14 2022/06/17
203.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Arch lever file - A4 2022/06/14 2022/06/17
204.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Cards prescription repeat 2022/06/14 2022/06/17
205.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Books, repair requests medico tech-equipment 2022/06/14 2022/06/17
206.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Aseptor bag no.12 2022/06/14 2022/06/17
207.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Aseptor bag no.11 2022/06/14 2022/06/17
208.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Aseptor bag no.07 2022/06/14 2022/06/17
209.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Sterilization roll, gussetted - 150mm x 100m 2022/06/14 2022/06/17
210.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Tubing silicone, 15m - size 204 2022/06/14 2022/06/17
211.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Gloves, elbow length, procedure gloves - large 2022/06/14 2022/06/17
212.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Gutter walking frame 2022/06/14 2022/06/17
213.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Mucus extractor with suction - FG12 2022/06/14 2022/06/17
214.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Heavy duty plaster scissors 2022/06/14 2022/06/17
215.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital Philedelphia neck collars Cancelled 2022/06/14 2022/06/17
NDW37-22.23.pdf Ndwedwe CHC A4 paper photocopy 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
NDW79-22.23.pdf Ndwedwe CHC Dislodging of septic tank @ Ndwedwe CHC - 2 months contract 2022/06/14 2022/06/17
NGW60.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital 09 Months contract for laundry soap 25 litre 2022/06/14 2022/06/20
RKK85.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Service To Main Kitchen Equipment   - 12 Months    - Re Advertised  2022/06/14 2022/06/24
sah 496.pdf St Andrews Hospital pedal bins Cancelled 2022/06/14 2022/06/20
SMM075.23.pdf St Mary�s Marianhill Hospital Various sutures 2022/06/14 2022/06/17
umg 70 22 23.pdf Umgungundlovu District Office Printing cartridges 2022/06/14 2022/06/17
WWH 88.22-23.pdf Wentworth Hospital supply of ileodress plus drainable pouch and supply of hydrogel 2022/06/14 2022/06/17
WWH 89.22-23.pdf Wentworth Hospital supply of patients line as per attached specification 2022/06/14 2022/06/17
WWH 90.22-23.pdf Wentworth Hospital supply of uniform and ppe as per attached specification 2022/06/14 2022/06/17
HOH-0302-23.pdf Head Office Quotations cleaning of gardens and grounds 2022/06/14 2022/06/23
IAL-334-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Vascular closure device 6fr Amended 2022/06/14 2022/06/21
Psh184-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital garden and grounds for umzumbe south clinics  2022/06/14 2022/06/22
psh 180-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital garden service for hospitall and 4 official houses 2022/06/14 2022/06/22
psh 181-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital sanitization and deep cleaning of ray nkonyeni clinics 2022/06/14 2022/06/22
psh 183-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital sanitization and deep cleaning service for umzumbe south clinics  2022/06/14 2022/06/22
psh182-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital garden service for ray nkonyeni clinics 2022/06/14 2022/06/22
SAP20-2022-2023.pdf St Apollinaris Hospital Service of airconditioners  2022/06/14 2022/06/22
SAP19-2022-2023.pdf St Apollinaris Hospital Service of borehole  2022/06/14 2022/06/22
SAP18-2022-2023.pdf St Apollinaris Hospital Service of portable dental autoclaves  2022/06/14 2022/06/22
SAP16-2022-2023.pdf St Apollinaris Hospital Service of kitchen equipment  2022/06/14 2022/06/22
SAP17-2022-2023.pdf St Apollinaris Hospital Service of vacuum compressor  2022/06/14 2022/06/22
SAP15-2022-2023.pdf St Apollinaris Hospital Repair boom gate  2022/06/14 2022/06/14


13 June 2022

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
emm 230 . 06 . 2022.pdf Emmaus Hospital hprs books adult female patient health record , head count register 2022/06/13 2022/06/20
UEM 005-22-23.pdf Jozini Malaria Control cleaning material 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
UEM 006-22-23.pdf Jozini Malaria Control stationery 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
KEV283-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital maintenance of garden and ground service for king edward hospital 2022/06/13 2022/06/27
KEV269-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital supply diesil for generator Cancelled 2022/06/13 2022/06/20
mad122.22.pdf Madadeni Hospital diesel 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
mad121.22.pdf Madadeni Hospital supply & deliver diesel to clinic generators 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
081-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Spo2 probes sensor disposable - mindray 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
091-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Dry laser xray films 20x25cm 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
092-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Emergency evacuation signage 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
093-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Electrical material as per list 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
096-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Bifocal clear and transition 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
097-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Single vision stock clear/transition 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
098-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Multifocal clear/transition 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
099-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Single vision surfaced clear/transition 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
OTH-033-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC High concentrated liquid laundry detergent premium LD soap 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
PMM-127-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 1044 units, detergent all purpose cleaner 5lt 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
PMM-129-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 627 units polish floor liquid 5lt 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
PMM-126-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 278 units, steel wool fine 500 grams 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
PMM-154-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 2000 units, closed night dresses for women patients size x large cotton organ orange 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
PMM-130-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 51000 units, mask particulate respiratory kn95 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
PMM-128-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 764 units, disinfectant cleaner 5lt 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
PMM-45-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital Sale of silver recovered from old, discarded xray films, unsorted 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
SMM.070.23.pdf St Mary�s Marianhill Hospital Electric boiling pan 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
SMM.023.23.pdf St Mary�s Marianhill Hospital Uniform 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
SMM.071.23.pdf St Mary�s Marianhill Hospital Cash register 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
SMM.069.23.pdf St Mary�s Marianhill Hospital A4 Photocopy paper white  2022/06/13 2022/06/17
UMK 006-22-23.pdf Umkhanyakude District Office Cleaning material  2022/06/13 2022/06/17
cbh0055.pdf Catherine Booth Hospital supply and deliver floor polish-5l -12 months contract 2022/06/13 2022/06/20
ch0055.pdf Catherine Booth Hospital supply and deliver floor polish - 5l- 12 months contract  2022/06/13 2022/06/20
dan.060.22.23.pdf Dannhauser CHC   2022/06/13 2022/06/20
dan064.22.23.pdf Dannhauser CHC supply of uniform 2022/06/13 2022/06/20
dan.066.22.23.pdf Dannhauser CHC supply of laundry washing liquide 2022/06/13 2022/06/20
ZNQEPH77-2022-23.pdf Ekuhlengeni Psychiatric Hospital maintenance and cleaning of garden and grounds for 6 months 2022/06/13 2022/06/20
EST 144.pdf Estcourt Hospital Supply electrical materials 2022/06/13 2022/06/23
EST 184.pdf Estcourt Hospital Supply cera chek hemoglobin strips 2022/06/13 2022/06/23
EST 186.pdf Estcourt Hospital Supply blood transfusions set 2022/06/13 2022/06/23
EST 187.pdf Estcourt Hospital Supply disposable vaginal tampons with tale 2022/06/13 2022/06/23
23.06.22-23 GTW.pdf Greytown Hospital 12 Months contract disludging, cleaning and pumping out of sewer septic thanks for clinics 2022/06/13 2022/06/23
MUR75 2223.pdf Murchison Hospital Annual service of air conditioning units. 2022/06/13 2022/06/24
MUR41 2223.pdf Murchison Hospital Supply and deliver diesel at Bhobhoyi clinc 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
Ndh 116 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital welch  pacing pads and paed  2022/06/13 2022/06/17
39-22-23.pdf Osindisweni Hospital Multifocal transition, Multifocal clear, Reading glasses 2022/06/13 2022/06/21
40-22-23.pdf Osindisweni Hospital Vertometer  Digital 2022/06/13 2022/06/21
41-22-23.pdf Osindisweni Hospital Autorefractor 2022/06/13 2022/06/21
42-22-23.pdf Osindisweni Hospital Biofocal clear 2022/06/13 2022/06/21
43-22-23.pdf Osindisweni Hospital Biofocal transition 2022/06/13 2022/06/21
44-22-23.pdf Osindisweni Hospital Non Contact Conometer 2022/06/13 2022/06/21
45-22-23.pdf Osindisweni Hospital Trial frame kids,Trial frame adult, Trial case 20D, Single vision transition, Surface clear 2022/06/13 2022/06/21
POM-0010-22-23.pdf Pomeroy CHC Cleaning materials 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
PMM-154-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 51000 Units, mask particulate respiratory kn95 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
RKK18.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply Of  Kangaroo Enteral Feeding Set With Transition Conector 2022/06/13 2022/06/20
RKK97.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply Of Various Items   2022/06/13 2022/06/20
RKK36.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply Of Fluroscent Light Fitting 2022/06/13 2022/06/20
RKK179.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply Of Pedal Bin Stainless Steel 2022/06/13 2022/06/20
RKK184.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply Of Tpn Solution Itn Baby 101,102,103 and 114 Or Equivalent 2022/06/13 2022/06/20
RKK185.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply Of Tpn Solution Itn Adult 5501A, 8807A, nad 8807XA Or Equivalent  2022/06/13 2022/06/20
RKK209.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply Of Splinting Material And Velcro Loop 2022/06/13 2022/06/20
RKK210.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Dental Catridge Needle  27 x 42MM 2022/06/13 2022/06/20
RKK96.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply Of Wound Pate  2022/06/13 2022/06/20
KDH 118 OF 22-23.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex breastmilk fortifier for prem & low birth weight infants fm 85 2022/06/13 2022/06/20
KDH 122.22-23.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Service- Anaesthetic Machine 2022/06/13 2022/06/20
KDH 109.22-23.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex GP volumetric pump Cancelled 2022/06/13 2022/06/20
KDH 111.22-23.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Disposable SPO2 probes- Neonatal 2022/06/13 2022/06/20
KDH 107.22-23.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Needle Biospy Set 2022/06/13 2022/06/20
KDH 121.22-23.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Repair-Video Laryngoscope D-Blade for adult 2022/06/13 2022/06/20
KDH 86. 22-23.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex GP Volumetric Pump 2022/06/13 2022/06/20
MAS34.pdf KwaMashu CHC Dressings 2022/06/13 2022/06/17
MUR75 2223.pdf Murchison Hospital Annual service of air conditioning units 2022/06/13 2022/06/24


