Quotation Adverts : January 2023


31 January

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
UGU0152-22-23.pdf Ugu District Office 6 Months contract maintenance of gardens and grounds for Marburg EMS 2023/01/31 2023/02/08
HLB 295 22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Bath, parrafin, physical therapy 2023/01/31 2023/02/07
HLB 282 22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Chest freezer 570 Litres 2023/01/31 2023/02/07
HLB 297 22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Grunter knives and chopping boards 2023/01/31 2023/02/07
HLB 296 22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Instruments standard set for intubation 2023/01/31 2023/02/07
HLB 288 22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Tensoplast skin traction adult 2023/01/31 2023/02/07
HLB 294 22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Purilon gel 15g 2023/01/31 2023/02/07
HLB 290 22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital IV cannula 24G without wings 2023/01/31 2023/02/07
HLB 281 22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Folder out-patient record 2023/01/31 2023/02/07
HLB 293 22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Catheter suprapubic silicon 100% 2023/01/31 2023/02/07
HLB 299 22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Wheelchairs 2023/01/31 2023/02/07
HLB 291 22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Disposable sp 02 sensor for mindray machine 2023/01/31 2023/02/07
HLB 298 22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Staff uniform (ppe's) 2023/01/31 2023/02/07
HLB 283 22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Fitting materials 2023/01/31 2023/02/07
HLB 292 22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Mask N95 2023/01/31 2023/02/07
HLB 287 22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Needle-free intravenous administration set 2023/01/31 2023/02/07
GJC820..pdf GJ Crookes Hospital soap sachet 800ml 2023/01/31 2023/02/08
GJC814..pdf GJ Crookes Hospital admin sets i.v standard 15 drops/ml 2023/01/31 2023/02/08
GJC812..pdf GJ Crookes Hospital homoglobin test strips for mission hb machine 2023/01/31 2023/02/08
GJC813..pdf GJ Crookes Hospital intravenous cannula introducer needle jelco unit 2023/01/31 2023/02/08
NDW156-22.23.pdf Ndwedwe CHC Stackable linbins 2023/01/31 2023/02/02
HLB 286 22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Needles 2023/01/31 2023/02/07
HLB 301 22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Trailer diesel 1200 litres capacity with pump  Cancelled 2023/01/31 2023/02/07
NDW213-22.23.pdf Ndwedwe CHC Dislodging of septic tank 2023/01/31 2023/02/02
PHO1072223.pdf Pholela CHC Assess and repair airconditioner split wall and supply and install new airconditioner  12000 btu at Pholela chc and clinics 2023/01/31 2023/02/06
PHO2032223.pdf Pholela CHC Supply and deliver brush cutters 2023/01/31 2023/02/06
EMM554-22-23.pdf Emmaus Hospital covers health services 2023/01/31 2023/02/07
APP270.22-23.pdf Appelsbosch Hospital CPAP Circuits for Acutronic Fabian machine 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
MUR 342_22_23.pdf Murchison Hospital traction weight [cast iron weight plates] 2023/01/31 2023/02/08
ump0163-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply x-ray films dryview 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
ump0170-22-23--.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply phosphorescent screen image receptor x-ray cassette 25x30cm 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
OSI 91_22_23.pdf Osindisweni Hospital Phc tick register  2023/01/31 2023/02/06
ump0893-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply adult diapers size large 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
ump0167-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply x-ray laser films dry view 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
APP287.22-23.pdf Appelsbosch Hospital Diesel Fuel 2023/01/31 2023/02/07
OSI 319_22_23.pdf Osindisweni Hospital cer.micro dress aero film 2023/01/31 2023/02/06
ump0819-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply adult diapers disposable size large 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
OSI 417_22_23.pdf Osindisweni Hospital wall mounted x-ray viewing box 2023/01/31 2023/02/06
403-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Dry laser films/150 sheets size 20x25 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
404-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Motorised wheelchair with hand control 2023/01/31  
SAH-431-22-23.pdf St Andrews Hospital swervuce of generator 2023/01/31 2023/02/14
SAH-428-22-23.pdf St Andrews Hospital cleaning of garden  Cancelled 2023/01/31 2023/10/02
MSH361-22-23C.pdf Mseleni Hospital Painting of interior at Mbazwana clinic  2023/01/31 2023/02/06
MSH362-22-23C.pdf Mseleni Hospital Repairs to plumbing at Madonela clinic  2023/01/31 2023/02/06
ump0401-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply double beds 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
ump0478-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply grass cutters  Cancelled 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
EST 695.pdf Estcourt Hospital Stationery:pens,staples,labels 2023/01/31 2023/02/09
EST 704.pdf Estcourt Hospital Stationery books admission&discharge,job card 2023/01/31 2023/02/09
EST 708.pdf Estcourt Hospital Stationery patient referral letter, forms admission 2023/01/31 2023/02/09
ben 315 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital supply and deliver Zinc oxide 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
275.KCD.2223.pdf King Cetshwayo District Office EMS Flight Suits - PPE's 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
280.KCD.2223.pdf King Cetshwayo District Office Tergadem, Tensoplast and Crepe Bandages 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
274.KCD.22.23.pdf King Cetshwayo District Office EMS FLIGHT SUITS (sample of fabric is required) 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
ben316 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver surgical sundries 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
Ben312 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver WBPHCOT Registers 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
309.KCD.2223.pdf King Cetshwayo District Office Male Condom Demo Model 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
260.KCD.22.23.pdf King Cetshwayo District Office Surgical items 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
ben319 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliverAntibiofilm wound gel with betaine and polyhexanide gel 50g 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
ben310 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital supply and deliver surgical sundries Cancelled 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
ben314 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver plumbing material 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
ben309 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital supply and deliver stationery 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
EMM364-01-23.pdf Emmaus Hospital services of seven clarifiers 1000L 2023/01/31 2023/02/07
PAC-00169-22-23.pdf PMB and Assessment and Therapy Centre Cleaning of gardens &grounds for the period of three months  Cancelled 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
EDU-258.22.23.pdf Edumbe CHC Home base kit 2023/01/31 2023/02/06
LSH1744-22-23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Ladysmith Regional Hospital 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
ben305 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver uniform Cancelled 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
ben308 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver hardware  Cancelled 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
Ben313 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver Electrical material 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
dpm1073.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital nsk various scaler 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
275.KCD-22-23(Re-Advertised).pdf King Cetshwayo District Office Re advertisement: EMS Flight Suits - PPE's for staff 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
280.KCD-22-23(Re- Advertised).pdf King Cetshwayo District Office Re advertisement:Tergadem, Tensoplast and Crepe Bandages 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
DPM1074.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital single pastoe chairs 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
BEN-310- 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver surgical sundries 2023/01/31 2023/02/03
BEN-309-22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver stationery 2023/01/31 2023/02/03



30 January

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
KMG 217-22-23.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Supply and Install new self-bunded fuel diesel storage tank unit 2023/01/30 2023/02/07
KMG 544-22-23.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Supply and deliver clinisorb-32242box of 12: clinisorb2-2240th 2 2023/01/30 2023/02/07
lsh1729.pdf Ladysmith Hospital protective clothing 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
lsh1737.pdf Ladysmith Hospital pastoe chairs 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
lsh1738.pdf Ladysmith Hospital step on umlingo mats 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
lsh1739.pdf Ladysmith Hospital polycabornate bowls,cups,plates 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
NKA-243-22-23.pdf Nkandla Hospital Major Service of High lift pump 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
NKA-289-22-23.pdf Nkandla Hospital Supply and deliver Occupational health and safety 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
NKA-298-22-23.pdf Nkandla Hospital Supply and Deliver Diaries A4 nad A4 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
NKA -07-22-23.pdf Nkandla Hospital Service of Fire Equipment for Hospital and clinics 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
NKA-321-22-23.pdf Nkandla Hospital Supply And Deliver CTG Paper F3 Edan 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
NKA-365-22-23.pdf Nkandla Hospital Supply And Deliver Pharmacy stickers white 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
NKA-380-22-23.pdf Nkandla Hospital Supply and Deliver Visual assisstive device spectacles for 12 months 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
395-MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Disposable spo2 sensor for mindray neonatal 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
396-MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Iv catheter radiopaque 24g (box of 50) 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
397-MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Baby nappies disposable size petite (pack of 200) 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
398-MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Stainless steel pedal bins 20l 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
OTH-187-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Single plastic pastoe chairs 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
OTH-181-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Stainless steel pedal bins 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
OTH-188-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Lactogen 1 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
OTH-183-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Supply and install 12000 BTU aircon 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
OTH-196-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Major service of UPS at Gwaliweni Clinic 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
LEM-211-22-23.pdf Ilembe District Office servicing of fire equipment for Ilembe District 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
OTH-197-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Major service of stand by generator at 3 clinics 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
OTH-192-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Pest control service 2023/01/30 2023/02/07
ITS 303.22.pdf Itshelejuba Hospital Supply and delivery of man rgown blue XL  2023/01/30 2023/02/03
OTH-198-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Electrical material 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
OTH-199-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Hardware items 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
MUR 316_22_23.pdf Murchison Hospital six months contract of maintanance of garden and grounds in the hospital  Cancelled 2023/01/30 2023/02/13
LEM164.pdf Ilembe District Office supply and deliver navy golf shirts 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
MUR 327_22_23.pdf Murchison Hospital executive diaries a4 and a5 2023/01/30 2023/02/06
RVH 18-05-22-23.pdf Rietvlei Hospital Uniform for general orderly 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
LEM042.pdf Ilembe District Office supply and deliver navy skirts 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
MUR 350_22_23.pdf Murchison Hospital tow tractor deep-cycle flooded 6v batteries gc2 2023/01/30 2023/02/06
LEM041.pdf Ilembe District Office supply and deliver unisex jackets 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
RVH 164-12-22-23.pdf Rietvlei Hospital Remove and replace 1x clorifier 2023/01/30 2023/02/06
LEM-096.pdf Ilembe District Office serving of standby generators 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
RVH 55-07-22-23.pdf Rietvlei Hospital Foamwashing powder 50kg 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
RVH 131-09-22-23.pdf Rietvlei Hospital Stationery 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
RVH 133-10-22-23.pdf Rietvlei Hospital Servicing of dental equipment 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
ITS 228.22.pdf Itshelejuba Hospital supply and delivery of plastic garbage bag 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
ITS 279.22.pdf Itshelejuba Hospital supply and delivery of bandages 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
LEM-159.pdf Ilembe District Office Supply and deliver navy bunny jackets 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
LEM-168.pdf Ilembe District Office supply and deliver navy brim hats 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
ITS 115.22.pdf Itshelejuba Hospital supply and of pastoe chairs 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
ITS 209.22.pdf Itshelejuba Hospital supply and delivery of surgicel dressing 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
ITS 263.22.pdf Itshelejuba Hospital supply and delivery of wound dressing 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
LEM166.pdf Ilembe District Office Supply and deliver ladies shoes 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
LEM165.pdf Ilembe District Office supply and deliver navy blue back packs 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
lsh1740.pdf Ladysmith Hospital form memorandum,file box,books job record 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
lsh1733.pdf Ladysmith Hospital repair to air conditioners 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
lsh1741.pdf Ladysmith Hospital tools for as per RFQ 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
LSH 1633-22-23.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Road to Health Immunization Cards 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
lsh1742.pdf Ladysmith Hospital homebase carekit 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
IAL-1250-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Micro Catheter 2 Tip Straight 6cm x 150cm (12 Months Contract) - Re-Advertisement 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
IAL-865-23-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Multi Dose Vial Adapter with Needle Free Port - Re-Advertisement 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
IAL-979-22-23 .pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital  IAL/979/22/23- CVC 2 Lumen Adult 7F x 20cm (12 Months Contract) - Re-Advertisement 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
IAL-754-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Tube Neonate Funnel Attach 50cm Ch6.5 Length 500mm Size: 6.5FG (Outer Diameter 2mm) - Re-Advertisement 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
IAL-996-22-23 (Re-advertised).pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital  Laparoscopic Curved scissors with unipolar cautery 5mm 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
IAL-1606-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital - Pledgets Oval Ptfe Felt 4.8 x 6mm 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
CAH325-22-23_.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital Supply and deliver household gloves size medium ,pkt of 10 units 2023/01/30 2023/02/02
CAH320-22-23 Amended.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital Maintanence of gardening and grounds at Thulasizwe hospital 2023/01/30 2023/02/09
CAH319-22-23 Amended.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital Maintanence of gardening and grounds at Ceza Hospital 2023/01/30 2023/02/09
CAH312-22-23_.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital Installation of carpots at Sizana Clinic 2023/01/30 2023/02/09
CAH315-22-23-_.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital install busket of services to all facilities. 2023/01/30 2023/02/09
CAH311-22-23_.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital installation of carpots at stedham clinic 2023/01/30 2023/02/09
CAH313-22-23-.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital Printing of hhemlana clinic 2023/01/30 2023/02/09
RVH 22-07-22-23.pdf Rietvlei Hospital Infinity basic set 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
DPM993.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital double  skin hooks 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
DPM602.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital coloured foam tubing 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
DPm732.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital philadelphia neck collar 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
dpm956.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital lumbar pelvic wedge 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
dpm687.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital syringes toomey plastic catheter tip 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
dpm778.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital metal suction tube curved 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
SAH-432.pdf St Andrews Hospital install of new essential electrical supply Cancelled 2023/01/30 2023/02/14
dpm899.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital perio probe 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
dpm1015.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital jaques catheter 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
dpm1003.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital olsen hegar mini 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
dpm915.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital two way intrauterine catheter with 300ml 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
dpm895.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital curing light shield 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
dpm169.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital strerile ultrasound probe cover 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
dpm898.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital cybro gold/xd barrier sleeves 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
dpm974.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital hasp and staple heavy duty 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
dpm903.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital pattie surgical 12.5 x 25mm 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
dpm796.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital clear strip roll 9.5mm/0.05mm , 15m 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
dpm790.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital dental photography reflector mirror 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
dpm894.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital endodontic aspirating tip 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
dpm795.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital dental eric bar 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
dpm571.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital neubulizer set neonatal  2023/01/30 2023/02/03
dpm906.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital double sided brochure holder floor stand 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
dpm786.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital endo organiser kit ring 2023/01/30 2023/02/03
NMH410-22-23.pdf Niemeyer Memorial Hospital Service standby genset 350 kva + 150 kva 2023/01/30 2023/02/06