10 June 2022

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
cbh0052.pdf Catherine Booth Hospital supply & deliver surgical face visor - theatre 2022/06/10 2022/06/17
cbh0051.pdf Catherine Booth Hospital supply & deliver cytological fixative spray - 100ml 2022/06/10 2022/06/17
cbh0054.pdf Catherine Booth Hospital supply & deliver a4 white photocopy paper-12 months contract 2022/06/10 2022/06/17
cbh0033.pdf Catherine Booth Hospital supply & deliver paper towel jumbo 1 ply -(150m roll x 100cm height)- 12 months contract 2022/06/10 2022/06/17
emm 226.06.22.pdf Emmaus Hospital supply and deliver home base care kits 2022/06/10 2022/06/17
Gam028.2223.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Home base care kit 2022/06/10 2022/06/21
GJC118-22-23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital Service and produce report to oxygen points and plants 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
GJC117-22-23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital Service and produce report to medical air points and plant rooms compressors 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
GJC116-22-23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital Service and produce report to vacuum points and plant rooms 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
HLB 009-22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Pest control for seven clinics, 12 months contract 2022/06/10 2022/06/21
HLB 015-22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Cutting of trees  2022/06/10 2022/06/21
HLB 007-22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Single vision clear glasses and bifocals clear glasses 2022/06/10 2022/06/21
HLB 014-22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Remove old compressor and the panel, and replace new medical air compressor 2022/06/10 2022/06/21
HLB 017-22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Major service for ventilation  2022/06/10 2022/06/21
HLB 016-22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Major service for UPS 2022/06/10 2022/06/21
HLB 020-22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Major service for airconditioners  for the clinics 2022/06/10 2022/06/21
HLB 019-22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Major service for airconditioners at the hospital 2022/06/10 2022/06/21
HLB 013-22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Re-service for particle count theatre 3 2022/06/10 2022/06/21
HLB 012-22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Major service for hot water with heat pump 2022/06/10 2022/06/21
HLB 008-22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Service of the fire fighting equipment 2022/06/10 2022/06/21
LSH437-22-23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Towels theatre jade green (small,medium and large) 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
LSH439-22-23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Ophthalmic spears 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
LSH440-22-23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Tracoe tube cuffed 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
LSH441-22-23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Vicryl 2.0 ties,Vicryl 1.0 ties and Looped PDS II 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
LSH442-22-23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Ophthalmic cautery 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
LSH443-22-23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Crescent knife bevel up/2mm curved 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
LSH438-22-23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Disposable gowns with BI indicator large and x-large 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
advert - mch - 087-22.pdf McCord Hospital Supply Safety Blood Lancet 21G 2.2mm 2022/06/10 2022/06/14
advert - mch - 088-22.pdf McCord Hospital Suture Silk 8/0, 3/8 spatula TG - 140-8 D/A 6.5mm 2022/06/10 2022/06/14
advert - mch - 090-22.pdf McCord Hospital Suture Vicryl 8/0,3/8 Spatula TG-180- D/A 6.6mm , 30cm 2022/06/10 2022/06/14
advert - mch - 092-22.pdf McCord Hospital Glaucoma Ahmed Valve Lenght: 25.4mm Inner and Outer diam 2022/06/10 2022/06/14
advert - mch - 089-22.pdf McCord Hospital Suture Prolene 6/0 Monofilament 18"45cm Reverse Cutting  2022/06/10 2022/06/14
advert - mch - 091-22.pdf McCord Hospital Attest Steam Indicator with different sizes 2022/06/10 2022/06/14
sah 89.pdf St Andrews Hospital cleaning of carpets in staff residents room,flats and houses 2022/06/10 2022/07/01
sah 45.pdf St Andrews Hospital service of fire equipment 2022/06/10 2022/06/17
UMK 002.22.23.pdf Umkhanyakude District Office surgical sundries 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
UMK 005.22.23.pdf Umkhanyakude District Office surgical sundries 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
ZUL-25.22.23.pdf Zululand District Office Supply and deliver office furniture for EMS Zululand Cancelled 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
137.22.23ADH.pdf Addington Hospital trisodium citrate pre-filled syringes 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
BET0124-22-23.pdf Bethesda Hospital Supply and deliver printing mateial 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
HOH.0080.23.pdf Head Office Quotations Supply and deliver of office furniture 2022/06/10 2022/06/21
EGU 13-2022-23.pdf EG and Usher Memorial Hospital Provision of pest control services 2022/06/10 2022/06/21
EGU 19-22-23.pdf EG and Usher Memorial Hospital Maintenance of gardens and grounds 2022/06/10 2022/06/21
FNH 55-2022-23KFNH.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Mens crocs 2022/06/10 2022/06/14
GAM048.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Replacement of aircons 2022/06/10 2022/06/20
GAM044.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Cleaning of gardens and grounds 2022/06/10 2022/06/17
GJM-156  22.23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital gardens and grounds - 6 month contract 2022/06/10 2022/06/17
HOH.0080.pdf Head Office Quotations Supply and delivery of office furniture at HAST Unit 2022/06/10 2022/06/21
HOH 0239.pdf Head Office Quotations major service of generator diesel and bulk tank remediation at Newcastle and Madadeni forensic mortuary  2022/06/10 2022/06/17
imb86-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC roof repairs 2022/06/10 2022/06/17
imb91-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC funiture Cancelled 2022/06/10 2022/06/17
imb92-22-23.pdf Imbalenhle CHC photocopy paper a4 Cancelled 2022/06/10 2022/06/17
094-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Cleaning of garden and grounds at patc 2022/06/10 2022/06/22
095-22   MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Cleaning of garden and grounds at mgmh 2022/06/10 2022/06/22
NEH-109-22-23.pdf Newcastle Hospital Thermoplastic & perforated splinting material, neoprene & pressure garment 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
NEH-119-22-23.pdf Newcastle Hospital Paper sterile crepe green 900 x 1300 mm 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
NEH-120-22-23.pdf Newcastle Hospital Suture absorbable vicrly-o-braided synthetic-3.5 metric 70 cm (sterile) 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
NEH-126-22-23.pdf Newcastle Hospital Maintenance of gardens and grounds at hospital official houses for 12 months contract 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
NEH-127-22-23.pdf Newcastle Hospital Repair/replacement of kitchen coldroom and freezer 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
NMH108.pdf Niemeyer Memorial Hospital replace window units airconditioning qith 18000 btu split unit 2022/06/10 2022/06/22
PSD0012.23.pdf Provincial Pharmaceutical Supply Depot Cleaning of Garden and Grounds at PPSD (6 months contract) 2022/06/10 2022/06/24
PSD0013.23.pdf Provincial Pharmaceutical Supply Depot Electric Pedestrian Walk Behind Stacker 2022/06/10 2022/06/23
RKK07.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Provision Of Porter And Messenger Services @ RK Khan Hospital 2022/06/10 2022/06/20
RKK93.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Provision Of Cleaning Services @ RK Khan Hospital 2022/06/10 2022/06/20
RKK33.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply And Install Of White Frame Tent - Marquee 2022/06/10 2022/06/17
RKK94.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Provision Of Garden & Grounds Service @ RK Khan Hospital & Gateway clinic 2022/06/10 2022/06/17
RKK211.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Provision of cleaning, Porters & Messenger Services @ Gateway Clinic 2022/06/10 2022/06/17
THH 28.2022-23.pdf Town Hill Hospital One Year Contract - Finger Lunch 2022/06/10 2022/06/17
UMP1165-22.pdf Umphumulo Hospital Cleaning of buildings at otimati clinic see attached specification 2022/06/10 2022/06/24
UMZ 110-2022-23.pdf Umzinyathi District Office Visual Assistive Devices (12 Months Contract) 2022/06/10 2022/06/20
UMZ 399-2021-22.pdf Umzinyathi District Office MMC (Male Medical Circumcision) 2022/06/10 2022/06/20
LSH444.pdf Ladysmith Hospital dressing adhesive sterile 560x760mm 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
LSH446.pdf Ladysmith Hospital dressing adhesiv esterile 200x300mm  2022/06/10 2022/06/15
LSH445.pdf Ladysmith Hospital dressing sterile450x475mm 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
LSH447.pdf Ladysmith Hospital dressing adhesive sterile 200x450mm 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
NGW251.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital 05 Months contract for garden and grounds services  2022/06/10 2022/06/15
NGW364.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital Supply and deliver 50ppm diesel at Khandisa clinic and Buchanana 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
PSH 103-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital repair airconditioners 2022/06/10 2022/06/21
RKK83.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Service to Main Kitchen, Mortuary and Pharmacy Cold Room - 12 months 2022/06/10 2022/06/24
RKK84.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Service To Oxygen, Nitrous,Manifold And Also Vacuum Plant Units - 12 Months 2022/06/10 2022/06/24
RKK86.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Service To Laundry Equipment  12 Months  Re Advertised 2022/06/10 2022/06/24
RKK89.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Service To Earth Monitoring Equipment in the OT,ICU & Nursery   12 Months   Re Advertised 2022/06/10 2022/06/24
RKK91.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Service and Cleaning Of Water Tanks @ RK Khan Hospital  12 Months     Re Advertised 2022/06/10 2022/06/24
RKK92.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Particle Count For OT,CSSD and Pharmacy    12 Months   Re  Advertised 2022/06/10 2022/06/24
RKK183.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Repairs To and Replacement of Airconditioning   12 Months   Re  Advertised  2022/06/10 2022/06/24
RKK87.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Service To Heat Exchenger and Calofifier    12 Month   Re Advertised 2022/06/10 2022/06/24
RKK90.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Service To UPS    12 Months    Re  Advertised  2022/06/10 2022/06/24
BET0124-22023.pdf Bethesda Hospital Supply and deliver printing material 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
BET0110-22-23.pdf Bethesda Hospital Supply and deliver air compressor and air compressor pipe 2022/06/10 2022/06/15
BET0109-22-23.pdf Bethesda Hospital Supply and deliver of bandages 2022/06/10 2022/06/15