27 January

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
UMG 258 22 23.pdf Umgungundlovu District Office DRTB patient folder (yellow) 2023/01/27 2023/02/01
UGU-0151 22-23.pdf Ugu District Office Supply and install IP CCTV systems  2023/01/27 2023/02/06
GJM-700  22.23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital replacement of new split and window airconditioners x 13 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
GJM-701  22.23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital replacement of freezer, cold room and veg room doors and side panels 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
GJM-702  22.23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital replacement of sliding aluminium sliding doors in a&e, opd and pharmacy department  - automation system 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
LSH1734.pdf Ladysmith Hospital Ssupply and install disabled toilet at m1 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
LSH1728.pdf Ladysmith Hospital printer toner and drums 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
lsh1727.pdf Ladysmith Hospital kitchen equipment 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
lsh1732.pdf Ladysmith Hospital heavy duty pedal bins 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
lsh1735.pdf Ladysmith Hospital repairs to ward 5 ablutions 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
GJM-703  22.23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital supply and install window panes - as per scope of work 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
LSH1731.pdf Choose your facility from the list: supply and install pa system 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
DSD475.01.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Pensils & Staples  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
DSD477.01.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office A4 Filling sleeves & Rulers  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
PHX511.01.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Sleeve protector  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
ETK444.12.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Needles 29G 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
PHX512.01.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Re-Enforced Gowns XXL  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
PTN502.01.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Coveralls/Flight suits  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
PTN505.01.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Rain suit & Bunny jacket  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
DSD498.01.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Red & Black Sharp point pens  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
CAT462.01.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office IV Cannula 16G & 22G with injection port  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
DSD476.01.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Eraser & Highlighter (Assorted colours)  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
RKK811.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of wheelchairs  buggies 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
RKK812.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of adjustable posture chair and tray table  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
RKK813.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of standard wheel chair and pacer wheelchair 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
PTN503.01.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Uniforms  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
DSD473.01.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office MMC Hygiene packs  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
ETK456.01.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office A4 Photocopy paper white bond  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
DSD474.01.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Scissors & Staple Remover  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
EME468.01.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Paper carbon A4, Lever acrch files & Elastic bands  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
CHL187.09.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Supply and install Slit Aircon units  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
RKK816.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of cutlery 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
RKK820.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply various kitchen items 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
ZUL-132.22.23.pdf Zululand District Office Replacement of 12000btu air-conditioners and repairs. 2023/01/27 2023/02/01
610.22.23ADH.pdf Addington Hospital L - shaped office desk with drawers 2023/01/27 2023/01/02
UMK 104-22-23.pdf Umkhanyakude District Office Remove and replace with new air conditioners 2023/01/27 2023/02/02
UMK 103-22-23.pdf Umkhanyakude District Office Supply and deliver medical supplies 2023/01/27 2023/03/02
MVH383.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply Intra Ocular Lenses 2023/01/27 2023/02/07
MVH386.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply Wheelchairs with Tuffee Wheel 2023/01/27 2023/02/07
304-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital supply and install notice boards x 4 at gateway clinic  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
MVH301.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply Super absorbent Hydro Fibre 2023/01/27 2023/02/07
308-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital supply and install complaints,compliments and suggestion boxes  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
APP289.22-23.pdf Appelsbosch Hospital Uterine Ballon tamponage, Anti-shock garmet 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
MVH241.pdf Mosvold Hospital SUpply S/Steel  Pedal Bin 30lt 2023/01/27 2023/02/07
THH 165.pdf Town Hill Hospital Supply and deliver various cleaning products  2023/01/27 2023/02/02
353-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital supply and install complaints,compliments and suggestion boxes at addington  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
MVH290.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply Wrist Brace 2023/01/27 2023/02/07
MVH389.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply Splinting Materials 2023/01/27 2023/02/07
APP288.22-23.pdf Appelsbosch Hospital Buttefly Intravenous needle, umbilical catheter 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
MVH439.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply File Cover Record 2023/01/27 2023/02/07
MVH466.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply Micro Sponges 2023/01/27 2023/02/07
MVH467.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply Soft Comfortable Dressing 2023/01/27 2023/02/07
MVH468.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply Burn Gel Dressing 2023/01/27 2023/02/07
MVH469.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply CTG Paper M1911A 2023/01/27 2023/02/07
MVH470.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply Disposable Ophthalmic Hand Cauteries 2023/01/27 2023/02/07
MVH471.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply Photocopying Papers  2023/01/27 2023/02/07
SAH-428-22-23.pdf St Andrews Hospital cleaning grounds 2023/01/27 2023/02/10
SMM.297.23.pdf St Mary�s Marianhill Hospital Service of telephone lines 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
SMM.299.23.pdf St Mary�s Marianhill Hospital Service of lp gas storage pipes and regulator/isolation 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
THH 104.pdf Town Hill Hospital Supply and deliver various toners and drum 2023/01/27 2023/02/02
THH 145.pdf Town Hill Hospital Supply and delivery of office furniture 2023/01/27 2023/02/02
THH 166.pdf Town Hill Hospital Cut and remove fallen tree at chapel 2023/01/27 2023/03/02
UMZ 261-2022-23.pdf Umzinyathi District Office Rescue Equipment 2023/01/27 2023/02/01
UMZ 265-2022-23.pdf Umzinyathi District Office Rescue Equipment 2023/01/27 2023/02/01
STC-367-22-23.pdf St Chads CHC HPRS Registers 2023/01/27 2023/02/01
392-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Catheter suction controlled 10fr 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
393-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Plywood board, pinewood and masonite 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
ben300 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver uniform 2023/01/27 2023/02/01
msh335-22-23h.pdf Mseleni Hospital Orthopaedic Gloves  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
ben299 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital Servicing of Kitchen equipment (minor services)  Cancelled 2023/01/27 2023/02/01
ben302 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver surgical sundries 2023/01/27 2023/02/01
ben303 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver domestic equipment 2023/01/27 2023/02/01
ben304 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital Servicing of infrared detection in distribution board and kiosk for Benedictine Hospital and all clinics under Benedictine Hospital  Cancelled 2023/01/27 2023/02/01
ben301 22-23.pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver office furniture 2023/01/27 2023/02/01
MSH261-22-23H.pdf Mseleni Hospital Sump compression bandages  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
UMZ267-22-23.pdf Umzinyathi District Office Supply and deliver rescue equipment 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
MSH345-22-23H 1.pdf Mseleni Hospital Cleaning Material  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
MSH347-22-23H.pdf Mseleni Hospital Stationery Items  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
MSH353-22-23H.pdf Mseleni Hospital Repairs of cupboard at peads ward 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
MSH349-22-23H.pdf Mseleni Hospital Repairs of cupboard at maternity and partitioning at telemedicine and dental hall  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
vrh--619--22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital Supply and deliver cera-check test strips HB 2023/01/27 2023/02/01
VRH-620-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital Supply and deliver stationery 2023/01/27 2023/02/01
VRH-621-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital Supply and deliver stationery 2023/01/27 2023/02/01
FNH-308.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Patients soccer kits 2023/01/27 2023/02/01
FNH-314.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Daily wipes 2023/01/27 2023/02/01
FNH-307.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Ultra pan carrier 2023/01/27 2023/02/01
HLE-386.pdf Hlengisizwe CHC Roylan aquaplast resilient solid splinting 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
HLE-305.pdf Hlengisizwe CHC Supply standard treatment guidelines for maternity case  2023/01/27 2023/02/03
HLE-382.pdf Hlengisizwe CHC Supply chairs 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
HLE-304.pdf Hlengisizwe CHC Ortho-phthaladehyse solution and disclaimer 2023/01/27 2023/02/03
HLE-407.pdf Hlengisizwe CHC Supply PHC head count register 2023/01/27 2023/02/03


26 January

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
UMK 095-22-23.pdf Umkhanyakude District Office Repair lights and generator 2023/01/26 2023/02/02
TON 148.pdf Tongaat CHC Sluicing machine 2023/01/26 2023/01/30
TON 149.pdf Tongaat CHC Air conditioners 2023/01/26 2023/01/30
316-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Supply and replace split unit air conditioners 2023/01/26 2023/02/03
ESW-73-23.pdf Eshowe Hospital statinery recumbent bike 2023/01/26 2023/02/02
SAP155-2022-2023.pdf St Apollinaris Hospital Supply and deliver rubber ferrals and adjustable aluminium quadripod 2023/01/26 2023/01/31
Edn 1573 .22 2.pdf Harry Gwala (Edendale) Hospital 3 Months contract Maintenance and cleaning of grounds  2023/01/26 2023/02/02
Edn 1574 .22 23.pdf Harry Gwala (Edendale) Hospital 6 months Contract For Maintenance and Cleaning of Grounds (Harry Gwala Nursing Campus)  2023/01/26 2023/02/02
umh156.22-23.pdf Umgeni Hospital supply and install tar on staff parking area, patching and repair to potholes 2023/01/26 2023/02/02
GTW 12.01.22-23.pdf Greytown Hospital Disposable Baby diapers Small and Medium 2023/01/26 2023/01/31
GTW 13.01.22-23.pdf Greytown Hospital Disposable needle hypo luer 21g  Cancelled 2023/01/26 2023/01/31
GTW 14.01.22-23.pdf Greytown Hospital Pads maternity with loop (Brown) 2023/01/26 2023/01/31
GTW 15.01.22-23.pdf Greytown Hospital Administration set 20 drops iv 1 clav 2023/01/26 2023/01/31
GTW 16.01.22-23.pdf Greytown Hospital Shortline 8.5 smallbore ext set  2023/01/26 2023/01/31
GTW 24.01.22-23.pdf Greytown Hospital Replacement of 24000BTU under ceiling air-condition @ Admitting office  2023/01/26 2023/02/07
GTW 25.01.22-23.pdf Greytown Hospital Supply labour and material to repair leaking roof @ Pine street clinic 2023/01/26 2023/02/07
UTH 81-22-23 PF.pdf Uthukela District Office Body bags, Shrouds and Scrub suits 2023/01/26 2023/02/03
ben298.pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver stationery Cancelled 2023/01/26 2023/01/31
UTH54-22-23 PF.pdf Uthukela District Office Computer hardware 2023/01/26 2023/02/03
HOH 1370 23.pdf Head Office Quotations replacement of ceiling at dundee forensoc mortuary 2023/01/26 2023/02/02
HOH 1470.pdf Head Office Quotations replacement of damage doors and install door awning and trellidor gated  2023/01/26 2023/02/02
HOH 1466.pdf Choose your facility from the list: supply, deliver and install drywall partition 1st floor south tower (finance)  2023/01/26 2023/02/02
FNH 308-2022-23.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Patients Soccer kits  2023/01/26 2023/01/30
FNH 307-2022-23.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Ultra pan carrier 2023/01/26 2023/01/30
umh53.22-23.pdf Umgeni Hospital uniform: male navy pants, female navy slacks, and navy skirts 2023/01/26 2023/01/31
FNH 309-2022-23.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Servicing of transformers 2023/01/26 2023/02/06
clw-0335-22-23.pdf Clairwood Hospital comply sterigage -steam chemical indicator  2023/01/26 2023/02/02
GTW 27.01.22-23.pdf Greytown Hospital Fumnigation of medical records container size: 15m x 2m 2023/01/26 2023/02/07
clw-0336-22-23.pdf Clairwood Hospital physiotherapy unifoms 2023/01/26 2023/02/02
PHO1712223.pdf Pholela CHC Vacuum system cleaner,non-foaming,non-corrosive concentrate able to dissolve impression material organic tissue,bone fragements,rope-like siliva and other odour formongbacteria and dental debris 2 litre 2023/01/26 2023/02/01
EST 685.pdf Estcourt Hospital Log tag USB temperature recorder 2023/01/26 2023/02/02
PHO2002223.pdf Pholela CHC Plastic emergency exit error sign SABS approved,plastic emergency exit sign running man SABS approved and stairway sign SABS approved 2023/01/26 2023/02/01
MAL.0275.23.pdf Mfundo Arnold Lushaba CHC Supply and deliver IT equipment 2023/01/26 2023/02/02
PHO2012223.pdf Pholela CHC Danger & no unauthorised sign,dangerous goods poster sign diesel tank-3000 litre and speed limit sign for vehicles (10 km/h) 2023/01/26 2023/02/01
MAL.0256.23.pdf Mfundo Arnold Lushaba CHC Vaginal speculums 2023/01/26 2023/02/02
MAL.0269.23.pdf Mfundo Arnold Lushaba CHC Supply and deliver domestic fridges and deep freezer 2023/01/26 2023/02/02
MAL.0277.23.pdf Mfundo Arnold Lushaba CHC A4 and A3 photocopying paper 2023/01/26 2023/02/02
PHO2022223.pdf Pholela CHC LED emergency exit sign-double sided, LED emergency exit sign-one sided and safety information sign SABS approved 2023/01/26 2023/02/01
IAL-671-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Long introducer Sheath 6F x 80cm, 038''  Re-Advertisementi 2023/01/26 2023/01/31
IAL-1009-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital  Indwelling Arterial Catheter Set: Adult Arterial Catheterisation Set with Integral Extension Line 18G, 12cm (Re-Advertisement) 2023/01/26 2023/01/31
IAL-959-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital  Dressing, Transparent, Absorb, Non-Adhesive Pad 8.5cm x 9.5cm (Re-Advertisement) 2023/01/26 2023/01/31
IAL-918-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Replacement Bag for External Ventricular Drain 500ml-12 Months Contract- (Re-Advertisement) 2023/01/26 2023/01/31
HOH 0333.pdf Head Office Quotations supply and delivery of upright household freezer for human milk banks 2023/01/26 2023/02/02
THH 65.pdf Town Hill Hospital Supply/Deliver Pharmacy Labels 2023/01/26 2023/02/02
CTK 197-22-23.pdf Christ the King Hospital Supply and deliver Joined pasteo chairs 2023/01/26 2023/01/31
UKH 0098.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Original brother toner 3290 2023/01/26 2023/01/31
STC-212,242,196-22-23.pdf St Chads CHC Surgical items 2023/01/26 2023/02/01
STC-361-22-23.pdf St Chads CHC Domestic Equipment 2023/01/26 2023/02/01
STC-378-22-23.pdf St Chads CHC Replacement of Borehole pump  2023/01/26 2023/02/01
ZUL-131.22.23 (2).pdf Zululand District Office Hiring of space for conducting post-mortem examinations at Vryheid 2023/01/26 2023/01/31
HOH1406.pdf Head Office Quotations Installation of 2KL elevated water tank at Marburg EMS 2023/01/26 2023/02/03
IAL-1252-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Suture: 2/0 synthetic coated braided non absorbable various sizes - Re-advertisement - 12 months contract 2023/01/26 2023/01/31
IAL-879-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Irrigation Pouch With Adhesive strip 50cm x60 2023/01/26 2023/01/31
IAL-1601-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital   Foam Dressing with Silicone wound interface and ionic silver, No Adherent Border 20 x 20 2023/01/26 2023/01/31
IAL-1129-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Absorbable oxidized regenerated cellulose with haemostatic effect. 5cmx7.5cm Re-advertisement 2023/01/26 2023/01/31
IAL-1600-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital 2-0G Coated Polyglactin Braided Synthetic Absorbable Suture 3/8 circle, reverse cutting 24mm length 70cm 2023/01/26 2023/01/31
IAL-1602-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Band Casting Material 125mm 2023/01/26 2023/01/31
IAL-1597-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Slimline 365 fibers 2023/01/26 2023/01/31
IAL-1598-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Guidewire Straight Tip 0.0.18inch x 300cm 2023/01/26 2023/01/31
FNH306.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Servicing transformer 2023/01/26 2023/02/06


25 January

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
NKA 382 22 23.pdf Nkandla Hospital Supply and Deliver Floor polish/stripper machine 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
MZH-766-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital Cards road to health unisex boy/girl 2023/01/25 2023/01/30
MZH-765-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital Crockery 2023/01/25 2023/01/30
386-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Plain liquid soap 500ml for social hand washing 2023/01/25 2023/01/27
KEV948-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital urgent repair sopd hvac air conditioning 2023/01/25 2023/02/13
KEV947-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital urgent repair nursery fire panels 2023/01/25 2023/02/13
RMH48-22-23.pdf Richmond Hospital garden & grounds  2023/01/25 2023/02/01
RMH47-22-23.pdf Richmond Hospital Pottering services 2023/01/25 2023/02/01
EBK.157.22.23.pdf Ekombe Hospital supply and deliver oxygen gauges 2023/01/25 2023/01/30
ekb.173.22.23.pdf Ekombe Hospital supply and deliver stationery 2023/01/25 2023/01/30
ekb.159.22.23.pdf Ekombe Hospital supply and deliver hardware items 2023/01/25 2023/01/30
ekb.93.22.23.pdf Ekombe Hospital supply and deliver uniform 2023/01/25 2023/01/30
EKB-143-22-23.pdf Ekombe Hospital Supply and deliver furniture 2023/01/25 2023/01/30
Nse 470.22.23.pdf Nseleni CHC Floor polish 5 litres 2023/01/25 2023/01/31
Gjc724.22.23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital sheeting mcintoshable  2023/01/25 2023/01/31
Gjc593.22.23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital form out patient continuation sheet 2023/01/25 2023/01/31
Gjc589.22.23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital folders out patient 2023/01/25 2023/01/31
Gjc584.22.23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital envelopes windows mannila 2023/01/25 2023/01/31
Gjc583.22.23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital cover file account folders  2023/01/25 2023/01/31
Gjc594.22.23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital brother drum unit dr3215 (originals only) 2023/01/25 2023/01/31
Gjc582.22.23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital file cover npa health record chart  2023/01/25 2023/01/31
NKA 380 22 23.pdf Nkandla Hospital Supply and Deliver Visual assestive devices spectacles Cancelled 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
NKA 365 22 23.pdf Nkandla Hospital Supply and deliver pharmacy stickers white Cancelled 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
NKA 321 22 23.pdf Nkandla Hospital Supply and deliver Ctg paper  Cancelled 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
NKA 307 22 23.pdf Nkandla Hospital Service of Fire Equipment Cancelled 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
NKA 289 22 23.pdf Nkandla Hospital supply and deliver occupational health and safety act 85 of 1993 Cancelled 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
NKA 243 22 23.pdf Nkandla Hospital major service of high lift pumps Cancelled 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
NKA 298 22 23.pdf Nkandla Hospital Supply and deliver Diaries A4 and A5 Cancelled 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
CTK 06-2022-23.pdf Christ the King Hospital Supply and deliver electrical material for christ the king hospital  2023/01/25 2023/01/27
CTK 239-2022-23.pdf Christ the King Hospital Supply and deliver disposable spo2 sensosingle item  2023/01/25 2023/01/27
CTK 06-22-23.pdf Christ the King Hospital Supply and deliver electrical material for christ the king hospital  2023/01/25 2023/01/27
CTK 239-22-23.pdf Christ the King Hospital Supply and deliver disposable spo2 sensosingle item  2023/01/25 2023/01/27
SAH-419.pdf St Andrews Hospital home base kit 2023/01/25 2023/01/31
Emm156-22-23.pdf Emmaus Hospital day to day maintanance 2023/01/25 2023/02/01
PSH794-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital Cards Road to Health Unisex 2023/01/25 2023/01/31
Emm503-22-23.pdf Emmaus Hospital service of 2 borehole pumps at Emmaus Hospital 2023/01/25 2023/02/01
KCD-274-22-23.pdf King Cetshwayo District Office EMS Flight Suits - 2 pieces (please provide frabic sample) 2023/01/25 2023/01/30
EMM541.pdf Emmaus Hospital books admission and discharge 2023/01/25 2023/02/01
EMM507-22-23.pdf Emmaus Hospital particle test count to be done on ot 1,2 and recovery room 2023/01/25 2023/02/01
EMN545.pdf Emmaus Hospital toner brother 3250 2023/01/25 2023/02/01
EMM502.pdf Emmaus Hospital infrared detection as per schedule attached 2023/01/25 2023/02/01
EMM504.pdf Emmaus Hospital servicing of theatre tables 2023/01/25 2023/02/01
Emm508.pdf Emmaus Hospital servicing of sewer plant at the hospital as per schedule 2023/01/25 2023/02/01
OTH-173-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Repair of 110mm sever pipe line at Makhathini Clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/06
Emm542.pdf Emmaus Hospital drum 3215 (brother) 2023/01/25 2023/02/01
Emm544.pdf Emmaus Hospital toner brother 3185 2023/01/25 2023/02/01
OTH-173.pdf Othobothini CHC Repair of 110mm sever pipe line at Makhathini Clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/06
OTH-169-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Repair of following items at Jozini & Makhathini Clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/06
OTH-170-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Repair of the following items at Ophondweni & Nondabuya  Clinics 2023/01/25 2023/02/06
NKO 547.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings at Nomdiya clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
Emm506.pdf Emmaus Hospital Servicing of air conditioners at Olivershoek clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/01
PMM-714-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 06 months contract, cleaning of buildings at Umbumbulu clinic, Ezimwini clinic and Odidini clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/03
EMM532.pdf Emmaus Hospital Tap head parts  1/4 turn 3/4 anti clock wise , stainless steel pipes with end pieces shower mixes with flexi hoses and shower rose 2023/01/25 2023/02/01
NKO 548.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings at Umdumezulu Clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
OTH-171-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Repair of the Attached Items at Gwaliweni Clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/06
NKO 549.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings at Mabedlane Clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
PMM-715-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 06 Months  contract, cleaning of buildings at  Imfume and Inkwali clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/03
EMM543.pdf Emmaus Hospital Drum brother 3100 2023/01/25 2023/02/01
NKO 550.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings at Ulundi A Clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
NKO 551.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings at Makhosini Clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
PMM-716-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 06 months contract, cleaning of buildings at Nsimbini clinic and Folweni clinic. 2023/01/25 2023/02/03
NKO 552.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings at Mpungamhlophe Clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
OTH-172-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Repair of 1200 BTU Aircon at Ophondweni Clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/06
NKO 553.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings at Nhlopheni Clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
PMM-717-22-23_.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 06 months contract, cleaning of buildings at KwaMakhutha clinic. 2023/01/25 2023/02/03
NKO 554.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings at Zilulwane Clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
NKO 555.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings at Ncemaneni Clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
PMM-718-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 06 months contract, cleaning of buildings at Umlazi clinic and Danganya clinic. 2023/01/25 2023/02/03
NKO 556.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings at Okhukho Clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
NKO 557.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings at Lomo Clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
PMM-719-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 06 months contract, cleaning of buildings at Umlazi K clinic and Osizweni clinic. 2023/01/25 2023/02/03
NKO 558.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings at Wela Clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
PMM-720-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 06 months contract, cleaning of buildings at Umlazi U21 clinic and Magabheni clinic. 2023/01/25 2023/02/03
SAH418-22-23.pdf St Andrews Hospital Facility telephonic register 2023/01/25 2023/01/30
NKO 559.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Cleaning of buildings at Gate-Way Clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
PMM-721-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 06 months contract, cleaning buildings at Umnini clinic. 2023/01/25 2023/02/03
NKO 560.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply optical laboratory for the period of 12 months 2023/01/25 2023/01/30
PMM-722-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 04 months contract, cleaning of gardens and grounds in hospital  2023/01/25 2023/02/03
PMM-723-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 02 months contract, cleaning of buildings in hospital. 2023/01/25 2023/02/03
PMM-724-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 05 months contract, hospital orderly service (pottering) 2023/01/25 2023/02/03
PMM-730-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital supply and install plastic wall mounted waste bins 2 piece (colour satin) 2023/01/25 2023/02/03
PMM-732-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 06 Months contract, cleaning of buildings at Umzomuhle clinic and Ekuphileni clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/03
MVH454.pdf Mosvold Hospital Servicing of Genarator at Mosvold clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
NKO 561.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply white photocopying paper A4 80GSM 2023/01/25 2023/01/30
MVH455.pdf Mosvold Hospital Painting of Ceiling and Walls at Ekuhlehleni 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
MVH456.pdf Mosvold Hospital Connecting of Jojo Tanks with Booster Pumpsat Martenity 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
MVH457-2.pdf Mosvold Hospital Connecting of Jojo Tanks with Booster Pumps at clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
MVH458.pdf Mosvold Hospital Renovation of Ceiling at Ndumo clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
MVH459.pdf Mosvold Hospital REnovation of Cupboard at Khwambuzi clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
MVH460.pdf Mosvold Hospital REnovation of Residents Block A & B and Park Home 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
MVH463.pdf Mosvold Hospital Replacement of Sewer Line at Shemula clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
MVH465.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply and Install Waiting Area Shelter at Shemula clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
pmm-681-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 38 874 units, sets admin i.v y-site 2023/01/25 2023/01/31
MVH442-1.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply and Delivery of OPD Folder Record 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
RKK814.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Provision of cleaning services @ Rk khan Hospital 2023/01/25 2023/02/01
RKK815.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Provision of Portering and Messenger Services  2023/01/25 2023/02/01
RKK819.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Provision of Garden and Grounds Services  2023/01/25 2023/02/01
LEM219.pdf Ilembe District Office cleaning of buildings and offices at Ballito clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/01
LEM220.pdf Ilembe District Office cleaning of buildings and offices at shakaskraal clinic 2023/01/25 2023/02/01
PMM-636-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 3600 units, Cards road to health unisex (boy/girl) 2023/01/25 2023/01/31
PMM-611-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 1351 units, cards bin (tally cards) 2023/01/25 2023/01/31
PMM-729-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital Paper photocopy white bond 80gsm A4 2023/01/25 2023/01/31
PMM-728-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 28 boxes, books admission and discharge revenue 2023/01/25 2023/01/31
PMM-726-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 501 pkts, file general 2023/01/25 2023/01/31
PMM-727-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 291 pkts, folder outpatient records 2023/01/25 2023/01/31
PMM-725-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 345 pkt, file case history 2023/01/25 2023/01/31
LEM217.pdf Ilembe District Office supply and deliver home base care kits 2023/01/25 2023/02/01
BCHC108-22-23.pdf Bruntville CHC Supply and deliver child patient health record  2023/01/25 2023/01/31
BCHC107-22-23.pdf Bruntville CHC Supply and deliver colour code mop handels 2023/01/25 2023/01/31
BCHC115-22-23.pdf Bruntville CHC Supply and deliver suture nylon monofilament 4/10 2023/01/25 2023/01/31
BCHC111-22-23.pdf Bruntville CHC Supply and deliver dairies 2023 2023/01/25 2023/01/31
BCHC114-22-23.pdf Bruntville CHC Cleaning of building and offices 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
BCHC104-22-23.pdf Bruntville CHC Manufacturing and supply of guard house 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
BCHC82-22-23.pdf Bruntville CHC Manufacturing & install of office &kitchen cabinets/sink and granite tops wash hand basin sink mixer 2023/01/25 2023/02/02
CAH-THU-319-22-23.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital Maintanence of gardening and grounds at Ceza Hospital 2023/01/25 2023/02/09
CAH-THU-320-22-23.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital Maintanence of gardening and grounds at Thulasizwe Hospital 2023/01/25 2023/02/09
NGW1367.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital books maternity case record 2023/01/25 2023/02/01
NGW1364.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital books road to health chart 2023/01/25 2023/02/01
NGW1395.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital drager oxygen regulators,pin index 2023/01/25 2023/02/01
NGW1380.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital high level  disinfecfectant solution 2023/01/25 2023/02/01