09 June 2022

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
EDU047.22.23.pdf Edumbe CHC Minor & major servicing of kitchen equipment Cancelled 2022/06/09 2022/06/14
EDU052.22.23.pdf Edumbe CHC Minor & major servicing of air conditionersand cold rooms 2022/06/09 2022/06/14
EDU054.22.23.pdf Edumbe CHC servicing of fire extinguishers and hose reels 2022/06/09 2022/06/14
EDU058.22.23.pdf Edumbe CHC servicing of elevated steel tanks 2022/06/09 2022/06/14
EDU060.22.23.pdf Edumbe CHC Major & minor servicing of hot water plantrooms 2022/06/09 2022/06/14
EDU061.22.23.pdf Edumbe CHC Electrical infrared inspection  2022/06/09 2022/06/14
EDU066.22.23.pdf Edumbe CHC mmc meals (catering) 2022/06/09 2022/06/14
EDU070.22.23.pdf Edumbe CHC Speculum vaginal disposable 2022/06/09 2022/06/14
EDU071.22.23.pdf Edumbe CHC Cleaning material 2022/06/09 2022/06/14
EDU083.22.23.pdf Edumbe CHC supply & installation of air conditioners  2022/06/09 2022/06/14
EDU041.22.23.pdf Edumbe CHC Pressure jetting of sewerline 2022/06/09 2022/06/14
EDU044.22.23.pdf Edumbe CHC servicing of minus 40 fridge 2022/06/09 2022/06/14
EDU050.22.23.pdf Edumbe CHC servicing of medical, vacuum banks and 40 points 2022/06/09 2022/06/14
EDU055.22.23.pdf Edumbe CHC servicing of domestic fridges 2022/06/09 2022/06/14
emm 178.05.2022.pdf Emmaus Hospital various uniforms 2022/06/09 2022/06/16
emm 25.04.2022.pdf Emmaus Hospital disposable c - section drapes 2022/06/09 2022/06/16
emm 177.05.2022.pdf Emmaus Hospital self adhesive , semi gloss lables 2022/06/09 2022/06/16
EST 162.pdf Estcourt Hospital Two lever union  mortice sets 2022/06/09 2022/06/15
EST 166.pdf Estcourt Hospital gauze swabs 100mmx100mmx16ply 2022/06/09 2022/06/15
EST 155.pdf Estcourt Hospital Extention set clc 2006 2022/06/09 2022/06/15
gjc151.22.23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital paper photocopy 80 gsm a4 white 2022/06/09 2022/06/17
gjc150.22.23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital SYRINGE STERILE SINGLE USE WITH NEEDLE FOR INSULIN USE 2022/06/09 2022/06/17
KEV242-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital medical gas after service repairs Cancelled 2022/06/09 2022/06/20
KEV244-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital family clinic 1,2 a ward male and female i block n block otsw and physio after service repairs 2022/06/09 2022/06/20
KEV245-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital medical physics water pump and ss box Cancelled 2022/06/09 2022/06/20
KEV241-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital 24 months contracts for leasing and servicing of she-bins Cancelled 2022/06/09 2022/06/20
KEV77.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Peripheral inserted venous polyurethane catheters 28g 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
kev121.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Haemocarb solution and liquid bicarbonate 5lt. 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
kev129.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Hand function and spinal sort test booklets. 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
kev181.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Urine drainage bags 2000ml. 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
kev194.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Integral filiform urethral dilator 32cm. 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
kev207.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Nasal dressing with string 10x1.5x25cm. 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
kev208.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Splinting material perforated 3.2mm. 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
kev209.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital CT connecting lines. 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
kev210.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Endoloop ligature 0 x 45cm. 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
kev211.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Suture 2/0 excell non abs. green & white 75cm. 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
kev212.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Bladeless optical trocar, cannula and sleeve 11mm x 110mm. 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
kev213.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Filters for Yumell portable suction machine. 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
kev214.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Hand control electrosurgical pencil with knife blade. 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
kev215.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Advanced flowable haemostatic metrix with flexi tip 10ml. 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
kev216.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Sterile, single use irrigation pouch 50x60cm. 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
kev217.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Non-disposable laparoscopic grasping forceps 5mm x 36cm. 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
kev219.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Flowable haemostatic polysaccharide powder 2grams. 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
kev220.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Vicryl knitted mesh 30x30cm. 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
kev252.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Microclave clear extension sets. 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
kev254.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Endoscopic specimen retriever bag 200ml. 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
kev255.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Dental archbar wires. 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
kev257.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Wheelchair basic foam pressure relieving cushions. 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
kev258.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Extra long blade type electrosurgical pencil tips. 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
kev253.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Laparoscopic hook dissector with monopolar electrodes. 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
LCP 74 2022.pdf KZN Central Provincial Laundry Cleaning gardens and grounds ( 6 Months) 2022/06/09 2022/06/24
NKO 41.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply white washing powder soap 25kg & white stain remover 25kg 2022/06/09 2022/06/15
NKO 40.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply Fridge Tag 3 sms alert temperature monitor 2022/06/09 2022/06/15
NKO 42.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply Fabric softner 25 Litre 2022/06/09 2022/06/15
phx.40-2022-2023.pdf Phoenix CHC cleaning of garden and grounds at phoenix chc for the period of 6 months 2022/06/09 2022/06/17
STC-127-22-23.pdf St Chads CHC Mortuary refridgerator 2022/06/09 2022/06/17
STC-12822-23.pdf St Chads CHC Service of sluice washing machine 2022/06/09 2022/06/17
STC-96,97-22-23.pdf St Chads CHC PHYSIOTHERAPY ITEMS 2022/06/09 2022/06/17
STC-46,47,49-22-33.pdf St Chads CHC Photocopying papers and carbon paper 2022/06/09 2022/06/17
STC-63,116-22-23.pdf St Chads CHC Service Calibrated weinghing scales 2022/06/09 2022/06/17
STC-66,123,04-22-23.pdf St Chads CHC Stationery 2022/06/09 2022/06/17
STC-112-22-23.pdf St Chads CHC Service of airconditioners @ st chads chc  2022/06/09 2022/06/17
STC-115-22-23.pdf St Chads CHC Service of airconditioners for 09 varios clinics under st chads chc 2022/06/09 2022/06/17
STC-22-23.pdf St Chads CHC Service of Medical Gas and Vaccum Pumps 2022/06/09 2022/06/17
STM 17.pdf St Margaret�s Hospital Repair and alterate pharmacy 2022/06/09 2022/06/22
VRH-61-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital supply manual phoropter 2022/06/09 2022/06/17
VRH-147-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital supply electric material for mason clinic Cancelled 2022/06/09 2022/06/15
VRH-148-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital supply electric material makhwela clinic Cancelled 2022/06/09 2022/06/15
VRH-146-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital supply electric material for mondlo b clinic Cancelled 2022/06/09 2022/06/15
VRH-145-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital supply electric material for siloah clinic Cancelled 2022/06/09 2022/06/15
VRH-144-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital supply electric material for siyakhathala clinic Cancelled 2022/06/09 2022/06/15
VRH-150-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital supply electric material for ntababomvu clinic Cancelled 2022/06/09 2022/06/15
VRH-149-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital supply electric material for kwafuduka clinic Cancelled 2022/06/09 2022/06/15
VRH-143-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital supply electric material for gluckstadt clinic Cancelled 2022/06/09 2022/06/15
CJM0063-2022-2023.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Cleaning of gardens and grounds for a period of six months (06) at Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital 2022/06/09 2022/06/21
CJM0066-2022-2023.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital N92 Particulate filter respirator and surgical mask (fluidshied*3) orange regula (box of 35) 2022/06/09 2022/06/21
PMM-152-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 03 months contract outsourcing of cleaning of gardens and grounds 2022/06/09 2022/06/20
PMM-150-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 06 months contract, outsourcing of general orderly at ezimwini clinic 2022/06/09 2022/06/20
PMM-145-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 06 months contract, outsourcing of general orderly at imfume clinic  2022/06/09 2022/06/20
PMM-149-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 06 months contract, outsourcing of general orderly at umlazi d clinic 2022/06/09 2022/06/20
PMM-146-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 06 months contract, outsourcing of general orderly at kwamakhutha clinic 2022/06/09 2022/06/20
PMM-153-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 02 months contract, outsourcing of cleaning of buildings and offices in hospital  2022/06/09 2022/06/20
PMM-147-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 06 months contract, outsourcing of general orderly at umbumbulu clinic 2022/06/09 2022/06/20
PMM-148-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 06 months contract, outsourcing of general orderly at umlazi k clinic 2022/06/09 2022/06/20
PMM-151-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 05 months contract, outsourcing of hospital orderly 2022/06/09 2022/06/20
PMM-143-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 12 months contract, pest control service for 18 clinics  2022/06/09 2022/06/20
PMM-144-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 12 months contract, collection of general waste from inkwali clinic, imfume clinic, ezimwini

 clinic and odidini clinic

2022/06/09 2022/06/20
LEM.027.22.23.pdf Ilembe District Office Supply & Install Airconditioning Unit at Groutville Clinic 2022/06/09 2022/06/17
PSH 152-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital Paper ECG schiller 2022/06/09 2022/06/17
PSH 157-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital Probe covers for genius thermometer 2022/06/09 2022/06/17
PSH 153-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital syphilis test kits 2022/06/09 2022/06/17
PSH 96-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital i-care for tonometer probes 2022/06/09 2022/06/17
PSH95-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital intraosseous needle  2022/06/09 2022/06/17
22.06.22-23 GTW.pdf Greytown Hospital supply and deliver ppm clean diesel, unleaded petrol and proffessional blue two stroke to

 M4, M3 and clinis

2022/06/09 2022/06/15
sah 88.pdf St Andrews Hospital sutures 2022/06/09 2022/06/15
UMG 86 22 23.pdf Umgungundlovu District Office HPV cards 2022/06/09 2022/06/15
CJM0062-2022-2023.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Pine disinfectant (5Litres) germcide (dertegent) Floor stripper 5 litres (non-ammonated,

 non-phosphate polymer Aerosol air freshner 180ml - Battery varta 2032  Cancelled

2022/06/09 2022/06/14
CJM0064-2022-2023.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Collector urine bags peads 200ml (pkt of 10) Ultra sound paper high density 110mmx20m

 Upp-110HD Vcutainer holder, Collar and cuffs, Caps mop white disposable with elastic base

 (100 caps per pack)

2022/06/09 2022/06/14
CJM0061-2022-2023.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Stove plate solid large (electrical), Stove plate solid small (electrical), pin globe energy

 sever 15-16 watt cool white, Screw type energy server 15-16 watt cool white, Engraver

 machine 90 degree heavy steel engraving carbide 

2022/06/09 2022/06/14
ESB 03 23.pdf East Boom CHC Supply and install Fire Extinguishers and hose reel 2022/06/09 2022/06/14
ZNQEPH78-2022-23.pdf Ekuhlengeni Psychiatric Hospital combination fridge - freezer 2022/06/09 2022/06/14
FNH70-2022-23KFNH.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Supply labour only for cleaning of building 2022/06/09 2022/06/14
LEM.024.22.23.pdf Ilembe District Office Servicing of Airconditioning Units for ILembe EMS Bases & KwaDukuza Sub-Clinics 2022/06/09 2022/06/14
KDH 70.22-23.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Bone Chips -2G 2022/06/09 2022/06/13
Hle 080-22-23.pdf Hlengisizwe CHC Painting at Shogweni dam clinic 2022/06/09 2022/06/22
Hle 078-22-23.pdf Hlengisizwe CHC Renovation of medical waste room 2022/06/09 2022/06/22
Hle 077-22-23.pdf Hlengisizwe CHC Sluice machine 2022/06/09 2022/06/22
Hle 076-22-23.pdf Hlengisizwe CHC wooden floor 2022/06/09 2022/06/22


08 June 2022

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
COS077-22-23.pdf Church of Scotland Hospital Insulin syringe 1ml 2022/06/08 2022/06/10
emm 191 06 22.pdf Emmaus Hospital repair all tv and decoder box in workshop and opd 2022/06/08 2022/06/21
emm 188 06 22.pdf Emmaus Hospital pull chain for lights switches 1m long with trirdonic and quicktronic 2022/06/08 2022/06/14
gjc126.22.23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital syringe hypodermic luer slip 2022/06/08 2022/06/17
gjc124.22.23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital suture 75 cm 1 1/2 cir reverse cut 40mm 2022/06/08 2022/06/17
gjc125.22.23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital suture 75cm 1 1/2 cir cir taper 40mm 2022/06/08 2022/06/17
gjc19.22.23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital liquid  hand wash anti bactirial soap 5 lt 2022/06/08 2022/06/17
gjc 130.22.23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital hemoglobin test strips for mission hb 2022/06/08 2022/06/17
gjc10.22.23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital soap sachet to fit kimberly clark container 800 ml 2022/06/08 2022/06/17
gjc 127.22.23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital pipette endometrial for cancer screening 2022/06/08 2022/06/17
gjc 90.22.23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital bags steam steri : size 3 2022/06/08 2022/06/17
GJC145-22-23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital Water service maintenance on industrial water service plant contract 2022/06/08 2022/06/14
GJC143-22-23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital supply and install washing machines 2022/06/08 2022/06/14
gjc142-22-23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital actisorb silver 220 dressing size 10.5x19cm 2022/06/08 2022/06/14
gjc109-22-23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital disposable linen 2022/06/08 2022/06/14
gjc108-22-23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital disposable blankets 2022/06/08 2022/06/14
imb68.pdf Imbalenhle CHC servicing of bore holes 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
IMB87.pdf Imbalenhle CHC stationery 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
IMB242.pdf Imbalenhle CHC supply and install heavy duty frame tent 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
IMB92.pdf Imbalenhle CHC photocopy paper a4 Cancelled 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
IMB91.pdf Imbalenhle CHC furniture Cancelled 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
IMB96.pdf Imbalenhle CHC airconditioner Cancelled 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
imb93.pdf Imbalenhle CHC remove old and supply new air conditioner 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
NDW57-22.23.pdf Ndwedwe CHC supply and install container for storage of records 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
NDW58-22.23.pdf Ndwedwe CHC Pastoe Chairs 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
NDW56-22.23.pdf Ndwedwe CHC Repair toilet extractor @ Mwolokohlo clinic 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
NDW41-22.23.pdf Ndwedwe CHC replacement of damaged roof ceiling 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
NDW53-22.23.pdf Ndwedwe CHC Service petrol generator @ mwolokohlo clinic 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
NDW07-22.23.pdf Ndwedwe CHC repair to fridges 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
NDW55-22.23.pdf Ndwedwe CHC Service to ventilation @ Mwolokohlo clinic 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
NDW44-22.23.pdf Ndwedwe CHC Service to Infrared DB testing 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
NDW45-22.23.pdf Ndwedwe CHC Service to Autoclaves 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
NDW46-22.23.pdf Ndwedwe CHC Service to medical fridges 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
NDW47-22.23.pdf Ndwedwe CHC Service to medical oxygen gas bank 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
NDW48-2.23.pdf Ndwedwe CHC Service to airconditioners 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
NDW49-22.23.pdf Ndwedwe CHC Service to brush cutters 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
NDW50-22.23.pdf Ndwedwe CHC Service to Karcher and Pressure Wash 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
NDW51-22.23.pdf Ndwedwe CHC Service to water pumps 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
NDW52-22.23.pdf Ndwedwe CHC Service to Laundry macines 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
NDW54-22.23.pdf Ndwedwe CHC Service to Fire extinguishers and fire hose reels 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
VRH111.22.23.pdf Vryheid Hospital urgent supply & install new plastic water supply tanks incl all fitting and 2 booster pumps incl inst of pumps 2022/06/08 2022/06/17
dgw070.pdf Doris Goodwin Hospital ripple mattress with pump 200kg 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
EST 163.pdf Estcourt Hospital mattress -ripple Cancelled 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
EST 165.pdf Estcourt Hospital silver dressing with activated charcoal 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
EST 164.pdf Estcourt Hospital scale -wheelchair  2022/06/08 2022/06/15
EST 161.pdf Estcourt Hospital 2 door fridge, washing machine 13kg,4plates stove, wall clocks 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
GAM036.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Supply and deliver back packs 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
GAM035.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Supply and deliver gazebo 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
GAM003.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Supply and deliver diesel 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
IAL-286-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Nanocrstaliine silver dressing 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
IAL-22-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Enterial feeding tube Cancelled 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
IAL-186-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Microcatheter 1.2F 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
IAL-251-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Neonatal filter for IV therapy 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
IAL-282-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Antibiotic impregnated ventricular peritoneal shunt Cancelled 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
IAL-250-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Infant oxygenator combo pack 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
IAL-248-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Trifurcated extension set with 3 needle-ports and clamps on all extensions 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
IAL-249-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Glycar pericardial patch in glularaldehyde  Cancelled 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
IAL-246-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Filter for IV solution (clear fluids) 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
IAL-247-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Closed suction catheter paed 10F 40.5cm 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
IAL-137-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Sulesomab / leokoscan vial 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
IAL-184-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Ventricular immessible shunt drainage system Antibio immersable adult 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
advert - mch - 094-22.pdf McCord Hospital Iris Fixated Intra Ocular Lens with different sizes  2022/06/08 2022/06/10
MVH 085.pdf Mosvold Hospital Major service of Medical points at Mosvold Hospital 2022/06/08 2022/06/14
MVH 111.pdf Mosvold Hospital Major service of Central units at Mosvold Hospital 2022/06/08 2022/06/14
MUR 56_22_23.pdf Murchison Hospital Semi-elemental enteral feeds for adult & children Cancelled 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
MUR 57_22_23.pdf Murchison Hospital Adult multifunction electrode pads for use with mindray bene heart D2,D3,D5,D6,D1 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
MUR 65_22_23.pdf Murchison Hospital Safety hypodermic needles with safety locking device 20g 1 1/2" and 21g x 1 1/2" 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
OTH-030-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC Dishwashing liquid 750ml 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
OTH-031-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC Floor stripper 5L 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
OTH-029-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC Pine disinfectant cleaner liquid 5L 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
OTH-028-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC Neutral detergent cleaner 5L 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
OTH-025-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC Disposable foam cups 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
OTH-020-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC Photocopying paper A4 white  2022/06/08 2022/06/13
OTH-032-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC Softner fabric 25L 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
OTH-027-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC Pink handwash liquid soap 5L 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
OTH-024-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC Stationery 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
OTH-026-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC Floor polish 5L 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
UMP0156-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply A4 photocopy paper 2022/06/08 2022/06/17
UMP0268-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital enclose waiting area as per attached specification at isithundu clinic 2022/06/08 2022/06/17
UMP0269-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital enclose waiting area as per attached specification at Mthandeni clinic 2022/06/08 2022/06/17
UMP0270-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital overhaul of medical vacuum plant as per attached specification 2022/06/08 2022/06/17
UMP0281-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply of diesel fuel 9000 litres as oer attached specification 2022/06/08 2022/06/17
UMP0292-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital clean high level water storage tank as per attached specification 2022/06/08 2022/06/17
BET0124-22-23.pdf Bethesda Hospital Supply and deliver printing material 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
BET0111-22-23.pdf Bethesda Hospital Repair and renovate female surgical ward 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
IAL-243-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Suture 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
IAL-245-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Soap 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
IAL-292-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Vascular Closure device 8F 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
IAL-253-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Temporary skin substitute 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
IAL-254-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Cleaner Cidex OPA, 5 litres 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
IAL-255-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Ga68 cassettes for ITG generator 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
IAL-256-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital ICP transducer strain gauge 2022/06/08 2022/06/13
QNH274.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital Provision of Garden and Grounds at QNRH Withdrawn 2022/06/08 2022/06/17
QNH178.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital Supply, install, commission CCTV Cameras 2022/06/08 2022/06/17
STC-129B-22-23.pdf St Chads CHC Service and Cleaning of sewer lines and mainholes using high pressure jet pump @ st chads chc  2022/06/08 2022/06/17
STC-129-22-23.pdf St Chads CHC Service and Cleaning of sewer lines and mainholes using high pressure jet pump @ 09 clinics under st chads chc  2022/06/08 2022/06/17
76.22.KDC.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Garden Tools 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
77.22.KDC.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Supply & Fit Super Sound Airhorn with Alarm station box  2022/06/08 2022/06/15
78.22.KDC.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Repair of air-conditioners at KwaDabeka CHC & 7 Clinics 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
79.22.KDC.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Repair of Infra-red detection & on all electrical DB's installed at KwaDabeka CHC & 7 Clinics 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
80.22.KDC.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Oxygen Double Flow Meter with Regulator, wall mounted 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
81.22.KDC.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Supply Various Uniform for General Orderly & EPWP's 2022/06/08 2022/06/15
STC-125-22-23.pdf St Chads CHC Installation of panic button @kwamteyi clinic Cancelled 2022/06/08 2022/06/17
STC-126-22-23.pdf St Chads CHC Replacement of borehole @ Limehill clinic Cancelled 2022/06/08 2022/06/17
BET0123-22-23.pdf Bethesda Hospital Supply and deliver patients health booklets 2022/06/08 2022/06/15