24 January

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
KEV938.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Adult CPAP mask medium. 2023/01/24 2023/01/30
KEV939.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Plastic file fasteners. 2023/01/24 2023/01/30
KEV940.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Carboard storage boxes with lid 2023/01/24 2023/01/30
KEV944.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Ceramic bone graft 50ml. 2023/01/24 2023/01/30
KMG 543-22-23.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Supply and delivery of Photocopying paper A 4 5 reams per box 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
KMG 538-22-23.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Repairs to damaged roof at Melmoth clinic 2023/01/24 2023/02/02
KMG 542-22-23.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Replacement of 2x 18 000 BTU split unit type Air-Conditioning unit 2023/01/24 2023/02/02
PSD.00100.23.pdf Provincial Pharmaceutical Supply Depot Cooler Boxes 21-23L 2023/01/24 2023/01/30
GJC804-22-23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital supply heavy duty plastic chairs  2023/01/24 2023/01/27
WWH 259.22-23.pdf Wentworth Hospital supply and deliver kitchenware as list on page 2 2023/01/24 2023/01/30
VRH--556-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital cleaning contract for 2 months 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
VRH--597--22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital material for siyakhathala clinic / mason clinic 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
HOH.1149.23.pdf Head Office Quotations To supply and deliver of office furniture.  2023/01/24 2023/01/31
UMK 094-22-23.pdf Umkhanyakude District Office TB Stationery 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
UMK 093-22-23.pdf Umkhanyakude District Office Stationery (CHWP) 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
NGW1402.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital replacement of air condition  2023/01/24 2023/01/27
GAM251.2223.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Cutting of trees at Braemer clinic 2023/01/24 2023/02/03
GAM252.2223.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Pest control services for Gamalakhe chc 2023/01/24 2023/01/31
QNR740.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital Supply, Install & Commission back up split units in theatre  2023/01/24 2023/01/30
EPH-269-22-23.pdf Ekuhlengeni Psychiatric Hospital Supply and deliver fire detection 2023/01/24 2023/01/31
MUR 331_22_23.pdf Murchison Hospital 48v 6a charger only for glof cart/cushman tractor with the flat sb-50 plug 2023/01/24 2023/02/01
MUR 348_22_23.pdf Murchison Hospital hydrogel wound dressing 25g pkt/box of 10s 2023/01/24 2023/02/01
WWH 431.22-23.pdf Wentworth Hospital Supply and install Large Sercvices signage board 2023/01/24 2023/01/30
MUR 349_22_23.pdf Murchison Hospital warning labels and tablet cartons white (pill boxes) 2023/01/24 2023/02/01
HOH1422.pdf Head Office Quotations Conveyor dishwasher for Addington Hospital 2023/01/24 2023/01/31
HOH1445.pdf Head Office Quotations Electrical Juvenile Bed 2023/01/24 2023/01/31
HOH1450.pdf Head Office Quotations Heat pumps at St Aidan's Hospital 2023/01/24 2023/01/31
HOH1447.pdf Head Office Quotations 20KL Water tank at Mbazwana Clinic 2023/01/24 2023/02/02
HOH1448.pdf Head Office Quotations 20KL Water tank at KwaZibi Clinic  Cancelled 2023/01/24 2023/02/02
282.KCD.2223.pdf King Cetshwayo District Office Home Based Care Kits 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
280.KCD.2223.pdf King Cetshwayo District Office Tergadem, Tensoplast and Crepe Bandages Cancelled 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
275.KCD.2223.pdf King Cetshwayo District Office EMS Flight Suits - PPE's 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
HOH.1449.23-(Amended).pdf Head Office Quotations Supply and deliver office furniture 2023/01/24 2023/01/31
275.KCD.2223.pdf King Cetshwayo District Office EMS Flight Suits - PPE's 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
msh 358.22.23-c.pdf Mseleni Hospital Renovations at Mbazwana Clinic  2023/01/24 2023/01/31
msh 355.22.23-c.pdf Mseleni Hospital Renovations at Ezimpondweni Clinic  2023/01/24 2023/01/31
msh 356.22.23-c.pdf Mseleni Hospital Renovations at Manaba Clinic  2023/01/24 2023/01/31
msh 357.22.23-c.pdf Mseleni Hospital Renovations at Oqondweni clinic  2023/01/24 2023/01/31
msh 359.22.23-c.pdf Mseleni Hospital Renovations at Mnqobokazi Clinic  2023/01/24 2023/01/31
msh354.22.23-h.pdf Mseleni Hospital Renovations at Mduku clinic  2023/01/24 2024/01/31
EDU 228,22,23.pdf Edumbe CHC Uniform for security  2023/01/24 2023/01/27
msh348-22-23h.pdf Mseleni Hospital Removal of filling container at Mseleni Hospital   2023/01/24 2023/01/31
UKH 0025.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital A4 photocopy papers 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
egu 118-22-23-.pdf EG and Usher Memorial Hospital Printing matters and diary 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
UKH 0136.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Cleaning material 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
UKH 0139.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Advance laundry powder soap 25kg 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
UKH 0084.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Service minus 40 fridge 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
DPM746.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital metal dental 3-in-1 air syringe  2023/01/24 2023/01/27
DPM164.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital thin pressure care cushion 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
DPM1006.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital polyglactin gauge 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
dpm868.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital crockey and cuttery 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
DPM848.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital patients surgical safety straps 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
DPM1066.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital endopouch retriever specimen bag 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
DPM1065.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital gigli wire saw 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
DPM1071.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital date stamps 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
dpm1067.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital analogue clock 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
DPM902.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital high level disinactant solution 5 litre  2023/01/24 2023/01/27
DPM977.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital industrial petrol grass cutter 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
DPM207.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital arrays loops  2023/01/24 2023/01/27
EDU-228-22-23.pdf Edumbe CHC Supply uniform 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
dpm588,.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital polyglactin ties size 0 (sutures) 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
dpm 770.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital spring-guide wire with advancer 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
dpm 112.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital gowns 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
dpm 378.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital suture polysorb/maxon 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
dpm 620.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital female pelvic model 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
dpm582.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital adult head blocks 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
dpm 1019.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital thoracic catheter (argyle) 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
dpm 177.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital halter neck traction 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
dpm 634.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital preformed hand base anti spacity ball splint 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
dpm 435.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital general file cover doh 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
dpm 340.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital intra uterine copper device (contraceptive) 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
dpm 1017.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital stationery 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
dpm 652.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital arterial chaterization set 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
dpm 601.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital heavy duty puncher/stapler 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
dpm 961.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital finger bandage 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
dpm863.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital prelude roll 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
dpm 961.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital finger bandage 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
dpm863.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital prelude roll 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
dpm1008.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital garden tools 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
dpm892.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital solz areola marker 2023/01/24 2023/01/27
MSH 358 22 23-C.pdf Mseleni Hospital Renovation at Mbazwana clic 2023/01/24 2023/01/31
HCT092.22.23.pdf Hillcrest Hospital Cleaning of Garden and grounds  - 6 month contract 2023/01/24 2023/02/01
HCT091.22.23.pdf Hillcrest Hospital Supply and install 1 x Oil jacket electric pot 135lt 2023/01/24 2023/01/31
dpm 588.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital polyglactic ties size 0 (suture) 2023/01/24 2023/01/27


23 January

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
KEV256.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Finger pinch exerciser. 2023/01/23 2023/01/30
Gam248.2223.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Wheelchair consumables 2023/01/23 2023/01/27
Gam249.2223.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Wheelchairs 2023/01/23 2023/01/27
PMM-695-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital syringes disposable luer lock 5ml 2023/01/23 2023/01/27
PMM-696-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital traction kit skin hypoallergenic tape adult 2023/01/23 2023/01/27
PMM-697-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital sets dial-a-flo i.v 2023/01/23 2023/01/27
ZUL-130.22.23.pdf Zululand District Office Supply and deliver office furniture for District and EMS 2023/01/23 2023/01/26
KEV726-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital supply and install screening curtains 2023/01/23 2023/02/06
KEV389-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital sewer; storm water, gutter and gully service 2023/01/23 2023/02/13
KEV850-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital supply 7.5 kw  induction motor 1465 rpm  2023/01/23 2023/02/06
KEV823-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital sliding door service 2023/01/23 2023/02/13
MZH-756-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital Couches 2023/01/23 2023/01/26
MZH-758-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital Built-in cupboard 2023/01/23 2023/01/26
MZH-760-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital Hard drive 8TB 2023/01/23 2023/01/26
MZH-754-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital Blood gas accessories 2023/01/23 2023/01/26
MZH-764-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital Service to ultrasound 2023/01/23 2023/01/26
STF83.22.23.pdf St Francis Hospital Supply diesel 50ppm 2023/01/23 2023/01/30
KEV2561.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Finger pinch exerciser. 2023/01/23 2023/01/30
Gam248.22231.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Wheelchair consumables 2023/01/23 2023/01/27
Gam249.22231.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Wheelchairs 2023/01/23 2023/01/27
PMM-695-22-231.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital syringes disposable luer lock 5ml 2023/01/23 2023/01/27
PMM-696-22-231.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital traction kit skin hypoallergenic tape adult 2023/01/23 2023/01/27
PMM-697-22-231.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital sets dial-a-flo i.v 2023/01/23 2023/01/27
ZUL-130.22.231.pdf Zululand District Office Supply and deliver office furniture for District and EMS 2023/01/23 2023/01/26
MZH-756-22-231.pdf Manguzi Hospital Couches 2023/01/23 2023/01/26
MZH-758-22-231.pdf Manguzi Hospital Built-in cupboard 2023/01/23 2023/01/26
MZH-760-22-231.pdf Manguzi Hospital Hard drive 8TB 2023/01/23 2023/01/26
MZH-754-22-231.pdf Manguzi Hospital Blood gas accessories 2023/01/23 2023/01/26
MZH-764-22-231.pdf Manguzi Hospital Service to ultrasound 2023/01/23 2023/01/26
STF83.22.231.pdf St Francis Hospital Supply diesel 50ppm 2023/01/23 2023/01/30
Nse 625.2022.2023.pdf Nseleni CHC disludging of septic tanks 2023/01/23 2023/01/30
KEV932.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Protective clothing, boiler & rain suits 2023/01/23 2023/01/30
SAH-387.pdf St Andrews Hospital consumables items 2023/01/23 2023/01/27
SAH-375.pdf St Andrews Hospital stationery 2023/01/23 2023/01/27
SAH-329.pdf St Andrews Hospital stationery 2023/01/23 2023/01/27
HOH1228-23.pdf Head Office Quotations Repairs to Boom Gates, at Natalia Building, CPS, Townhill Office Park 2023/01/23 2023/01/27
STC-293,377-22-23.pdf St Chads CHC vaginal speculum and admin set. 2023/01/23 2023/01/27
cjm00247.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Supply and deliver photocopy paper A4 matt white 500 sheet 2023/01/23 2023/01/31
HGD52202223.pdf Harry Gwala EMS Supply and delivery of vacuum mattress, drug bags, and 3 way stopcock 2023/01/23 2023/01/26
HOH-1433-23.pdf Head Office Quotations Procure birth registers: Labour 2023/01/23 2023/01/30
HOH-1443-23.pdf Head Office Quotations Procure elimination of mother to child transmission register  2023/01/23 2023/01/30
HOH-1444-23.pdf Head Office Quotations Procure primary health care registers 2023/01/23 2023/01/30
HOH.1434.23.docx Head Office Quotations Procurement of combined birth register: Labour ward and postnatal ward 2023/01/23 2023/01/30
HOH.1435.23.pdf Head Office Quotations Procurement of of road to health booklet with unique identifiers 2023/01/23 2023/01/30
ST-325-22-23.pdf St Chads CHC supply spectacles 2023/01/23 2023/01/30
HOH.1436.23.pdf Head Office Quotations Procurement of postnatal ward registers 2023/01/23 2023/01/30
HOH.1434.23.pdf Head Office Quotations Procurement of combined birth register: Labour ward and postnatal ward 2023/01/23 2023/01/30
IAL-1035-22-23-(Re-advertisement).pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Reloads 55mm selectable 6 rows 55mm  &  Disposable linear cutter stapler 55mm  2023/01/23 2023/01/26
IAL-958-22-23-(Re-advertisement).pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Swab Gauze X-Ray 100mm X 350mm 16 PLY, (pack of 100)  2023/01/23 2023/01/26
IAL-956-22-23-(Re-advertisement).pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital  Dress Non-woven retention sheet, Non sterile 20cmx10m  2023/01/23 2023/01/26
IAL-735-22-23-(Re-advertisement).pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital  Adhesive post �operative dressing 6.5cm x 5cm 2023/01/23 2023/01/26
IAL-1558-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Suture  synthetic monofilament Non Absorbable various sizes 2023/01/23 2023/01/26
IAL-1596-22-232.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital uture 4/0 synthetic monofilament non-absorbable, strand: 90cm, needle: 1/2 circle taper point, 17mm CV23 2023/01/23 2023/01/26
IAL-1590-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital 3-0 G coated polyglactin braided synthetic absorbable suture � circle reverse cutting , 26mm length 75cm 2023/01/23 2023/01/26
IAL-1579-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Suture Nylon monofilament micro edge taper 9/0 � 5'' x 5mm, 3/8 circle, DRM5 - 12 months contract 2023/01/23 2023/01/26
QNR719.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital Power Skirting Essential Plug Socket  2023/01/23 2023/01/26
QNR775.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital Electrodes ECG Pre-Wired Disposable Neonatal  2023/01/23 2023/01/26
CAH-THU-308-22-23.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital Supply and deliver Laser Label 70x35x3-white 2023/01/23 2023/02/02
CAH-THU-309-22-23.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital Supply and deliver Linen saver Large box of 100 unity 2023/01/23 2023/02/02
EGU 115-22-23.pdf EG and Usher Memorial Hospital S&d Crockery 2023/01/23 2023/01/27
SAP159-2022-2023.pdf St Apollinaris Hospital Supply and deliver diesel 50pp 2023/01/23 2023/01/27
SAP160-2022-2023.pdf St Apollinaris Hospital Supply and deliver suidsteam 80'S 25L 2023/01/23 2023/01/27
SAP157-2022-2023.pdf St Apollinaris Hospital Supply and deliver stainless steel pedal bins 20L 2023/01/23 2023/01/27


20 January

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
UGU.0147.22-23.pdf Ugu District Office Ambulance return books  2023/01/20 2023/01/26
umh 155-22-23.pdf Umgeni Hospital Cleaning of gardens and ground  2023/01/20 2023/01/27
MON-175-2022-23.pdf Montebello Hospital Provision of cleaning of garden and grounds services 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
LSH 1706.pdf Ladysmith Hospital trop t cassette, punch biopsy forceps 2023/01/20 2023/01/25
NEH-403-22-23.pdf Newcastle Hospital antimicrobial surgical skin solution in a sterile disposable applicator 2023/01/20 2023/01/25
NEH-410-22-23.pdf Newcastle Hospital tpn - itn - baby, paeds & adult 2023/01/20 2023/01/25
NEH-404-22-23.pdf Newcastle Hospital step on mat 90 x 150cm & 60 x 115cm 2023/01/20 2023/01/25
DGW-267.pdf Doris Goodwin Hospital men's pajamas shirt medium 70 and large 57 ,men's pajamas trousers medium 70 and large
2023/01/20 2023/01/26
Ama070.22.23.pdf Amajuba District Office Tool kit bags with contents 2023/01/20 2023/01/25
UKH-0033-23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Cut grass and remove shrubs 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
UKH-0091-23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Pest control services 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
EST 681.pdf Estcourt Hospital Supply 29g needles as per specification attached 2023/01/20 2023/01/26
BET0351-22-23 (2).pdf Bethesda Hospital  Wipes cleaning non -woven fabric. 2023/01/20 2023/01/25
BET0352-22-23 (2).pdf Bethesda Hospital Supply and deliver wound dressing 2023/01/20 2023/01/25
CTK 188-2022-23.pdf Christ the King Hospital supply and deliver translucent polypropylene square container 2023/01/20 2023/01/24
GTW 07.01.22-23.pdf Greytown Hospital Maintenance of garden and grounds @ Catcart St & York St. 2023/01/20 2023/01/26
633-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital shoes male black  2023/01/20 2023/01/26
GTW 08.01.22-23.pdf Greytown Hospital Maintenance of garden and grounds @ Greytown Hospital M4 2023/01/20 2023/01/26
CTK07-2022-23.pdf Christ the King Hospital Supply and deliver plumbing material for  christ the king 2023/01/20 2023/01/24
672-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital floor stripper 5l 2023/01/20 2023/01/26
GTW 09.01.22-23.pdf Greytown Hospital Maintenance of garden and grounds @ Greytown TB Hospital M33 2023/01/20 2023/01/26
GTW 10.01.22-23.pdf Greytown Hospital Steel shelving heavy duty metal frame 2023/01/20 2023/01/26
GTW 11.01.22-23.pdf Greytown Hospital Office projector EB-FH06 2023/01/20 2023/01/26
679-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital pine disinfectant liquid cleaner  2023/01/20 2023/01/26
MAS 244-22-23.pdf KwaMashu CHC Supply  pastoe chairs( double & tripple green)  office chairs, domestic fridge  2023/01/20 2023/01/25
MAS 245-22-23.pdf KwaMashu CHC Supply  foot stool and office chairs 2023/01/20 2023/01/25
NKO 530.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply domestic fridge 2023/01/20 2023/01/25
NKO 531.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply board room chairs 2023/01/20 2023/01/25
MAS 246-22-23.pdf KwaMashu CHC Supply support buggy with rigid frame 2023/01/20 2023/01/25
NKO 532.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply admin set 60 drops 2023/01/20 2023/01/25
NKO 533.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply of paint & accessories 2023/01/20 2023/01/25
MAS 248-22-23.pdf KwaMashu CHC Supply scales 2023/01/20 2023/01/25
NKO 534.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply floor polisher electric 2023/01/20 2023/01/25
NKO 535.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply hospital electronic cash register machine 2023/01/20 2023/01/25
SAH-374-22-23.pdf St Andrews Hospital Computer consumables items 2023/01/20 2023/01/26
NKO 537.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply home base care kit boxes 2023/01/20 2023/01/25
MAS 258-22-23.pdf KwaMashu CHC Supply food warmer & microwave 2023/01/20 2023/01/25
ump0260-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply alaris syringe drive extension set 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
ump0464-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply X-ray viewing box dimension  30x 40.5 x 10.5 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
ump0466-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply BT 500 bistos incubator skin temp sensor medlinker disposable 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
ump0741-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital kangaroo feeding pump with compatible feeding sets 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
ump0743-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital recumbent baby weigh scale 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
ump0745-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply patient monitor bracket with basket 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
ump0746-2-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital hydrocolloid dressing 10cm x 10 cm box of 10 pouches 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
AMA070-22-23.pdf Amajuba District Office Tool kit bags with contents 2023/01/20 2023/01/25
EMA041-22-23.pdf Amajuba District Office Split unit aircondtioners  (cidb:ME/EB) 2023/01/20 2023/01/25
HOH0938.pdf Head Office Quotations Uniform and Protective Clothing 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
HOH0948-23.pdf Head Office Quotations Supply, deliver of Staples for Nashua PRO 8310S photocopier 2023/01/20 2023/01/24
Ama080-22-23.pdf Amajuba District Office Cleaning items as per list 2023/01/20 2023/01/25
UMP0929-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital adhoc contract for 2 months to supply and deliver diesel fuel 50ppm as per attached
2023/01/20 2023/01/27
UMP0921-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital ad-hoc contract for 2 months to supply and deliver diesel fuel 50ppm as per attached
2023/01/20 2023/01/27
RKK705.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of latex tubing   205 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
RKK647.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of gloves 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
RKK559.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of dressing wound  2023/01/20 2023/01/27
RKK620.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of paediatric laryngeal dilators 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
RKK604.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of shower marts  - rubber  2023/01/20 2023/01/27
RKK690.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of ball valve  15mm 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
PSD.00102.23.pdf Provincial Pharmaceutical Supply Depot cooler boxes 80-82l 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
RKK715.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of galvanized washers 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
PSD.00101.23.pdf Provincial Pharmaceutical Supply Depot cooler boxes 41-50l 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
RKK339.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of opthalmic bipolar & silicone bipolar forceps 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
RKK414.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of maintenance item 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
RKK802.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of medicine bottle amber pvc rectangular  100ml & 150ml 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
RKK803.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of tablet vial amber 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
RKK794.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of polyurethane catheter with splitting needle 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
RKK513.22-3.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of latex malecot catheter  28fg 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
RKK744.22-23.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of paediatric eye protector phototherapy  30- 38cm 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
RKK802.22-231.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of medicine bottle amber pvc rectangular  100ml & 150ml 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
RKK803.22-231.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of tablet vial amber 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
RKK794.22-231.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of polyurethane catheter with splitting needle 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
RKK513.22-31.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of latex malecot catheter  28fg 2023/01/20 2023/01/27
RKK744.22-231.pdf RK Khan Hospital Supply of paediatric eye protector phototherapy  30- 38cm 2023/01/20 2023/01/27