07 June 2022

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
CAH-THU-47-22-23.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital Mask N95 35 units in a box. 2022/06/07 2022/06/16
CAH-THU-48-22-23.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital Sensitive tape  22mmx50m and Humidifier bottle 500ml. 2022/06/07 2022/06/16
CAH-THU-49-22-23.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital Orthopedic gloves size 6.5, 7.0, 7.5 and 8.0. 2022/06/07 2022/06/16
CAH-THU-50-22-23.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital Floor pad black 175 to 600RPM and Sunlight dishwashing liquid 5l. Cancelled 2022/06/07 2022/06/16
EKB24.22.23.pdf Ekombe Hospital supply and deliver surgical items  2022/06/07 2022/06/10
EKB27.22.23.pdf Ekombe Hospital supply and deliver stationery  2022/06/07 2022/06/10
LSH 377 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Repair and Paint Bathroom and Kitchen Ceilings in Ward 05 2022/06/07 2022/06/13
LSH 421 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Relocate Flu Tent from Hospital Main Gate to Steadville Clinic Cancelled 2022/06/07 2022/06/13
LSH 382 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Renovation of SCM Bulk Furniture Room to SCM Filling Room 2022/06/07 2022/06/13
LSH 379 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Annual Service of Airconditioners in the Hospital 2022/06/07 2022/06/13
LSH 378 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Installation of New Sliding & Turn Stile Gates in Kleinfontein Clinic 2022/06/07 2022/06/13
LSH422.pdf Ladysmith Hospital photocopy paper typewriter 80gsm A4  2022/06/07 2022/06/10
181.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital N95 filter respirator mask 2022/06/07 2022/06/08
NKO 44.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of garden & Grounds at Nkonjeni Hospital site meeting will be held on 09/06/2022 2022/06/07 2022/06/15
NKO 45.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Replacement of rotten domestic copper pipes site meeting will be held on 09/06/2022 2022/06/07 2022/06/15
140-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital supply and deliver 12000l of diesel at addington  2022/06/07 2022/06/10
APP34.22-23.pdf Appelsbosch Hospital Provision of cleaning services of garden and grounds 2022/06/07 2022/06/20
GRS 534-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Vinyl Connecting Tubes - 30cm 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 611-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Tube Assembly Plastic Oxygen  -  2.1m 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 590-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Mucus Extractor, Comp:  Not less than 20ml - Transparent Plastic Mucus Trap 10fg 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 388-04-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Endoscopic Single use Bite Blocks with Elastic Strap. 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 390-04-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Endoscopic Biliary Fully Covered Metal Stent on a short wire Exchange System 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 389-04-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Endoscopic Sterile Hot Snare - Single use. 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 391-04-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Single use Dual-Ended Cleaning Brush for Bronchscope. 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 450-04-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital 15 Degree Stab Knife - Sterile 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 385-04-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital 30 gauge Hypodermic Needles: 0.30 x 12mm 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 383-04-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Amblyiopia Adhesive Eye Patches (Child size) 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 454-04-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital 10cm x 15cm Light Weight Monofilament Polyester or Prolene Mesh Sterile 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 384-04-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Isotonic Riboflavin, Hypotonic Riboflavin and Epi-on Riboflavin  2ml 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 532-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Polyester Cast Tape - 7.5mm  3inch 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 449-04-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Low Temperature Cautery Micro Fine Tip 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 490-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Replacement of UPS's  in  CCU and CSSD 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 219-04-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital 6 Step Ladder - 6 Step A-Frame Aluminium Ladder  2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 373-04-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Fridge Freezer 220 Litre - 250 Litre Volume 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 395-04-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Compression Stocking Pantihose Class 2,  20-30mmHg - Small , Medium and Large 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 394-04-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Compression Stocking Below Knee: Open Toe  Class 2,  20-30mmHg - Medium 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 489-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Supply PPE: Safety Shoes 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 487-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Supply PPE: Conti-Suits  SABS Approved  - 100% Cotton 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 488-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Supply PPE: Conti Suits SABS  Approved.  65/35% Polycotton Mix. 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 535-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Gowns Sterile Surgeons Level 4  X-Large  and Level XX-Large 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 480-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital KN95 Facemask 95>98% Filtration, Flow Rate 95L/Min Total Inward <8% 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 493-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Liquid Detergent - Industrial Laundry - Supplied in 25Litre Container 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
18.06.22-23 GTW.pdf Greytown Hospital Film 20 X 25 inch or 18 X 24 cm 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
20.06.22-23 GTW.pdf Greytown Hospital Maintenance and cleaning of garden and grounds @ Greytown Hospital (M4) 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
21.06.22-23 GTW.pdf Greytown Hospital Maintenance and cleaning of garden and grounds @ Greytown TB Hospital (M3) 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
HOH 0058.pdf Head Office Quotations supply and delivery of polyester webbing 50mm black Cancelled 2022/06/07 2022/06/10
HLB 021-22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Maintenance and cleaning of garden and grounds 2022/06/07 2022/06/17
KEV87.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Feeds, elemental formula for infants 0-12months. 2022/06/07 2022/06/13
KEV88.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Feeds, dissacharide free powdered formula for infants 0-12 mnths. 2022/06/07 2022/06/13
KEV90.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Feeds, semi-elemental adult sip feed 250ml. 2022/06/07 2022/06/13
KEV157.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Feeds, energy dense high protein formula for infants. 2022/06/07 2022/06/13
KEV158.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Feeds, MCT oil 3ml ampoules. 2022/06/07 2022/06/13
KEV159.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Feeds, Exensivery hydrolysed formula for infants 400-500g. 2022/06/07 2022/06/13
LSH429.pdf Ladysmith Hospital provision of honey sucker services 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
LSH 380 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Supply and Install Disable Toilet At Ward M1,F1 Public Toilet, Ward 04 & 10 Abulutions In Hospital 2022/06/07 2022/06/13
LSH 381 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Supply and Install 12000BTU Airconditiones in Ward 05 and 07 MDT Rooms for Psychiatric Patients 2022/06/07 2022/06/13
LSH 383 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Replace The Old Heat Pump for X-Ray 2022/06/07 2022/06/13
LSH 384 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Close Off Passage near Ward One Passage Abulutions 2022/06/07 2022/06/13
LSH424-22-23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Upholstering of chairs 2022/06/07 2022/06/13
LSH332.pdf Ladysmith Hospital heavy duty grass cutter 2022/06/07 2022/06/10
lsh423.pdf Ladysmith Hospital surgical instruments 2022/06/07 2022/06/10
MZH-162-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital diesel 50 pp 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
MZH-163-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital repair to swimming pool 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
MZH-152-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital tick register 2022/06/07 2022/06/10
MZH-158-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital clear garbage 90 micron 2022/06/07 2022/06/10
MZH-156-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital prolene mesh  2022/06/07 2022/06/10
MZH-159-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital service to aircons hospital and clinics  2022/06/07 2022/06/10
MZH-157-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital ctg paperm1911a203b 2022/06/07 2022/06/10
MZH-160-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital supply and delivery of stationery  2022/06/07 2022/06/10
MON-7W 2022-23.pdf Montebello Hospital replacement of warn out airconditioners 12000BTU 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
MUR64 2223.pdf Murchison Hospital Maintenance and cleaning of garden and grounds at Murchison Hospital for period of 6 months 2022/06/07 2022/06/17