19 January

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
090-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Supply and install rubber mats 2023/01/19 2023/01/27
379-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Paper photocopying a4 white 2023/01/19 2023/01/23
ESW-69-23.pdf Eshowe Hospital high pressure cleanig of hospial and clinicx (x24 months) 2023/01/19 2023/02/01
ESW-70-23.pdf Eshowe Hospital supply and install airconditioner at ekuphumuleni clinic 2023/01/19 2023/02/01
ESW-71-23.pdf Eshowe Hospital convertion of incinerato room to medical waste area 2023/01/19 2023/02/01
ESW-72-23.pdf Eshowe Hospital supply and install medical shelving and flooring at O.P.D 2023/01/19 2023/02/01
233-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Replace damaged single and double doors 2023/01/19 2023/01/27
DAB.522.22-23.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Bandage Plaster Elastic Adhesive 2023/01/19 2023/01/27
DAB.523.22-23.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Supply and fit Air conditioners at KwaDabeka CHC 2023/01/19 2023/01/27
DAB.524.22-23.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Supply and fit 06 air conditioners at Clermont Clinic  2023/01/19 2023/01/27
DAB.525.22-23.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Child patient health record primary health care (birth - 15 years) 2023/01/19 2023/01/27
DAB.526.22-23.pdf KwaDabeka CHC White Photocopy Paper A4 (5 reams per box) 2023/01/19 2023/01/27
DAB.527.22-23.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Request or sewer desludging 10 000 litres tank at KwaNgcolosi Clinic for 10 times 2023/01/19 2023/01/27
DAB.541.22-23.pdf KwaDabeka CHC Supply and fit 06 air conditioners at KwaDengezi Clinic 2023/01/19 2023/01/27
OSI 400-22-23.pdf Osindisweni Hospital Supply and Install new electrical Cable 2023/01/19  
PHO1422223.pdf Pholela CHC Investigation of underground water for the borehole at Mqatsheni clinic 2023/01/19 2023/01/27
PHO1872223.pdf Pholela CHC Construct a new conservacy tank at Tsatsi clinic 2023/01/19 2023/01/27
PSD.0097.23.pdf Provincial Pharmaceutical Supply Depot Pallet Jacks 2023/01/19 2023/01/27
OSi 415_22_23.pdf Osindisweni Hospital Supply and install new burglar guards 2023/01/19  
FNH-306-22-23.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Supply all labour and material for debushing of area behind ward 10A nand 10B 2023/01/19 2023/01/30
IAL-583-22-23 Re-Advertisement.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital  Multipurpose Guiding Catheter 7F X 100cm 2023/01/19 2023/01/24
IAL-585-22-23 Re-Advertisement.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital  Embolization Particles 500-700 um, 2ml - 2023/01/19 2023/01/24
IAL-1036-22-23 Re-Advertisement.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Reloads 75mm Selectable 6 rows 75mm; Disposable linear cutter stapler 75mm 2023/01/19 2023/01/24
IAL-1266-22-23 Re-Advertisment.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital  Diagnostic Catheter Radiopaque, Nylon Core, End Hole, Flexible Tip & Thin Wall Construction - Various Sizes  2023/01/19 2023/01/24
IAL-1537-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital  Infant T-Piece Anaesthetic Breathing System with an APL Valve and Closed Tail Bag  Cancelled 2023/01/19 2023/01/24
IAL-1594-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Short Line Extension  Set with positive pressure needle-free closure/connector, tubing length min 13cm 2023/01/19 2023/01/24
IAL-1595-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Suture 5/0 Synthetic Monofilament Non-Absorbable Strand: 60cm, Needle: 1/2 circle, taper point, 13mm CV22, Needle: Double Armed 2023/01/19 2023/01/24
IAL-433-22-23-Re-Advertisement.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Auto Suture loading unit 30mm - 2.5mm (Box of 6), Auto Suture Vascular Stapler size 30mm - 2.5mm (Box of 3) 2023/01/19 2023/01/24
IAL-1530-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital  Percutaneous Transvenous Mitral Commissurotomy (PTMC) Balloon Catheter 24cc 12Fr, 70cm & 26cc 12Fr 70cm 2023/01/19 2023/01/24
THH 150.pdf Town Hill Hospital Drain for washing machine 2023/01/19 2023/01/26
GJM-692  22.23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital supply and install split aircon units in male and female surgical wards 2023/01/19 2023/01/27
MAS 152-22-23.pdf KwaMashu CHC Supply and deliver electrical material  2023/01/19 2023/01/25
PSD.0099.23.pdf Provincial pharmaceutical deport Cooler boxes 5-10 L 2023/01/19 2023/01/27
PSD.00100.23.pdf Provincial Pharmaceutical Supply Depot Cooler Boxes :21-31L 2023/01/19 2023/01/27



18 January

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
clw-0315-22-23.pdf Clairwood Hospital Supply of surgical gown isolation disposable Cancelled 2023/01/18 2023/01/24
dan.289.22.23.pdf Dannhauser CHC supply of diesel at clinics under dannhauser chc once off 2023/01/18 2023/01/23
ndh 754 2022 23.pdf Northdale Hospital Bakri post -partum 2023/01/18 2023/01/24
269-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Insulated beverage server 10l 2023/01/18 2023/01/20
ESW-65-23.pdf Eshowe Hospital toner for lexmark 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
373-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Stationery items 2023/01/18 2023/01/20
ESW-66-23.pdf Eshowe Hospital patient health record book 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
374-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Diathermy plates adult 2023/01/18 2023/01/20
ESW-67-23.pdf Eshowe Hospital major service of cold room and freezer 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
ESW-68-23.pdf Eshowe Hospital major service to booster and borehole pumps at nkwlini clinic 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
375-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Esu disposable electrosurgical diathermy pads 2023/01/18 2023/01/20
376-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Ryles tubes sizes 12fg and 16fg 2023/01/18 2023/01/20
377-22  MGM.pdf Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital Vaginal pessary rings various sizes 2023/01/18 2023/01/20
KEV328-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital medical gas service 2023/01/18 2023/02/06
KEV392-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital kitchen equipment servicing 2023/01/18 2023/02/06
KEV499-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital portable water testing 2023/01/18 2023/02/06
KEV673-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital walk in fridge repairs 2023/01/18 2023/02/06
KEV729-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital fire hose reel water supply installation 2023/01/18 2023/02/06
VRH--462(B)-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital sutures 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
VRH--607-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital minor renovations and painting of the staff accommodation 2023/01/18 2023/01/27
VRH--612-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital replacement of old corroded galvanized pipe 2023/01/18 2023/01/27
cjm00240.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Supply and delivery of office furniture 2023/01/18 2023/01/26
KEV934.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Maternity sanitary pads. 2023/01/18 2023/01/23
APP268.22-23.pdf Appelsbosch Hospital Neonatal phototherapy eye protection mask (s,m,l) 2023/01/18 2023/01/26
UMK0891-22-23.pdf Umkhanyakude District Office Supply and deliver bed pen and kidney dish 2023/01/18 2023/01/24
KDH 643 22 23.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Medical Waste Collection Cancelled 2023/01/18 2023/01/30
HOH0123-23.pdf Head Office Quotations Supply, deliver of Notebook 2023/01/18 2023/01/20
APP266.22-23.pdf Appelsbosch Hospital Elbow High Length Gloves - Sterile 2023/01/18 2023/01/26
APP268.22-23.pdf Appelsbosch Hospital Neonatal phototherapy eye protector 2023/01/18 2023/01/26
APP267.22-23.pdf Appelsbosch Hospital Face mask, Nasopharyngeal, Laryngeal, Oropharyngeal 2023/01/18 2023/01/26
APP270.22-23.pdf Appelsbosch Hospital Cpap Circuit Kit 2023/01/18 2023/01/26
APP271.22-23.pdf Appelsbosch Hospital Ultrasound Gel 250ml 2023/01/18 2023/01/26
APP264.22-23.pdf Appelsbosch Hospital X-Ray Films Medical Dry Imaging Films 2023/01/18 2023/01/26
ESB 237.23 A.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital   2023/01/18 2023/01/23
LCM-90-22-23.pdf Regional Laundry Cato Manor Replace 2x 15 kw motors  2023/01/18 2023/02/03
LCM-89-22-23.pdf Regional Laundry Cato Manor Clean dryer channels,replace covers ,locks and hinges  2023/01/18 2023/02/03
LCM-61-22-23.pdf Regional Laundry Cato Manor Mens and ladies shoes  2023/01/18 2023/01/24
OTH168-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC Supply and Deliver Card Road to Health Unisex (Boy/Gilrl) 2023/01/18 2023/01/23
OTH174-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC Servicing of Electric Domestic Water Pump 7.5 KPA for Clinics 2023/01/18 2023/01/23
OTH175-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC Servicing of UPS at Gwaliweni Clinic 2023/01/18 2023/01/23
OTH176-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC Servicing of Borehole at Gwaliweni Clinic 2023/01/18 2023/01/23
OTH177-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC Servicing of Water Coolant 10L at Makhathini Clinic 2023/01/18 2023/01/23
dpm 765.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital sterile camera cover  2023/01/18 2023/01/23
OTH178-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC Servicing of 200L + 600 PKA Electric Geyser at Clinics 2023/01/18 2023/01/23
dpm 951.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital furniture polish  2023/01/18 2023/01/23
OTH179-2022-2023.pdf Othobothini CHC Servicing of Stand-By Generator at Clinics 2023/01/18 2023/01/23
dpm 952.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital all purpose cleaner  2023/01/18 2023/01/23
dpm 955.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital drum dr  2023/01/18 2023/01/23
dpm 957.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital mortury deodorant  2023/01/18 2023/01/23
dpm 1005.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital needles  2023/01/18 2023/01/23
dpm 1006.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital sutures  2023/01/18 2023/01/23
dpm 1011.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital catheter set  2023/01/18 2023/01/23
dpm 1012.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital needles  2023/01/18 2023/01/23
dpm 769.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital steri strips  2023/01/18 2023/01/23
1194.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital pump infusion set 273-303e 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
745.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital chart clinical adult 2023/01/18 2023/01/23
365.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital hard lenses  2023/01/18 2023/01/25
1196.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital dressing wound prontoson irrigation 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
1159.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital 100% hydrofibre dressing for superficial 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
607.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital plumbing material for clinics 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
246.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital blakesley nasal through cutting forceps 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
1292.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital wheelchair 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
564.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital service to electrical medium voltage 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
1081.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital versajet exact assy 45 degrees by 40mm 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
1083.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital combined spinal epidural  2023/01/18 2023/01/25
1168.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital ptfe guidewire size 0.35mm 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
353.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital supply and install heavy duty industrial door 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
906.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital cryopro 500ml 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
1199.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital cera-check 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
1230.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital aspiration/ anticoagulant set 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
HLB-264-22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Patient referal letter   2023/01/18 2023/01/24
HLB-273-22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Syphillis test kit 2023/01/18 2023/01/24
dan 270.22.23.pdf Dannhauser CHC service of fire alarms at annhauser chc 2023/01/18 2023/01/26
dan.192.22.23.pdf Dannhauser CHC service of ups at dannhauser chc 2023/01/18 2023/01/26
NGW1292.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital wheelchair 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
HLE-304-22-23.pdf Hlengisizwe CHC Ortho- phthaladehyse solution disclaimer signage 2023/01/18 2023/01/22
NGW827.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital loopmet, soft compound pvc loopsurface 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
HLE-386-22-23.pdf Hlengisizwe CHC Rolyan aquaplast resilient solid splinting 2.2mm x 46 2023/01/18 2023/01/22
NGW905.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital 2 litre peritoneal drainage bag 2023/01/18  
HLE-305-22-23.pdf Hlengisizwe CHC Supply standard treament guidlens for maternity case 2023/01/18 2023/01/22
NGW862.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital bacterial filter for aspirate port 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
NGW776.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital savina 300 drager ventilator 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
NGW1176.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital temperature probe covers for drager 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
NGW941.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital card out patient record 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
NGW1171.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital nasal brindle set consisting of magnetic 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
UMK-089-22-23.pdf Umkhanyakude District Office Bed pens and kidney dish 2023/01/18 2023/01/24
NGW1194.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital pump infusion set 279-303e 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
NGW745.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital chart clinic adult 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
MON-175-2022-23.pdf Montobello Provision of cleaning gardens and grounds services 2023/01/18 2023/01/27
NGW365.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital hard lenses  2023/01/18 2023/01/25
NGW1196.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital dressing wound prontoson irrigation 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
NGW1159.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital 100% hydrofibre dressing for superficial 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
NGW607.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital plumbing material for mpangeni 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
NGW246.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital blakesley nasal through cutting forceps 2023/01/18 2025/01/25
NGW564.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital service to electrical medium voltage 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
NGW1081.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital versajet exact assy 45 degrees by 4mm 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
NGW1083.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital combined spinal epidural mini pack 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
NGW1168.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital ptfe guidewire size 0.35mm 2023/01/18 2023/01/25
NGW1199.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital cera-check hb plus strips 2023/01/18  
NGW1230.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital aspiration/ anticogulant set  2023/01/18 2023/01/25
NGW353.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital supply and install heavy duty industrial 2023/01/18 2023/01/25


17 January

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
HLB 275-22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Hand soap antibacterial 5L pink liquid 2023/01/17 2023/01/24
HLB 269-22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Tow tractor 2023/01/17 2023/01/24
HLB 268-22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Carpentry materials 2023/01/17 2023/01/24
HLB 267-22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Plumbing material 2023/01/17 2023/01/24
HLB 266-22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Building Materials 2023/01/17 2023/01/24
HLB 272-22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Wheely bins, doormats and mop sweepers 2023/01/17 2023/01/24
HLB 270-22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Automatic external defibrilator cartridge (AED cartridge) 2023/01/17 2023/01/24
TON 141.pdf Tongaat CHC Cleaning material 2023/01/17 2023/01/19
NKA 300 22 23.pdf Nkandla Hospital supply and deliver stationery items 2023/01/17 2023/01/20
NKA 301 22 23.pdf Nkandla Hospital supply and deliver cleaning material 2023/01/17 2023/01/20
NKA 302 22 23.pdf Nkandla Hospital supply and deliver stationery items 2023/01/17 2023/01/20
NKA 303 22 23.pdf Nkandla Hospital supply and deliver cartridges 2023/01/17 2023/01/20
NKA 304 22 23.pdf Nkandla Hospital cleaning of grounds and gardens for nkandla hospital for a period of six months 2023/01/17 2023/01/20
CAT305.11.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Syphilis test kit  2023/01/17 2023/01/27
CAT402.11.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Out-Patient folder yellow  2023/01/17 2023/01/27
CAT406.11.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Viginal Speculum Disposable  2023/01/17 2023/01/27
CAT408.11.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Cera Check HB Test Strips  2023/01/17 2023/01/27
PTN429.12.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Safety Boots (Various sizes) 2023/01/17 2023/01/27
PHX442.12.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office N95 masks 2023/01/17 2023/01/27
DSD438.12.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Adult clinical chart  2023/01/17 2023/01/27
EME175.09.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Repairs to lights & Replacement of Airconditioners  2023/01/17 2023/01/27
NKA 299 22 23.pdf Nkandla Hospital supply and deliver A4 photocopyng paper, white,80g/m2 (5 reams/ box) 2023/01/17 2023/01/20
EST 677.pdf Estcourt Hospital Supply paper photocopy white a4 2023/01/17 2023/01/26
ndh 739 B.pdf Northdale Hospital Commodes with wheells 2023/01/17 2023/01/24
ndh733.pdf Northdale Hospital Body Bags  2023/01/17 2023/01/24
Ben 194.pdf Benedictine Hospital Service for Oxygen, vacuum Point and Plants 2023/01/17 2023/01/20
Ben 294.pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver Dryview Laser Imaging film 2023/01/17 2023/01/20
PHX443.11.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Pest Control services (24 Months) 2023/01/17 2023/01/27
CAT306.11.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office A3 Photocopy paper  2023/01/17 2023/01/27
ETK260.11.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Supply and install public address system (PA) 2023/01/17 2023/01/27
ETK262.11.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Supply and fit door lockset  2023/01/17 2023/01/27
ETK267.11.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Replacement of broken window panes & Repair and replacement to awning structures  2023/01/17 2023/01/27
CAT104.08.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Multiple Plumbing  2023/01/17 2023/01/27
UMZ 348-2022-23.pdf Umzinyathi District Office Supply and Deliver cooler boxes 2023/01/17 2023/01/24
296.KCD.22.23.pdf King Cetshwayo District Office Servicing of HVAC unit at EMS 2023/01/17 2023/01/25
EME124.08.22-23.pdf eThekwini Metro district office Painting and construction of store for tyres  2023/01/17 2023/01/27
Nse 616.2022.2023.pdf Nseleni CHC diesel 5040 litres  2023/01/17 2023/01/23
Nse616.2022.2023.pdf Nseleni CHC Diesel  2023/01/17 2023/01/23
BET0344-22-23 (2).pdf Bethesda Hospital supply and deliver home base care kit 2023/01/17 2023/01/20
WEH 428-22-23.pdf Wentworth Hospital Supply of Brown Spinal Needles 2023/01/17 2023/01/23
BET0346-22-23 (2).pdf Bethesda Hospital Drainage of septic tank 2023/01/17 2023/01/20
LEM-156-22-23.pdf Ilembe District Office Navy Flight Suits/Coveralls 2 Piece for KwaDukuza Mortuary Cancelled 2023/01/17 2023/01/23
BETO345-22-23.pdf Bethesda Hospital Servicing of Gedleza clinic diesel generator 2023/01/17 2023/01/20
LEM-159-22-23.pdf Ilembe District Office Navy Bunny Jackets for KwaDukuza Mortuary Cancelled 2023/01/17 2023/01/23
LEM-170-22-23.pdf Ilembe District Office Patient Health Record (Adult Male) 2023/01/17 2023/01/23
LEM-171-22-23.pdf Ilembe District Office Patients Healt Record (Adult Female) 2023/01/17 2023/01/23
GTW 18.09.22-23.pdf Greytown Hospital Liquid floor polish 5 litres 2023/01/17 2023/01/24
Nse 616.2022.2023 amended.pdf Nseleni CHC diesel 2023/01/17 2023/01/23
Ndh 733 2022-23 amended.pdf Northdale Hospital Body Bags large  2023/01/17 2023/01/24
HLB-279-22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital  Road to health booklet ubusex 2023/01/17 2023/01/24
HCT090.22.23.pdf Hillcrest Hospital Supply 7 x cleaning staff (labour only) - 6 month contract 2023/01/17 2023/01/24
Ndh 739 2023 -23  Amendment .pdf Northdale Hospital commodes with wheel  2023/01/17 2023/01/24
ina 321-22-23.pdf Inanda CHC supply cera check glucose strips 2023/01/17 2023/01/20
ina 319-22-23.pdf Inanda CHC supply cera check hb strips 2023/01/17 2023/01/20




16 January

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
dwg262.23.pdf Doris Goodwin Hospital Supply and install window film sandblasting vinyl 2023/01/16 2023/01/25
KEV907.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Plastic bins size 7&8 2023/01/16 2023/01/23
UMK 088-22-23.pdf Umkhanyakude District Office Print MMC stationery 2023/01/16 2023/01/19
UEM 091-22-23.pdf Jozini Malaria Control  Brush cutter machine 2023/01/16 2023/01/19
UMK 087-22-23.pdf Umkhanyakude District Office Print stationery (HIV/AIDS) 2023/01/16 2023/01/19
UEM 090-22-23.pdf Jozini Malaria Control Bench setter 2023/01/16 2023/01/19
534-22-23.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Demolishing of B51 refab 2023/01/16 2023/01/27
533-22-23.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Renovations to ablution in wards, residence and offices 2023/01/16 2023/01/27
517-22-23.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Renovations to B53 residence 2023/01/16 2023/01/27
KMG 535-22-23.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Major service to pharmacy cooling plant AHU1,AHU2 and cold room 2023/01/16 2023/01/27
KMG 536-22-23.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Major service to refrigeration mortuary container, cold and freezer room, medical waste
2023/01/16 2023/01/27
KMG 510-22-23.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Supply and delivery of floor liquid all pine 5l 2023/01/16 2023/01/24
KMG 512-22-23.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Supply and delivery of floor liquid floor stripper 5l 2023/01/16 2023/01/24
PMM-666-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital Syringe sterile heparinised without needle 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
PMM-665-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital Syringe toomey plastic catheter tip 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
PMM-664-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital Syringe disposable luer lock 20ml 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
PMM-678.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital Dressing wound non wooven adhesive 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
VRH--560-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital gloss medicine labels 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
VRH--417-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital patients records 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
VRH--306(B)-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital uniform pink overall 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
VRH--266(B)-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital uniform pink overall and safety shoes 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
VRH--119(C)-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital uniform parabellum shoes 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
VRH--597-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital conference table oak and  8 chairs 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
VRH--121(C)--22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital home base kits 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
VRH--557-22-23.pdf Vryheid Hospital diesel 4 months contract 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
PMM-671-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 80 units, fridge thermometer 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
PMM-668-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 660 units, polish floor stripper non-amnoniated 5lt 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
PMM-667-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 1 unit, floor polishing machine (dual speed) 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
PMM-651-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 04 boxes, stapler 60mm x 3.2mm. 06 boxes, stapler 80mm x3.2mm. 10 boxes reload 60mm
and 10 boxes reload 80mm
2023/01/16 2023/01/20
PMM-672-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 46 units, tuning fork 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
PMM-673-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 56 units, penlight torch 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
PMM-670-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 88 units, gum elastic bougie (adult) 16 units, elastic bougie (peads) 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
TON 140.pdf Tongaat CHC Stationery items 2023/01/16 2023/01/18
ZUL-129.22.23.pdf Zululand District Office Hiring of space for conducting post-mortem examinations at Vryheid.Cancelled 2023/01/16 2023/01/19
MZH-726-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital Toner cartridge  2023/01/16 2023/01/19
MZH-724-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital Light LED ft and day nitc switch 2023/01/16 2023/01/19
PMM-683-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital Once off striping cleaning, striping and sealing of  floors in wards & ICU 2023/01/16 2023/01/24
MZH-728-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital Oxygen gauge pin index 2023/01/16 2023/01/19
MZH-727-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital Mixer taps pillar elbow action  2023/01/16 2023/01/19
MZH-723-22-23.pdf Manguzi Hospital Terproof grade IP SS 2023/01/16 2023/01/19
PMM-623-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 12 Months contract, Collection of cardboard boxes and paper. 2023/01/16 2023/01/24
UMH154-22-23.pdf Umgeni Hospital supply bar fridge 93lt & Fridge 220lt 2023/01/16 2023/01/19
HOH-1410-23.pdf Head Office Quotations To upgrade jaws screen reading software and DBT (braille printer) software. 2023/01/16 2023/01/19
DPM666.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital barium air insufflator 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM653.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital intraosseous needles & gun 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM730.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital dermabond topical skin adheasive 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM658.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital umbilical ties (cord) 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM444.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital alpinox medical oxygene regulator bn 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM991.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital spencer scissor stainless steel 15mm 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM965.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital sterilization roll 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM972.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital nylon suture 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM1001.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital closed wound drainage system 3mm 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM959.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital deodorant blocks 200g 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM968.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital peritoneal dialysis adult 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM887.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital tracheostomy cleaning kit 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM901.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital root planing curette set 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM564.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital reusable turbine flowmeter 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM775.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital matrix band tofflemire 0,04mm/ 6mm 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM419.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital mepitel dressing  2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM964.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital visor surgical with face mask standard size 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM998.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital cpap mask 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM967.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital closed wound drainage system 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM1013.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital syringes disposable luer lock 20ml 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM969.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital minor universal drape pack 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM869.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital suture pack instruments 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM248.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital endotracheal tube holder 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM1000.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital epidural system 18g,20g catheter 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM1016.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital suction catheter set 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM753.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital resin restorative dental filling materials a2 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
CAH-THU-287-22-23.pdf Ceza Hospital /  Thulasizwe Hospital Supply anddeliver visual assistive device 2023/01/16 2023/01/26
DPM1030.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital syringes blood gas heparanised 2ml 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
DPM958.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital band matrix dental siqveland 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
RVH-142-11-2022-2023.pdf Rietvlei Hospital Full body /warm access blanket 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
RVH-140-11-2022-2023.pdf Rietvlei Hospital Sutures  2023/01/16 2023/01/20
RVH-141-11-2022-2023.pdf Rietvlei Hospital Thermoplastic splinting material 2023/01/16 2023/01/20
RVH-61-07-22-23.pdf Rietvlei Hospital Servicing of theater tables and replacement of its accessories 2023/01/16 2023/01/20