MUR65 2223.pdf Murchison Hospital Eradication and control of pest and vernim at Murchison hospital and 6 clinics. 2022/06/07 2022/06/17
MUR66 2223.pdf Murchison Hospital Supply and deliver diesel at KwaMbunde and Thembalesizwe Clinic Cancelled 2022/06/07 2022/06/13
NKO 46.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Replacement of Boom Gate at Nkonjeni Hospital site meeting will be held on 09/06/2022 2022/06/07 2022/06/15
Ndh 60 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital Polish striper  2022/06/07 2022/06/15
Ndh 39 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital Indicator biological  2022/06/07 2022/06/15
Ndh 79 22 22.pdf Northdale Hospital Service 2 medical air compressors 2022/06/07 2022/06/15
Ndh 78 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital Emergency repairs to vacuum no 1 2022/06/07 2022/06/15
Ndh 77 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital Remove and replace broken toilets  2022/06/07 2022/06/15
Ndh 74 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital Supply and install perimeter fencing  2022/06/07 2022/06/15
Ndh 73 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital Remove and replace doors 2022/06/07 2022/06/15
Ndh 71 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital After service to fire fighting equipment  2022/06/07 2022/06/15
Ndh 105 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital Repair waste container  2022/06/07 2022/06/15
Ndh 107 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital Repair admin parking  2022/06/07 2022/06/15
Ndh 106 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital Remove and replace geysers  2022/06/07 2022/06/15
Ndh 70 22 23.pdf Northdale Hospital Supply and install signage  2022/06/07 2022/06/15
PHO0412223.pdf Pholela CHC Repairs to existing gorman rupp pumps at Underberg Clinic 2022/06/07 2022/06/13
PMM-12-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital supply bags tablets capsules (stripform), pkt/1000 Cancelled 2022/06/07 2022/06/10
LNN40-2022-23.pdf Umzinyathi District Office Industrial Laundry Alkali Booster (25litre) and Peracetic Acid Sanitiser Disinfectent (25litres) 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
UMZ 147-2022-23.pdf Umzinyathi District Office A4 Paper Photocopy  2022/06/07 2022/06/14
UMZ 149-2022-23.pdf Umzinyathi District Office Unisex Leather Softee Moccasion Shoes (Femals) 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
154.22.23ADH.pdf Addington Hospital articulating endoscopic linear cutter/stapler 60mm 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
152.22.23ADH.pdf Addington Hospital umbilical catheters  2022/06/07 2022/06/14
130.22.23ADH.pdf Addington Hospital phototherapy eye protectors for neonates 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
116.22.23ADH.pdf Addington Hospital epson disk producer ink cartridge 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
cbh0050.pdf Catherine Booth Hospital supply & deliver 3m attest - 12 months contract 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
cbh0048.pdf Catherine Booth Hospital supply & deliver dress maid short sleeves pink 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
cbh0047.pdf Catherine Booth Hospital supply & deliver bleach -25l- 12 months contract 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
cbh0034.pdf Catherine Booth Hospital supply & deliver long sleeves jersey 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
cbh0032.pdf Catherine Booth Hospital supply & deliver safety boots & black shoes 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
cbh0038.pdf Catherine Booth Hospital supply & deliver white short sleeves shirts, & white coats 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
cbh0036.pdf Catherine Booth Hospital supply & deliver fabric softner-25l -12 months contract 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
cbh0035.pdf Catherine Booth Hospital supply & deliver clinical chart - adult 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
cbh0037.pdf Catherine Booth Hospital supply & deliver laundry washing liquid  soap - 25l  2022/06/07 2022/06/14
cbh0049.pdf Choose your facility from the list: supply & deliver mens navy trousers 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
FNH 61-2022-23KFNH.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Blanket detergent 2022/06/07 2022/06/10
FNH 60-2022-23KFNH.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Sodium hypochlorite 2022/06/07 2022/06/10
FNH 59-2022-23KFNH.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Disinfectant detergent 2022/06/07 2022/06/10
FNH 58-2022-23KFNH.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Fabric softner  2022/06/07 2022/06/10
FNH 57-2022-23KFNH.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Diesel 210l 2022/06/07 2022/06/10
INA60.pdf Inanda CHC pest control services at Inanda chc and clinics 2022/06/07 2022/06/15
INA66.pdf Inanda CHC garden and grounds at inanda chc 2022/06/07 2022/06/15
INA65.pdf Inanda CHC gardens and grounds at qadi clinic 2022/06/07 2022/06/15
INA64.pdf Inanda CHC gardern and grounds services at amaoti clinic and sivananda clinic 2022/06/07 2022/06/15
INA63.pdf Inanda CHC toilets cleaning services at ichc and clinics Cancelled 2022/06/07 2022/06/15
INA62.pdf Inanda CHC major servicing air-conditioners at ichc 2022/06/07 2022/06/15
INA61.pdf Inanda CHC annual major service of medical gas station 2022/06/07 2022/06/15
INA59.pdf Inanda CHC annual major servicing of zp3 2022/06/07 2022/06/15
INA58.pdf Inanda CHC servicing of infra red detection at Inand chc and clinics 2022/06/07 2022/06/15
INA57.pdf Inanda CHC servicing of fire equipment at Inanda chc and clinics 2022/06/07 2022/06/15
MON23-2022-23.pdf Montebello Hospital Cleaning of garden and grounds 2022/06/07 2022/06/15
sah 83.pdf St Andrews Hospital male ablution in d-ward 2022/06/07 2022/06/23
sah 765.pdf St Andrews Hospital repair sewer 2022/06/07 2022/06/23
sah 66.pdf St Andrews Hospital set infusion 2022/06/07 2022/06/10
sah 46.pdf St Andrews Hospital flanges 45mm 2022/06/07 2022/06/10
CAH-THU-49-22-23.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital Orthopedic gloves size 6.5, 7.0, 7.5 and 8.0 2022/06/07 2022/06/16
EDN 1658.22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Suture chromic catgut 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
EDN 375.22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Ntembeno Clinic: Supply 5 x 600L 50ppm diesel for generator 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
EDN 364.22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Pata Clinic: Supply 5 x 600L 50ppm diesel for generator 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
EDN 365.22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Ndaleni Clinic: Supply 5 x 600L 50ppmn diesel for generator 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
EDN 366.22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Richmond Clinic: Supply 2200L 50ppm diesel for generator 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
EDN 368.22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Caluza Clinic: Supply 5 x 600L 50ppm diesel for generator 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
EDN 369.22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Songonzima Clinic: Supply 5 x 800L 50ppm diesel for generator 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
EDN 180.22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Dental Compressor 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
EDN 407.22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Gomane Clinic: Supply 2000l 50ppm diesel for generator 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
EDN 361.22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Taylors Clinic: Supply 10 x 800L 50ppm diesel for generator 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
EDN 373.22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Harry Gwala Nursing College: Supply 1000L 50ppm diesel for generator 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
EDN 377.22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Ncwadi Clinic: Supply 5 x 600L 50ppm diesel for generator 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
EDN 367.22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Sondelani Clinic: Supply 5 x 600L 50ppm diesel for generator 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
EDN 362.22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Mafakatini Clinic: Supply5 x 800L 50ppm diesel for generator 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
EDN 370.22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Phatheni Clinic: Supply 5 x 800L 50ppm diesel for generator 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
EDN 371.22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Nxamalala Clinic: Supply 5 x 800L 50ppm diesel for generator 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
EDN 372-22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Supply  5 x 800 L 50ppm diesel at Mpumuza clinic 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
EDN 363-22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Supply 10 x 1000L 50ppm diesel at Harry Gwala Regional Hospital 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
EDN 374-22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Supply 5 x 600L 50ppm diesel at Mbuthisweni clinic 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
EDN 62-22-23.pdf Edendale Hospital Optical assistive devices 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
EDN 376.22.23.pdf Edendale Hospital Mahlutshini Clinic: Supply 5 x 800L 50ppm diesel for generator 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
GRS 861-05-22.pdf Grey�s Hospital Maintenance of Garden and Grounds at Grey's Hospital - 3 Months  (15 Staff) 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
cbh0037.pdf Catherine Booth Hospital supply and deliver laundry liquid washing soap - 25l 2022/06/07 2022/06/14
cbh0047.pdf Catherine Booth Hospital supply and deliver bleach- 25l-12 months contract 2022/06/07 2022/06/14