13 January 2023

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
KEV748-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital servicing of MV switch gear 11000v 13/01/2023 30/01/2023
KEV795-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital supply and fit batteries for the tow truck 13/01/2023 23/01/2023
KEV851-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital repair charger for tow truck  Cancelled 13/01/2023 30/01/2023
KEV890-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital honey sucking of grease trap in main kitchen  13/01/2023 30/01/2023
dwg263.23.pdf Doris Goodwin Hospital Supply and erect perimeter fence concrete palisade walling (60 metres distance) 13/01/2023 20/01/2023
GJC803-22-23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital Supply complete stainless pedal bin 13/01/2023 19/01/2023
GJC806-22-23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital Supply a heavy duty highback swivel bonded leather chair 13/01/2023 18/01/2023
MAL.0252.23.pdf Mfundo Arnold Lushaba CHC Plumbing material 13/01/2023 20/01/2023
MAL.0254.23.pdf Mfundo Arnold Lushaba CHC Folders out-patient record, books maternity case record and road to health unisex (boy/girl) 13/01/2023 20/01/2023
GJM 687-22.23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital Real ear analyzer 13/01/2023 20/01/2023
GJC808-22-23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital Supply material & do full toilets renovations & partitioning of prefab walls 13/01/2023 23/01/2023
CTK 226-2022-23.pdf Christ the King Hospital Supply and deliver disposable spo2 sonsor single item  13/01/2023 17/01/2023
CTK 228-2022-23.pdf Christ the King Hospital Supply and deliver A4 photocopying paper  13/01/2023 17/01/2023
cjm00234.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Hardware items 13/01/2023 19/01/2023
cjm00236.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Workshop items 13/01/2023 24/01/2023
cjm00238.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Soap dispenser and galvanized dust bin 13/01/2023 24/01/2023
BET0340-22-23.pdf Bethesda Hospital Minor repairs to Mkuze clinic 13/01/2023 20/01/2023
BET0341-22-23.pdf Bethesda Hospital Repairs and renovate Bethamoya to B74 13/01/2023 20/01/2023
BET0342-22-23.pdf Bethesda Hospital Supply and install new booster pump 13/01/2023 20/01/2023
BET0343-22-23.pdf Bethesda Hospital Supply and install steel shelving at SCM 13/01/2023 20/01/2023
HGD422223.pdf Harry Gwala District Office Supply and delivery of FPS uniform 13/01/2023 20/01/2023
mch 510 b-  22.pdf McCord Hospital Curtains 13/01/2023 20/01/2023
HGD47202223.pdf Harry Gwala District Office Supply and delivery of A4 photocopying paper 13/01/2023 18/01/2023
mch 512-22.pdf McCord Hospital Replace ceiling boards 13/01/2023 20/01/2023
HOH1427-23.pdf Head Office Quotations Supply, deliver of Diesel 50ppm at Natalia Building 13/01/2023 17/01/2023
HGD40 202223.pdf Harry Gwala District Office Supply and delivery of domestic equipment and kitchen appliance 13/01/2023 18/01/2023
LCP 271 22 23.pdf KZN Central Provincial Laundry Men's Navy Pants 13/01/2023 20/01/2023
mch 475-22.pdf McCord Hospital Revamp kitchen 13/01/2023 20/01/2023
mch 511-22.pdf McCord Hospital Install alarm system 13/01/2023 20/01/2023
mch 513-22.pdf McCord Hospital Occular response analyzer 13/01/2023 20/01/2023
mch 521-22.pdf McCord Hospital Single head liquid dispensing machine 13/01/2023 20/01/2023
mch 518-22.pdf Mfundo Arnold Lushaba CHC Intra ocular iris fixed / iris claw lens 13/01/2023 20/01/2023
668-22-23.pdf Addington Hospital supply and install 18000 btu air-con and repair 7 air-con in oncology  13/01/2023 18/01/2023
mch 520-22.pdf McCord Hospital Intra Ocular Soft Hydrophobic Lens with different sizes 13/01/2023 20/01/2023
mch 519-22.pdf McCord Hospital Intra Ocular Hydrophilic Lens with different size  13/01/2023 20/01/2023
FNH298-2022-23.pdf Fort Napier Hospital A4 photocopy paper white 13/01/2023 23/01/2023
FNH297-2022-23.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Flood light 13/01/2023 23/01/2023
FNH299-2022-23.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Linen 13/01/2023 23/01/2023
mch 517-22.pdf McCord Hospital Intra Ocular Soft 3 Piece Lens with different sizes  13/01/2023 20/01/2023
mch 519-22.pdf McCord Hospital Intra Ocular Soft Hydrophilic Lens with different sizes  13/01/2023 20/01/2023
mch 518-22.pdf McCord Hospital Intra Ocular Iris Fixated / Iris Claw Lens constant 117.0  13/01/2023 20/01/2023
mch 521-22.pdf McCord Hospital Desk Top Single Head Liquid Dispensing Machine  13/01/2023 20/01/2023
NGW827.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital loopmet , soft compound pvc loop surface 13/01/2023 18/01/2023
DPM881.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital supply and install galvanized bars 2023/01/13 2023/01/20
DPM423.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital Wendy House - supply and install 2023/01/13 2023/01/20
DPM907.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital Supply and Install fixed-wall fixed mounting cat ladder 2023/01/13 2023/01/20
DPM878.pdf Choose your facility from the list: Sink and Elbow operation mixer in ICU  2023/01/13 2023/01/20
PMM-669-22-23.pdf Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital 2237 Pkts, bag garbage 280mm x 450mm (TTO), PKT250 2023/01/13 2023/01/18
DPM879.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital Demolish half-wall in mental health  2023/01/13 2023/01/20
DPM919.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital Removal of Aluminium Glass Partition behind the vital station  2023/01/13 2023/01/20
DPM880.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital Supply and install Aluminium 2023/01/13 2023/01/20
DPM917.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital Supply and install plaster of pairs (pop) preparation sinks 2023/01/13 2023/01/20
DPM889.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital Supply and install Aluminium framed glass 2023/01/13 2023/01/20
DPM918.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital Supply and install galvanized security gate in drug room 2023/01/13 2023/01/20
HOH-1408-23.pdf Head Office Quotations Install 20kl steel elevated water tank and plumbing works at Ibisi Clinic 2023/01/13 2023/01/20
HOH-1431-23.pdf Head Office Quotations Install 20kl steel elevated water tank and plumbing works at Tsatsi Memorial Clinic  2023/01/13 2023/01/20
FNH-297-22-23(Amended).pdf Fort Napier Hospital Flood light 2023/01/13 2023/01/23
FNH-299-22-23(Amended).pdf Fort Napier Hospital Supply patient linen  2023/01/13 2023/01/25


12 January 2023

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
OTH-159-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Supply and Deliver Surgical Needles 12/01/2023 19/01/2023
OTH-165-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Supply and deliver stationery 12/01/2023 19/01/2023
INA 314-22-23.pdf Inanda CHC cleaning of garden and grounds at qadi clinic 12/01/2023 18/01/2023
INA 317-22-23.pdf Inanda CHC cleaning of garden and grounds at inanda chc 12/01/2023 18/01/2023
INA 316-22-23.pdf Inanda CHC cleaning of garden and grounds at sivananda clinic 12/01/2023 18/01/2023
INA 315-22-23.pdf Inanda CHC cleaning of garden and grounds at amaoti clinic 12/01/2023 18/01/2023
DPM913.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital diaries A4/A5 12/01/2023 17/01/2023
ina 144.pdf Inanda CHC supply casette grid 12/01/2023 17/01/2023
ina 318.pdf Inanda CHC 27 g dental needle 12/01/2023 17/01/2023
ina 174.pdf Inanda CHC x-ray envelopes 12/01/2023 17/01/2023
FNH296-2022-23.pdf Fort Napier Hospital Diesel 50 ppm 12/01/2023 17/01/2023
KMG 217-22-23.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Supply and install new self-bunded fuel diesel storage tank unit 12/01/2023 19/01/2023
KMG 419-22-23.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Lockable medicine trolley 12/01/2023 19/01/2023
KMG 252-22-23.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Mortis locks 12/01/2023 19/01/2023
KDH 434 22 23 2.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Repair hysters Cancelled 12/01/2023 23/01/2023
NEH-397-22-23.pdf Newcastle Hospital service to sewer and storm water drains  12/01/2023 25/01/2023
KDH 632 22 23 2.pdf King  Dinuzulu Hospital Complex Repair Hysters  Cancelled 12/01/2023 23/01/2023
DGW261.pdf Doris Goodwin Hospital supply and install hand washing basin including plumbing and electricity 12/01/2023 24/01/2023
UMG 62-22-23.pdf Umgungundlovu District Office Service ups -greys EMS 12/01/2023 19/01/2023
KEV845-22.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital theatre lights no2 and no3  12/01/2023 30/01/2023
UMG 219-22-23.pdf Umgungundlovu District Office Supply and deliver printing cartridges 12/01/2023 19/01/2023
UMG 248-22-23.pdf Umgungundlovu District Office Printing various register 12/01/2023 19/01/2023
UKH 0076.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Men's sandals 12/01/2023 17/01/2023
UKH 0074.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital T - shirts 12/01/2023 17/01/2023
UKH 0077.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Ladies navy cardigan jersey 12/01/2023 17/01/2023
UKH 0073.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital 100% cotton ladies skirts 12/01/2023 17/01/2023
UKH 0075.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Takkies with no lace 12/01/2023 17/01/2023
UKH 0071.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Fleece jackets 12/01/2023 17/01/2023
HLB 265-22-23.pdf Hlabisa Hospital Executive diaries A4 and A5 12/01/2023 17/01/2023
OTH-142-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Supply and Deliver Uniform 12/01/2023 19/01/2023
OTH-147-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Re Usable Silicone Rubber Diathermy Plate  12/01/2023 19/01/2023
OTH-148-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Minor Service of Water Domestic Pump 12/01/2023 19/01/2023
Sun597.22.23.pdf Sundumbili CHC security gates 12/01/2023 18/01/2023
OTH-150-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Supply and Deliver AED/Defibrillator (Disposable) 12/01/2023 19/01/2023
Sun599.22.23.pdf Sundumbili CHC maternity case record 12/01/2023 18/01/2023
OTH-153-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Major Service of Distributor Box (DB) and Kiosk 12/01/2023 19/01/2023
Sun737.22.23.pdf Sundumbili CHC child health records 12/01/2023 18/01/2023
Sun757.22.23.pdf Sundumbili CHC security gates 12/01/2023 18/01/2023
OTH-154-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Supply and Deliver Cleaning Items 12/01/2023 19/01/2023
OTH-155-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Bottle Humidifier 300-500ml with Sterile Water 12/01/2023 19/01/2023
OTH-156-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Repairs of Rhino Board Ceiling and Supply of Charcoal Roof Tiles and Barge Board 12/01/2023 23/01/2023
OTH-157-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Supply and Deliver Underwater Chest Drain Bottle 12/01/2023 19/01/2023
UNT 356 2022.23.pdf Untunjambili Hospital spectacles  12/01/2023 18/01/2023
Sun597,22,23.pdf Sundumbili CHC photocopying paper 12/01/2023 18/01/2023
OTH-161-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Supply and Deliver A4 and A5 Diaries 12/01/2023 19/01/2023
OTH-162-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Supply and Deliver Disposable Cups  12/01/2023 19/01/2023
OTH-166-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Supply and Deliver Pharmacy Labels 12/01/2023 19/01/2023
COS243-22-23.pdf Church of Scotland Hospital supply material and erect electric sliding gate 12/01/2023 19/01/2023
CTK 242-22-23....pdf Christ the King Hospital replacement of door frames ,tiles ,toilet pan and cistern at Christ the King Hospital 12/01/2023 19/01/2023
Ama064.22.23.pdf Amajuba District Office Hygiene services at Madadeni & Newcastle F.M. 12/01/2023 18/01/2023
HOH-1409-23.pdf Head Office Quotations Install 20kl steel elevated water tank and plumbing works - Malenge clinic 12/01/2023 20/01/2023
kev828.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital disposable paper cups 12/01/2023 16/01/2023
UMP0096-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply wheel chairs size 14" and 20" 12/01/2023 20/01/2023
UMP0113-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply pedal bins heavy duty stainless steel capacity 12 litres 12/01/2023 20/01/2023
UMP0169-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply un-interrupted power supply ups 12/01/2023 20/01/2023
UMP0205-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply therapeutical post surgical dry socket alveolar paste based on iodoform butyl
 paraminobenzoate and eugonal formula 1 jar 12g
12/01/2023 20/01/2023
UMP0206-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply haemostatic agent dental hemofibrin sponges re-absorbable 1 jar 24 sponges 12/01/2023 20/01/2023
EDN 1243.22-23.pdf Harry Gwala (Edendale) Hospital Hand washing liquid 5L 12/01/2023 17/01/2023
bchc09-22-23.pdf Bruntville CHC Pharmacy books 12/01/2023 18/01/2023
bchc34-22-23.pdf Bruntville CHC Data projector complete  with white board display 12/01/2023 19/01/2023
bchc82-22-23.pdf Bruntville CHC Kitchen cabinet /  sink, granite tops 12/01/2023 19/01/2023
IAL-1532-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Forgarty catheter size 3,   40cm 12/01/2023 17/01/2023
IAL-1510-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital ePTFE Absorbable microporous monofilament double armed taper point cv7: TTcmm TTc x 76cm length 12/01/2023 17/01/2023
IAL-1470-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Cannula Angled metal tip venous 14fr 12/01/2023 17/01/2023
OTH-159-22-23.pdf Othobothini CHC Supply and Deliver Surgical Needles 2023/01/12 2023/01/19
ina 279-22-23.pdf Inanda CHC supply single vision spectacles 2023/01/12 2023/01/17