06 June 2022

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
67.22.KDC.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Maintenance & Cleaning of Gardens & Grounds at KwaDabeka CHC 06/06/2022 23/06/2022
EST 142.pdf Estcourt Hospital GARDEN SERVICES 06/06/2022 15/06/2022
HCT020.22.23.pdf Hillcrest Hospital Cleaning of garden & grounds - 6 month contract Cancelled 06/06/2022 14/06/2022
66.22.KDC.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Supply & Deliver of Diesel 50PPM at KwaNdengezi Clinic 06/06/2022 13/06/2022
16-2223 LCM (2).pdf Regional Laundry Cato Manor Supply ,deliver and install cable  06/06/2022 13/06/2022
dgw065.pdf Doris Goodwin Hospital diesel 06/06/2022 09/06/2022
dgw067.pdf Doris Goodwin Hospital Schiller cardiovit consumables blue sensors disposable stress test electrodes 06/06/2022 09/06/2022
dgw066.pdf Doris Goodwin Hospital Protea lawnmower self propelled r750 06/06/2022 09/06/2022
HOH-0231-23.pdf Head Office Quotations advanced neonatal / infant resuscitation mannequin x15 06/06/2022 09/06/2022
DPM101.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital endovac kit  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM109.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital chemical split kit  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM181.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital forceps  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM170.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital catherization set  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM185.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital skin stapler  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM222.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital sengistaken tube  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM 171-O.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital cleaning chemical  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM179.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital forceps  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM449.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital inflatable airways  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM 195.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital beard cover, gloves 2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM167.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital jetting machine  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM171.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital lopez feeding valve  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM194.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital wound dressing  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM302.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital knee brace  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM231.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital nasal prong  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM59.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital scrub suits  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM111.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital sheet operating  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM112.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital patients gowns  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM114.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital patient gowns  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM01.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital barium anema  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM57.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital files  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM58.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital nasogastric tubes 2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM105.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital needles  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM108.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital tablets carton  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM113.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital cover mayo  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM132.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital carboard boxes cage  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM139.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital lma proseal  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM140.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital chest drainage 2lt  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM141.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital nebuliser kit  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM304.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital over ear headset  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
DPM452.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital hematurial set  2022/06/06 2022/06/13
bchc08-22-23.pdf Bruntville CHC Surgical items 2022/06/06 2022/06/10
bchc09-22-23.pdf Bruntville CHC Stationary  2022/06/06 2022/06/10
bchc12-22-23.pdf Bruntville CHC Hardware materials 2022/06/06 2022/06/10
bchc-11-22-23.pdf Bruntville CHC calibration of despensing balance 2022/06/06 2022/06/10
bchc10-22-23.pdf Bruntville CHC Uniform 2022/06/06 2022/06/10
bchc07-22-23.pdf Bruntville CHC Electrical material 2022/06/06 2022/06/10
bchc 14-22-23.pdf Bruntville CHC fridge tags 2022/06/06 2022/06/10


03 June 2022

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
13.06.22-23 GTW.pdf Greytown Hospital Remove existing damaged swing gates and install new swing gates 2022/06/03 2022/06/14
LSH331.pdf Ladysmith Hospital relocate flu tent for Ladysmith hospital to Steadville clinic 2022/06/03 2022/06/08
NEH-115-22-23.pdf Newcastle Hospital Large paediatric underbody warming blankets for bair hugger machine ref no.550 2022/06/03 2022/06/08
NEH-099-22-23.pdf Newcastle Hospital Kitchen items 2022/06/03 2022/06/08
UTH12-22-23.pdf Uthukela District Office Gardening services 2022/06/03 2022/06/17
VRH-121-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital supply and deliver home based care kits 2022/06/03 2022/06/10
VRH-120-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital 484 navy blue golf shirts Cancelled 2022/06/03 2022/06/10
VRH-119-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital 230 black female parabellum shoes with laces,   12 black male parabellum shoes with laces 2022/06/03 2022/06/10
VRH-118-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital 262 navy blue rain suits, similar to EMRS two piece with department of health logo at the back, a top jackets and trousers 2022/06/03 2022/06/10
VRH-117-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital 230 jersey female with buttons and 2 front pockets 2022/06/03 2022/06/10
VRH-116-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital 460 navy ladies skits with lining inside and split and zip at the back Cancelled 2022/06/03 2022/06/10
VRH-115-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital 242 jump bags Cancelled 2022/06/03 2022/06/10
VRH-114-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital 262 navy blue sun hats with ropes around ( like cricket hats ) Cancelled 2022/06/03 2022/06/10
VRH-21-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital 250(batch) appointment cards patients ( batch of 250) x 250 2022/06/03 2022/06/10
VRH-124-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital major service of all hospital wall points ,vacuum plants medical air plants, and oxygen manifolds as per service schedule 2022/06/03 2022/06/10
VRH-46-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital medicine warning labels pharmacy for dispensing ( in different colors ) 2022/06/03 2022/06/10
VRH-84-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital 9 months gardening service contract at Vryheid hospital and official residences , Mason, Hlobane, vumane, Fuduka, Siloah ,Thembumusa 2022/06/03 2022/06/10
VRH-84-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital 9 months gardening service at Vryheid hospital and official residence, Mason, Hlobane,Vumani,Fuduka, Siloah, Thembumusa 2022/06/03 2022/06/10
VRH-130-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital 30 (peads) , 50 (adult) - triple lumen central veneous catheter kit 2022/06/03 2022/06/10
VRH-131-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital 50 (size 6.8.10)  shilley xlt extended length tracheostomy tube with disposible inner cannula with tube 2022/06/03 2022/06/10
VRH-133-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital long span shelving 2022/06/03 2022/06/10
UGU.0045.2223.pdf Ugu District Office 3 Years contract hygiene services at UGU Mortuaries 03/06/2022 14/06/2022
UGU.0048.2223.pdf Ugu District Office 3 Years contract pest control services UGU EMS bases 03/06/2022 14/06/2022
UGU.0046.2223.pdf Ugu District Office 3 years contract pest control services UGU Mortuaries  03/06/2022 14/06/2022
UGU.0049.2223.pdf Ugu District Office 6 months contract cleaning of gardens and grounds EMS base 03/06/2022 14/06/2022
GJM-136  22.23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital re routing of streamline medical gas and steam condensate line in between theatre and surgical 03/06/2022 10/06/2022
GJM-137  22.23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital check and repair reefer container 03/06/2022 10/06/2022
074.KCD.2233.pdf King Cetshwayo District Office TB identification register ( 3000 units), patient treatment cards ( 5000 inits) & TB treatment record ( 5000 units) 03/06/2022 10/06/2022
Ama027.22.23.pdf Amajuba District Office Monitoring and response system 03/06/2022 08/06/2022
BET0113-22-23.pdf Bethesda Hospital supply and deliver needle hypodermic Cancelled 03/06/2022 08/06/2022
BET-0110-21-22.pdf Bethesda Hospital Supply and deliver air compressor and air compressor pipe 03/06/2022 08/06/2022
BET0112-22-23.pdf Bethesda Hospital Supply and deliver diesel 03/06/2022 08/06/2022
NEH-099-22-23.pdf Newcastle Hospital Kitchen items 03/06/2022 08/06/2022
UGU.0047.2223.pdf Ugu District Office 3 years contract fumigation of EMS vehicles 03/06/2022 08/06/2022
UGU.0032.2223.pdf Ugu District Office Abdominal swabs xray detectable non sterile 03/06/2022 08/06/2022
SAP-05-2022-2023.pdf St Apollinaris Hospital Service provider to maintain garden and grounds  03/06/2022 06/03/2022
BET0109-22-23.pdf Bethesda Hospital Supply and deliver bandage and dressing 2022/06/03 2022/06/08


02 June 2022

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
DDE-00084-22-23.pdf Dundee Hospital maintenance and cleaning of gardens and grounds  02/06/2022 14/06/2022
mad111.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major & minor service to air compressor & pneumatic controls  02/06/2022 10/06/2022
mad112.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major & minor service to laundry compressors 02/06/2022 10/06/2022
mad113.pdf Madadeni Hospital Major & minor stand-by generators at laundry & OPD 02/06/2022 10/06/2022
mad114.pdf Madadeni Hospital major service to laundry ventilation fan & filters 02/06/2022 10/06/2022
mad115.pdf Madadeni Hospital major service to medical gas banks 02/06/2022 10/06/2022
mad116.pdf Madadeni Hospital major service to vacuum pumps 02/06/2022 10/06/2022
mad117.pdf Madadeni Hospital major & minor service to laundry tumble dryers 02/06/2022 10/06/2022
mad118.pdf Madadeni Hospital major & minor service to laundry roll ironer 02/06/2022 10/06/2022
mad119.pdf Madadeni Hospital major service to laundry steam presses 02/06/2022 10/06/2022
mad124.pdf Madadeni Hospital major service to medical air compressors 02/06/2022 10/06/2022
mad125.pdf Madadeni Hospital major service to domestic water in clinic 02/06/2022 10/06/2022
mad126.pdf Madadeni Hospital major & minor service to kitchen canopy 02/06/2022 10/06/2022
umh34-22-23.pdf Umgeni Hospital Annual Service to Fire Equipment 02/06/2022 10/06/2022
umh35-22-23.pdf Umgeni Hospital Supply & Delivery Of Solar Geyser 02/06/2022 10/06/2022
Ump0045-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital cleaning of buildings at Isithundu clinic for the period of 12 months see attached specification Cancelled 02/06/2022 10/06/2022
UTH11-22-23.pdf Uthukela District Office Maintenance 02/06/2022 10/06/2022
UTH09-22-23 PDF.pdf Uthukela District Office Adult Clinical Chart 02/06/2022 10/06/2022
UTH10-22-23 PDF.pdf Uthukela District Office Uniform 02/06/2022 10/06/2022
08.06.22-23 GTW.pdf Greytown Hospital Books job record and books daily diet sheets 02/06/2022 09/06/2022
09.06.22-23 GTW.pdf Greytown Hospital syphilis test kit 02/06/2022 09/06/2022
10.06.22-23 GTW.pdf Greytown Hospital uniform Cancelled 02/06/2022 09/06/2022
MVH063.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply Extreme Small Nappies 02/06/2022 09/06/2022
MVH104.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply Electrical Materials 02/06/2022 09/06/2022
MVH105.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply Expanda Burglar Guards 02/06/2022 09/06/2022
MVH106.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply Painting Materials 02/06/2022 09/06/2022
MVH109.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply One Piece Drainage POuch 02/06/2022 09/06/2022
MVH110.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply Urostomy Bags  02/06/2022 09/06/2022
NKO 44.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of Garden & grounds at Nkonjeni Hospital 02/06/2022 09/06/2022
NKO 45.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Replacement of rotten domestic copper pipes 02/06/2022 09/06/2022
NKO 46.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Replacement of boom gate at Nkonjeni Hospital 02/06/2022 09/06/2022
Nse19.2022.2023.pdf Nseleni CHC CTG paper  02/06/2022 09/06/2022
Nse20.2022.2023.pdf Nseleni CHC brother toner TN2355 02/06/2022 09/06/2022
Nse43.2022.2023.pdf Nseleni CHC foam cups 02/06/2022 09/06/2022
Nse49.2022.2023.pdf Nseleni CHC DGA4 strips  02/06/2022 09/06/2022
Nse65.2022.2023.pdf Nseleni CHC collection of general waste 02/06/2022 09/06/2022
Nse66.2022.2023.pdf Nseleni CHC c pep machine  02/06/2022 09/06/2022
LSH271-22-23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Disposable gowns with BI indicator  Cancelled 02/06/2022 08/06/2022
LSH275-22-23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Towels theatre jade green 02/06/2022 08/06/2022
LSH290-22-23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Ophthalmic spears Cancelled 02/06/2022 08/06/2022
LSH305-22-23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Crescent knife bevel up Cancelled 02/06/2022 08/06/2022
LSH328-22-23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Vicryl and looped PDS II Cancelled 02/06/2022 08/06/2022
LSH329-22-23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Tracoe tube cuffed Cancelled 02/06/2022 08/06/2022
LSH330-22-23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Ophthalmic cautery Cancelled 02/06/2022 08/06/2022
Gam012.2223.pdf Gamalakhe CHC supply and deliver diesel 50ppm at Gamalakhe chc 02/06/2022 07/06/2022
HOH0167-23.pdf Head Office Quotations Supply, deliver of diesel 50 ppm, 12000 litres at Natalia Building 02/06/2022 07/06/2022
KEV88.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Feeds: dissacharide free powder formula for infants. 02/06/2022 06/06/2022
KEV87.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Feeds: Elemental formula for infants 0-12 months. 02/06/2022 06/06/2022
KEV90.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Feeds: semi-elemental adult sip feed 250ml. 02/06/2022 06/06/2022
KEV158.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Feeds: mct oil 3ml ampoules 02/06/2022 06/06/2022
KEV159.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Feeds Extensively hydrolysed formula for infants 400-500g. 02/06/2022 06/06/2022
KEV157.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Feeds Energy dense high protein formula for infants. 02/06/2022 06/06/2022
LSH 248 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Supply and Deliver Fitting Materials Cancelled 02/06/2022 06/06/2022
LSH 247 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Supply and Deliver Plumbing Materials Cancelled 02/06/2022 06/06/2022
LSH 246 - 22  - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Supply and Deliver Electrical Materials Cancelled 02/06/2022 06/06/2022
LSH 245 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Supply and Deliver Carpentry Materials Cancelled 02/06/2022 06/06/2022
LSH 242 - 22 - 23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Supply and Deliver Painting Materials Cancelled 02/06/2022 06/06/2022
znq ina 54.pdf Inanda CHC supply and deliver female health record  02/06/2022 02/06/2022
UMP1048-22.pdf Umphumulo Hospital spiral element 4kw with thermostat with gasket 02/06/2022 10/06/2022
UMP1049-22.pdf Umphumulo Hospital screw on element 3kw with thermostat and gasket 02/06/2022 10/06/2022
UMP1123-22.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply maternity pads with loops (dr white) 02/06/2022 10/06/2022
QNH049.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital Appointment of service provider to collect the recyclable material  02/06/2022 09/06/2022



01 June 2022

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
clw-0061-22-23.pdf Clairwood Hospital conversion of existing matress sterilising room into medical and general waste storage 01/06/2022 23/06/2022
clw-0062-22-23.pdf Clairwood Hospital preventation and reactive plumbing maintenance 01/06/2022 23/06/2022
UTH12-22-23.pdf Uthukela District Office Gardening services 03/06/2022 17/06/2022
clw-0052-22-23.pdf Clairwood Hospital memorandum 01/06/2022 14/06/2022
clw-0055-22-23.pdf Clairwood Hospital collection and banking of cash 36 months contract  01/06/2022 14/06/2022
clw-0056-22-23.pdf Clairwood Hospital fitting material  01/06/2022 14/06/2022
clw-0057-22-23.pdf Clairwood Hospital painting material  01/06/2022 14/06/2022
clw-0058-22-23.pdf Clairwood Hospital carpentry material  01/06/2022 14/06/2022
clw-0066-22-23.pdf Clairwood Hospital photocopy paper  Cancelled 01/06/2022 14/06/2022
DDE-00078-22-23.pdf Dundee Hospital Automated lensmeter 01/06/2022 09/06/2022
DDE-00080-22-23.pdf Dundee Hospital Direct opthalmoscope & retonoscope 01/06/2022 09/06/2022
ZNQ.MAL.0026.23.pdf Mfundo Arnold Lushaba CHC A4 Photocopying paper 01/06/2022 09/06/2022
ZNQ.MAL.0017.23.pdf Mfundo Arnold Lushaba CHC Toner cartridge 01/06/2022 09/06/2022
ZNQ.MAL.0019.23.pdf Mfundo Arnold Lushaba CHC Labels roll, sheet 75mm X 38mm, 500 per roll 01/06/2022 09/06/2022
ZNQ.MAL.0027.23.pdf Mfundo Arnold Lushaba CHC Supply and deliver diesel 2500 litres 01/06/2022 09/06/2022
PSD0008.23.pdf Provincial Pharmaceutical Supply Depot Freezer Jacket (Small) 01/06/2022 09/06/2022
PSD0009.23.pdf Provincial Pharmaceutical Supply Depot Freezer Jacket (Medium) 01/06/2022 09/06/2022
NGW335.pdf Choose your facility from the list: hydrocellular foam sacrum dressing large 22cmx22cm 01/06/2022 08/06/2022
imb 81.pdf Imbalenhle CHC hardware items 01/06/2022 08/06/2022
imb72.pdf Imbalenhle CHC tubes  01/06/2022 08/06/2022
imb61.pdf Imbalenhle CHC protective clothing 01/06/2022 08/06/2022
imb82.pdf Imbalenhle CHC heavy duty copper pipe 01/06/2022 08/06/2022
imb84.pdf Imbalenhle CHC electrical parts 01/06/2022 08/06/2022
imb40.pdf Imbalenhle CHC surgical items 01/06/2022 08/06/2022
imb73.pdf Imbalenhle CHC infrared detector test 01/06/2022 08/06/2022
imb66.pdf Imbalenhle CHC needles & syringes 01/06/2022 08/06/2022
MUR 03_22_23.pdf Murchison Hospital Removal of bees at Murchison Hospital chapel Cancelled 01/06/2022 08/06/2022
NGW79.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital Crocodile forceps working length app 8cm, 4mm length serrated tip 01/06/2022 08/06/2022
NGW98.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital Disposable multiple band ligator set with 6 usable bands   01/06/2022 08/06/2022
NGW326.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital 12 Months contract for diathermy tip polisher (scratch pad) 01/06/2022 08/06/2022
NGW60.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital 09 Months contract for laundry liquid soap 25 litre 01/06/2022 08/06/2022
NGW138.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital Single line transducer monitoring set with red for arterial line  01/06/2022 08/06/2022
NGW357.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital Audult cot bed with two sliding side frames, fixed height, castors 01/06/2022 08/06/2022
NGW76.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital Haemorrhoid randing kit each kit to contain 12.7cm long ligation  01/06/2022 08/06/2022
NGW328.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital 12 Months contract for disposable electro-surgical diathermy 01/06/2022 08/06/2022
NGW322.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital littlewood tissue forceps with 2 into 3 teeth 19cm 01/06/2022 08/06/2022
NGW63.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital Catheter closed suction endotracheal 01/06/2022 08/06/2022
NGW336.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital 12 Months contract for x ray image intendifier drape sterile  01/06/2022 08/06/2022
NGW237.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital Set admin-in line controlled volume 01/06/2022 08/06/2022
Ben37-22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver Chromic 1 cutting and Nylon 4.0 cutting  Cancelled 01/06/2022 06/06/2022
Ben38-22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital Surgical Sundries Cancelled 01/06/2022 06/06/2022
Ben39-22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital Surgical sundries Cancelled 01/06/2022 06/06/2022
Ben40-22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital Servicing of borehole pump and cleaning of water storage Cancelled 01/06/2022 06/06/2022
KEV241-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital 24 months contract for leasing and servicing of she-bin Cancelled 01/06/2022 06/06/2022
GAM003.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Supply and deliver diesel  01/06/2022 03/06/2022
advert - mch - 092-22.pdf McCord Hospital Glaucoma Ahmed Valve Length : 25.4mm Innner D 01/06/2022 03/06/2022
advert - mch - 087-22.pdf McCord Hospital Safety Blood Lancet 21G , 2.2mm 01/06/2022 03/06/2022
advet - mch - 091-22.pdf McCord Hospital Attest Steam Indicator with different sizes  01/06/2022 03/06/2022
advert - mch - 090-22.pdf McCord Hospital Suture Vicryl 8/0, 3/8 Spatula TG-140-8 D/A , 6.6mm 01/06/2022 03/06/2022
advert - mch - 089-22.pdf McCord Hospital Suture Prolene 6/0 Monofilament 18" 45cm Reverse cutting 01/06/2022 03/06/2022
advert - mch - 088-22.pdf McCord Hospital Suture Silk 8/0,3/8 Spatula TG140-8 Double arm, 6.5mm 01/06/2022 03/06/2022
MSH86-22-23-C 1.pdf Mseleni Hospital Repair of borehole pump and control box at Mnaba Clinic  01/06/2022 01/06/2022


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This page last edited on 27 October, 2022

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