11 January 2023

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
dpm231.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital single bed  11/01/2023 16/01/2023
NGW1270.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital herporanised, blood gas syringe 2ml 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW761.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital KZN PHC comprehensive tick register 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
BET0336-22-23 (2).pdf Bethesda Hospital Supply and deliver office furniture 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
BET0334-22-23 (2).pdf Bethesda Hospital Supply and deliver A4 photocopying paper 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
BET0312-22-23 (2).pdf Bethesda Hospital Supply and deliver surgical items 11/01/2023 16/11/2023
BET0325-22-23 (2).pdf Bethesda Hospital Supply and deliver road to health card 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
BET0328-22-23 (2).pdf Bethesda Hospital extension small bore t-port and admin set 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
HOH-0541-23.pdf Head Office Quotations To supply and deliver blood sampling analyser and Mentrome 11/01/2023 17/01/2023
NGW563.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital service to food carts/food warmers 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
DPM1022.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital cabinets 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
NGW1113.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital polish stripper non- ammoniated 5 litres 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW1131.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital supply and deliver plumbing fittings 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW256.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital CPR manikins 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
HOH0554.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital savary gillard dilator set 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
NGW608.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital vegetables cutting machine 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
DPM1025.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital metal locker for staff 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
NGW564.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital service to electrical medium voltage switch  11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW594.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital service to bermad valve  11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW560.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital supply and deliver manhole covers 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW844.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital forms prescription and record sheet 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW216.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital biosynthetic collagen dressing  11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW960.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital supply and deliver refrigerant gas 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW154.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital supply and deliver piston flush valve  11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW1319.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital replacement of 60 0000 btu air conditioner 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW595.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital service and cleaning of concrete  11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW1320.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital supply and deliver clock wise star 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW1024.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital adult integrated heated breathing circuit 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW494.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital conducting of hazardous biological agents 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
DPM1029.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital chairs and board room table 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
DPM1024.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital office equipment 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
DPM1027.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital square kitchen tables/stackable chairs 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
DPM1026.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital white drawing board and notice pin board 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
DPM1028.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital desk for CEO secretary 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
DPM1021.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital dining chairs 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
GAM234.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Drain, desludge septic tanks 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
STF79.22.23.pdf St Francis Hospital Uniform 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
KMG 452-22-23.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Grass cutting machine 11/01/2023 23/01/2023
KMG 484-22-23.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Supply and deliver floor liquid polish 5L 11/01/2023 24/01/2023
KMG 510-22-23.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Supply and delivery of floor liquid all pine 5L Cancelled 11/01/2023 24/01/2023
KMG 512-22-23.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Supply and deliver of floor liquid stripper 5L 11/01/2023 24/01/2023
KMG 506-22-23.pdf KwaMagwaza Hospital Supply and delivery of dental needles 27G 11/01/2023 24/01/2023
TON 138.pdf Tongaat CHC Patient folders / booklets 11/01/2023 13/01/2023
LNN68-22-23.pdf Umzinyathi District Office Replacement of reserve water tank at the boiler 5000L 11/01/2023 23/01/2023
LNN81-22-23.pdf Umzinyathi District Office Cleaning of boiler tank, supply and replace steam tank element, supply and replace float and board level gauge 11/01/2023 23/01/2023
GAM235.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Archiving containers  11/01/2023 25/01/2023
425.22.23.pdf Addington Hospital list of materials for painters 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
gjc800-22-23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital pants orthopaedic 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
phx.223.22.23.pdf Phoenix CHC supply & deliver optical assistive devices 11/01/2023 17/01/2023
Gam028.2223.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Home based care kit 11/01/2023 17/01/2023
gjc 743-22-23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital linen items 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
870.2223.MAD.pdf Madadeni Hospital High side rails cot bed 11/01/2023 20/01/2023
gjc 744-22-23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital standard iv line infusion 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
gjc 748.22.24.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital water proof terry towelling mattress protector 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
gjc 749-22-23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital reusable 100% cotton surgical / theatre gown 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
GJC688-22-23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital Supply & install 0,37kw water booster pump. 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
GJC680-22-23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital Supply & install non-inverteraircon 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
UNT 365  2022.23.pdf Untunjambili Hospital 50ppm diesel  11/01/2023 13/01/2023
gjc 745-22-23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital bonewax- composed of sterile 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
gjc 747-22-23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital towel bath, 100% cotton 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
GJM-686  22.23.pdf GJG Mpanza Hospital gardens and grounds maintenance - 6 months contract 11/01/2023 19/01/2023
gjc801-22-23.pdf GJ Crookes Hospital trouser pyjama short,  11/01/2023 16/01/2023
Sah410.pdf St Andrews Hospital Disposable papers plastic 11/01/2023 13/01/2023
MAD871.22.23.pdf Madadeni Hospital Diagnose and repair Laundry Roller iron 11/01/2023 20/01/2023
CTK 194-2022-23.pdf Christ the King Hospital Supply deliver disposable casco ,clip removers and Bp hand mayo  11/01/2023 18/01/2023
CTK 197-2022-23.pdf Christ the King Hospital Supply and deliver joint pasteo chairs four sitter Cancelled 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
CTK 238-2022-23.pdf Christ the King Hospital Kindly repair afer service of air conditioning at Christ the King Hospital and clinics  11/01/2023 18/01/2023
CTK 76 -2022-23.pdf Christ the King Hospital Supply and deliver toner cartridges and drums  11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NKO 511.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Renovation of flat No 6 at Nkonjeni hospital 11/01/2023 19/01/2023
NKO 512.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply & fit air conditioners at Ulundi A Clinic 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
NKO 515.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply X-Ray envelops 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
NKO 516.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply steel filling cabinet with 4 drawer 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
NKO 517.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply Manual microwave 30 litre & 4 plates stove 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
NKO 518.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply office desk with 3 drawer 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
NKO 519.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply office furniture 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
KEV525.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Syringe, heparin, arterial3ml 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
NKO 520.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply 3 seater couch & double bed 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
NKO 521.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply domestic fridge 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
NKO 522.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply central venous catheter 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
NKO 523.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply nylon waterproof back pack bag 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
NKO 524.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply (kiwi omni cup) cucuum plate 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
NKO 514.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply patient health record female 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
ump0829-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital service of fire equipment 11/01/2023 20/01/2023
ump0872-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital general file 50 units per bale 11/01/2023 20/01/2023
ump0876-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital fill box 255mm x 375mm x 73mm 11/01/2023 20/01/2023
ump0877-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital patient referral letter 11/01/2023 20/01/2023
NKO 510...pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Pest Control for 15 clinics under Nkonjeni Hospital 11/01/2023 19/01/2023
rvh 158-11-2022-2023.pdf Rietvlei Hospital Hand writing paper carbon pencil, carbon paper 11/01/2023 17/01/2023
Rvh 161-11-2022-2023.pdf Rietvlei Hospital Doctors, gowns, canvas stretcher, green dressing 11/01/2023 17/01/2023
Rvh 118-09-2022-2023.pdf Rietvlei Hospital Cordless impack driver 3-mode drill 11/01/2023 17/01/2023
cjm00228.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Surgical gowns 11/01/2023 19/01/2023
Rvh 113-09-2022-2023.pdf Rietvlei Hospital Repair refrigerator 11/01/2023 17/01/2023
cjm00229.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Network splitter, A4 multi punch, file fasteners, giant stapler 11/01/2023 19/01/2023
UMP0505-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply dye film for name tags and cleaning rollers and cleaning spools 11/01/2023 20/01/2023
cjm00230.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Dental consumables 11/01/2023 19/01/2023
Rvh 60-07-2022-2023.pdf Rietvlei Hospital Service surgical light, distribution board 11/01/2023 17/01/2023
UMP0780-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply protosan wound gel size 250 g 11/01/2023 20/01/2023
NKO 525.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply optical laboratory 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
MSH317-22-23C.pdf Mseleni Hospital Domestic and office Furniture 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
NKO526.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Supply A4white  photocopying paper 80GSM 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
NKO 527.pdf Nkonjeni Hospital Management of cats 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
UMP0781-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital prontosan wound solution with betane and polyhexonide size 1000mls 11/01/2023 20/01/2023
MSH318-22-23C.pdf Mseleni Hospital Stationary items for clinics and scm 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
Ben165.pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver Stationery  Cancelled 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
UMP0860-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply chair high back swivel with armrest to accommodate 150kg with 5 years warranty 11/01/2023 20/01/2023
UMP0862-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply wooden cupboard with sliding doors oak 11/01/2023 20/01/2023
UMP0867-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply prontosan wound imigation solution 350 mls 11/01/2023 20/01/2023
DPM532.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital quiver/holster 20cm and 15cm 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
UMP0868-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply cerdak basic wound care dressing 10 cm x 10 cm and 10 cm x 15 cm 11/01/2023 20/01/2023
UMP0869-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply protosan gel-x 50grms 11/01/2023 20/01/2023
UMP0870-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital supply askina carbsorb wound dressing 10cm x 20 cm and 10 cm x 10 cm 11/01/2023 20/01/2023
DPM561.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital iodene impregnated antimicrobial incise drape sizes  11/01/2023 16/01/2023
EGU 110-22-2023.pdf EG and Usher Memorial Hospital Maintenance of garden and grounds 11/01/2023 24/01/2023
EGU 113-22-2023.pdf EG and Usher Memorial Hospital Stationery and printed matters 11/01/2023 20/01/2023
Ben182.pdf Benedictine Hospital Supply and deliver photocopy papers 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
UKH 0066.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Ladies pump shoes 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
CTK 226-22-23.....pdf Christ the King Hospital Construction of manhole at Christ the King Hospital 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
UKH 0078.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Ladies and male safety shoes 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
UKH 0094.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Filling cabinets 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
UKH 0033.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Cut grass and remove shrubs Cancelled 11/01/2023 20/01/2023
UKH 0100.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital service hot water cylinder and hot water calorifier 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
UKH 0091.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Pest control service Cancelled 11/01/2023 20/01/2023
UKH 0106.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital food trolley and wrapping machine 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
UKH 0122.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Argosy soap 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
UKH 0079.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Pharmacy books 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
UKH 0093.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital tv  set and open view decoder 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
UKH 0109.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital 3/4 bed with  mattresses 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
UKH 0097.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Fridge 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
UKH 0084.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital Service minus 40 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
NGW411.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital vascular graft polytetraflourethane 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
UKH 0070.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital 100% cotton male long pants trousers 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
NGW1235.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital green mamba guide wire nitinol core 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW929.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital needles locoplex 50mm 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
UKH 0096.23.pdf Umzimukhulu Hospital 2 X 25lt way buckets mopping wringer set 11/01/2023 16/01/2023
NGW47.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital Surfit plus stomahesive wafer 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW77.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital light weight polypropolyne mesh 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW205.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital bedsore rescure 30 degree lateral 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW652.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital laparoscopic atraumatic grasper 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW1026.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital auto-feed (fill) humidication chamber  11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW1129.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital transition connector to fit kangaroo feed 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW410.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital laparoscopic traumatic grasper 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW1023.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital full non-invasive c-pap mask for dragger 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW115.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital pvc drapery emergency room curtain 11/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW802.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital nibp blood pressure cuff 11/01/2023 18/01/2023


10 January 2023

Name Health Facility Description Opening Date Closing Date
kev912.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital swab gauze x-ray detect 100mm x350mm 10/01/2023 16/01/2023
EST 660.pdf Estcourt Hospital fridge 2 door, pastoe chairs 4 seater maroon, 3/4 bed and mattress, microwave oven 20L ,
 water dispenser 
10/01/2023 19/01/2023
421.22.23.pdf Addington Hospital supply electrical materials  Cancelled 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
423.22.23.pdf Addington Hospital list of plumbing materials 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
424.22.23.pdf Addington Hospital list of materials for carpenters 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
524.22.23.pdf Addington Hospital trolleys pallets jack 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
603.22.23.pdf Addington Hospital anti-microbial general purpose hand cleaner  10/01/2023 13/01/2023
DPM397.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital comforters 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
WEH 254-22-23.pdf Wentworth Hospital Printed stationery items  Cancelled 10/01/2023 16/01/2023
DPM225.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital naso jejunal feeding tube 6fr, 8fr, 10fr 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
DPM587.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital hemodialysis catheterization set 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
DPM841.pdf Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital disposable ligaclip applier 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
EGU 109-22-23.pdf EG and Usher Memorial Hospital Pq 300 pump and allied 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
EDU 215.22.23.pdf Edumbe CHC Replacement of wooden doors 10/01/2023 17/01/2023
EPH258.22.23.pdf Ekuhlengeni Psychiatric Hospital Remove existing palisade fencing, supply and install clear vu fencing 10/01/2023 17/01/2023
KEV904.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Polycarbonate crockery & s/s utensils 10/01/2023 16/01/2023
KEV905.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Archbar wires 10/01/2023 16/01/2023
KEV906.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital K-wire double point. 10/01/2023 16/01/2023
KEV907.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Plastic storage boxes, different sizes.Cancelled 10/01/2023 16/01/2023
EDU 255.22.23 Edumbe CHC Sutures 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
EDU 225.22.23.pdf Edumbe CHC Stationery 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
EDU 221.22.23.pdf Edumbe CHC Toilet and towel paper dispenser 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
IAL-1531-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Guidewire, straight tip 8cm x 220cm, 0.008inch (0.20mm) 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
IAL-1589-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Central Venous catheter set: quad lumen, 8.5fr , 16cm, Lumens: distal: 16G, middle: 14G,
 middle: 18G , proximal: 18G
10/01/2023 13/01/2023
MVH 410.pdf Mosvold Hospital Supply and delivery of Dairies 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
IAL-1576-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital  Indwelling Arterial Catheter set: Adult Arterial catheterisation set with integral extension
 line 22G, 5cm size: catheter: 22G x 5cm
10/01/2023 13/01/2023
IAL-1577-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Energy dense formula for infants in 120ml -200ml bottle 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
MVH 336-1.pdf Mosvold Hospital Major service of mortuary refrigeration 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
MVH 335-1.pdf Mosvold Hospital Major service of transformer of transformer and switch gears 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
MVH 334-1.pdf Mosvold Hospital Major service of kitchen freezer and cold rooms 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
MVH 088.pdf Mosvold Hospital Major service of main kitchen equipment 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
MVH 074.pdf Mosvold Hospital Major service of compressor genesis 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
MVH 337.pdf Mosvold Hospital Major service of all air ventilations 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
MVH 077.pdf Mosvold Hospital Major service of laundry machines 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
MVH 333 .pdf Mosvold Hospital Do particle count at theatre 1 and 2 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
IAL-1583-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Stockings Anti-Embolism knee  length large, Small & X- large (01 pair  per packet) &
 Stockings Anti-Embolism Thigh length large (01 pair  per packet
10/01/2023 13/01/2023
IAL-1580-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Closed suction for clinical endotracheal suctioning via the E.T. tube or tracheostomy. Has
 transparent sleeve to reduce cross contamination size: 14fr x 30.5cm
10/01/2023 13/01/2023
IAL-1549-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Micrograft gauze + cork plate 1:4 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
IAL-1534-22-23.pdf Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Angled metal tip venous cannula 28fr ; Arterial or Aortic arch cannula 10fr, 12fr & 14fr ; Intra-
coronary cannula 15fr
10/01/2023 13/01/2023
QNR282.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital Door entrance mats 10/01/2023 19/01/2023
QNH740.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital Supply, Install & Commission back-up split units  10/01/2023 19/01/2023
1436_22-3.pdf Harry Gwala (Edendale) Hospital Executive Diaries A4/A5 10/01/2023 17/01/2023
QNR652.pdf Queen Nandi Hospital Leasing of hospital tuckshop for the period of 12 months 10/01/2023 19/01/2023
Gam244.2223.pdf Gamalakhe CHC Disposable syringe 1ml Cancelled 10/01/2023 17/01/2023
NGW753.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital pins drawing 13mm head 10/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW659.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital neopufft-piece resuscitator for infants 10/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW1011.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital rom brace 10/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW1107.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital 3 seater pastoe chairs  10/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW1241.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital vascular graft polytetra flouro-ethylene  10/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW260.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital neuropatties absorbent microswab 10/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW936.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital brother toner 3290 10/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW630.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital pap stirrer made of thick durable plastic 10/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW233.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital peritoneal drain bag 10/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW1175.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital supply and deliver toilet and sink material 10/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW530.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital supply & install solid core timber 10/01/2023 18/01/2023
NGW1162.pdf Ngwelezana Hospital autoclace test attest- rapid read out 10/01/2023 18/01/2023
CTK 235-22-23.pdf Christ the King Hospital Supply and deliver premium ld and Oxi -Act soap 10/01/2023 16/01/2023
CTK  229-22-23.pdf Christ the King Hospital Maintenance of gardens and grounds  10/01/2023 18/01/2023
ump0816-22-23.pdf Umphumulo Hospital cleaning of gardens and grounds for a period of 6 months as per attached specification 10/01/2023 20/01/2023
CTK 187-222-23.pdf Christ the King Hospital Supply and deliver wheelchair cushions  10/01/2023 16/01/2023
CTK 228-22-23.pdf Christ the King Hospital Supply and deliver photocopying paper A 4 Cancelled 10/01/2023 16/01/2023
cjm00227.pdf Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital Installation of borehole 10/01/2023 20/01/2023
kev912.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital swab gauze x-ray detect 100mm x350mm 10/01/2023 16/01/2023
kev923.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Dressing wound 25g interactive 10/01/2023 16/01/2023
kev924.pdf King Edward VIII Hospital Dressing wound 15g interactive 10/01/2023 16/01/2023
EST 660.pdf Estcourt Hospital fridge 2 door ,pastoe chairs,3/4 mattress, microwave 20L , water dispenser 10/01/2023 19/01/2023
sah409.pdf St Andrews Hospital cleaning material 10/01/2023 13/01/2023
psh 781-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital medical waste handlers Cancelled 10/01/2023 17/01/2023
psh 782-2223.pdf Port Shepstone Hospital outsourcing of porters and messengers  Cancelled 10/01/2023 17/01/2023





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This page last edited on 17 July, 2023

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